Usage: set service mode=]{DISABLED|LOCAL|DISTRIBUTED|HOSTEDSERVER|HOSTEDCLIENT} location]= clientauthentication]={DOMAIN|NONE} ...



      Tag                    Value
      mode                 - Set the status of the BranchCache Service
                               DISABLED          - Disable the service
                               LOCAL             - Uses Local Caching Only
                               DISTRIBUTED       - Distributed Caching Enabled
                               HOSTEDSERVER      - Set as a Hosted Cache Server
                               HOSTEDCLIENT      - Set as a Hosted Cache Client
      location             - Set the location of the Hosted Cache Server.  This
                             tag is only necessary if the mode tag is set to
                             HOSTEDCLIENT and is invalid otherwise.
      clientauthentication - Set the mechanism used by a Hosted Cache Server to
                             authenticate clients.  This tag is only used
                             if the mode tag is set to HOSTEDSERVER and is
                             invalid otherwise.
                               DOMAIN            - Clients of the hosted cache
                                                   must be members of the same
                               NONE              - No authentication mechanism
                                                   is used
      serveonbattery       - Enables the local client to respond to peers for
                             requests for cached data while on battery power
                             This tag is only used if the mode tag is set to
                             DISTRIBUTED and is invalid otherwise.
                               TRUE              - Enables serving data while
                                                   on battery power.
                               FALSE             - Disables serving data while
                                                   on batter power.

Remarks: Sets the status of the BranchCache service. This command will also
         ensure that the necessary firewall configuration for the chosen mode
         is in place.

         It is strongly recommended that you provide a fully qualified domain
         name as the location of the Hosted Cache when setting Hosted Cache
         Client mode.


      set service DISABLED
      set service mode=DISTRIBUTED
      set service mode=HOSTEDCLIENT location=SERVER123
      set service mode=HOSTEDSERVER clientauthentication=DOMAIN