Visual Studio 2010

  1. Error updating access control: unable to update the access control settings for the following sites that inherit their settings ...
  2. Error updating the list of permitted IP addresses: you cannot remove the last administrator-level IP address because it would ...
  3. Error writing output file to '{0}': {1}. If there is an XML report output file, make sure that the location of the report ...
  4. error(s) encountered attempting to perform the {1} operation on {2} item(s) First error encountered: {3} See output tool ...
  5. Error: Cannot deploy. There is no database connection specified. To correct this error, add a database connection using the ...
  6. ERROR: Common Language Runtime not loaded You cannot change Build Options if the Common Language Runtime is not installed ...
  7. ERROR: Common Language Runtime not loaded You cannot change these C/C++ options if the Common Language Runtime is not installed. ...
  8. Error: Conversion did not start because the project file is not a Web project. Please remove non - Web projects from the ...
  9. error: evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is at a location at which function evaluation is ...
  10. Error: failed to create graph element for unexