Visual Studio 2010

  1. IDC Parameter value directives are replaced when the query is run by the contents of the corresponding form field filled ...
  2. Identifier '{0}' is not a property of the target type '{1}' or is not a static method of an approved scriptable type like ...
  3. Identifier names must differ from keywords. To use this string as an identifier name, enclose it in brackets. Example: GoTo]. ...
  4. Identifier names must differ from keywords. To use this string as an identifier name, prefix it with the @ character. Example: ...
  5. Identifiers must be integers between 0 and 65535. Integers between -32768 and -1 will be converted to their bit-wise equivalent ...
  6. Identifiers which conflict in whole or in part with namespace names should be avoided. Names that describe the purpose or ...
  7. Identifiers which conflict with reserved language keywords should be avoided. Using a reserved keyword as an identifier makes ...
  8. Identity Specifiers: sid:sid - References the identity with the specified SID. Example: sid:S-1-5-21-2127521184-1604012920-1887927527-588340 ...
  9. If a COM registration method is provided, an unregistration method must also be provided to reverse the operations performed ...
  10. If a disposable object is not explicitly disposed before all references to it are out of scope, the object will be disposed ...
  11. If a function name contains "uri" or "url" or "urn" and the return type is string, the return type should be changed to System.Uri. ...
  12. If a method overloads another method by replacing a System.Uri parameter with a string, then the string overload should simply ...
  13. If a method uses an IntPtr or UIntPtr field in a class with a finalizer and does not call GC.KeepAlive, a race condition ...
  14. If a page has no doctype or an unrecognized doctype is declared, the Secondary Schema will be used. Note: Doctypes will not ...
  15. If a parameter name contains "uri" or "url" or "urn", and it's typed as string, the parameter type should be changed to System.Uri, ...
  16. If a splitter is used in a group, the group can have only one column to the left of the splitter and one column to the right ...
  17. If a test project contains coded UI tests, or a reference to an assembly built using the .NET Framework 4 or above, you cannot ...
  18. If a type contains fields attributed as OptionalField, then it should implement the corresponding special deserialization ...
  19. If a type implements a Dispose method and has unmanaged resources, it should provide a Finalize method in case Dispose is ...
  20. If a type inherits from a disposable type, it must call the Dispose method of the base type from within its own Dispose method. ...
  21. If a type is assignable to ISerializable, it should implement GetObjectData. For unsealed types, the GetObjectData method ...
  22. If a type that implements IDisposable owns fields that also implement IDisposable, the encapsulating type's Dispose() implementation ...
  23. If a virtual method has a LinkDemand, in many cases, so should any override of it, and if an override has a LinkDemand, so ...
  24. If an assembly implementing the custom security object references other assemblies, add the referenced assemblies to the ...
  25. If an overload exists that takes a CultureInfo argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does not. ...
  26. If an overload exists that takes a StringComparison argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does ...
  27. If an overload exists that takes an IFormatProvider argument, it should always be called in favor of an overload that does ...
  28. If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis for statements such as "if", "for", ...
  29. If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of a type cast expression. If unchecked, ...
  30. If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of an expression. If unchecked, ...
  31. If checked, a space is added after the open parenthesis and before the close parenthesis of the argument list. If unchecked, ...
  32. If checked, a space is added after the open square bracket and before the close square bracket. If unchecked, spaces are ...
  33. If checked, a space is added between the closing parenthesis of a type cast and the expression being casted. If unchecked, ...
  34. If checked, a space is added between the keyword ("if", "for", "using", "catch", etc.) and open parenthesis of the statement. ...
  35. If checked, a space is added between the name and open parenthesis of the argument list. If unchecked, spaces are removed. ...
  36. If checked, a space is added between the open parenthesis and the close parenthesis of an empty argument list. If unchecked, ...
  37. If checked, a space is added between the open square bracket and the close square bracket. If unchecked, spaces are removed. ...
  38. If checked, blocks declared on a single line will not be affected by formatting. If unchecked, they will be broken into multiple ...
  39. If checked, each clause of a query expression is placed on a new line. If unchecked, the original structure is maintained. ...
  40. If checked, each member of an anonymous type is placed on a new line. If unchecked, the original structure is maintained. ...
  41. If checked, each member of an object initializer is placed on a new line. If unchecked, the original structure is maintained. ...
  42. If checked, multiple statements or members declared on a single line will not be affected by formatting. If unchecked, each ...
  43. If checked, the "catch" keyword in a "try-catch" statement is placed on the line following the close brace. If unchecked, ...
  44. If checked, the "else" keyword in a "if-else" statement is placed on the line following the close brace. If unchecked, it ...
  45. If checked, the "finally" keyword in a "try-finally" statement is placed on the line following the close brace. If unchecked, ...
  46. If checked, the "while" keyword in a "do-while" loop will placed on the line following the close brace. If unchecked, it ...
  47. If checked, the open brace for a control statement is placed on the line following the statement. If unchecked, it is placed ...
  48. If checked, the open brace for a lambda expression is placed on a new line. If unchecked, it is placed on the same line. ...
  49. If checked, the open brace for a method, property, or indexer declaration is placed on the line following the declaration. ...
  50. If checked, the open brace for a type declaration is placed on the line following the declaration. If unchecked, it is placed ...
  51. If checked, the open brace for an anonymous method is placed on the line following the declaration. If unchecked, it is placed ...
  52. If checked, the open brace for an anonymous type declaration is placed on a new line. If unchecked, it is placed on the same ...
  53. If checked, the open brace for an object initializer is placed on a new line. If unchecked, it is placed on the same line. ...
  54. If converting to SafeHandle usage, remove all calls to GC.KeepAlive(object). Classes relying on SafeHandle do not require ...
  55. If False, only registry keys created during installation will be deleted. If True, deletes the selected registry key and ...
  56. If False, the actual parameter must be the constraint type (if there is one) or one of its subclasses. If True, the actual ...
  57. If no product name is specified return all products with the specified categoryId, otherwise return only products with the ...
  58. If not empty, this type is defined by binding values to the parameters of a type that has template parameters. For example, ...
  59. If one or more column groups is specified, all fields in the Values field list must have an aggregate function specified. ...
  60. if page index changed it means the previous page was not valid and was adjusted. Rebind to fill control with adjusted page ...
  61. If port 47873 is used by another process (not via the http.sys service), the Help Library Agent will not be able to attach ...
  62. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property defines the histogram interval width. Setting this value to 0 will result ...
  63. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram then this property indicates the percent frequency should be displayed using the secondary Y ...
  64. If ShowColumnAs is Histogram, then this property defines the number of intervals the data range is divided into. This property ...
  65. If statement Conditionally runs a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. If Then Else -or- If Then].[ElseIf ...
  66. If subsets of PivotTables or list headers have been hidden, then these subset rows or columns cannot be removed. These rows ...
  67. If TestExpression evaluates to True, the function calculates and returns the TruePart object. Otherwise, it returns the FalsePart ...
  68. If the application under test has an application exception dialog open or is not working correctly, close the dialog or close ...
  69. If the Content-MD5 header has been set for the blob, this response header is returned so that the client can check for message ...
  70. If the debug symbol file (*.pdb) is not from a known and trusted source, this command could be invalid or dangerous to run. ...
  71. If the default value '{0}' of parameter {1} on method {2} refers to a special system location, consider making parameter ...
  72. If the literal '{0}' used in method {1} refers to a special system location, replace it with a call to Environment.GetFolderPath. ...
  73. If the project and target databases have different collation settings, deployment errors might result. Do you want to proceed? ...
  74. If the solution or project is under source control, it will be checked out automatically during the conversion. Be sure the ...
  75. If the test agent is part of a virtual environment created using the Lab Center of Microsoft Test Manager, you do not need ...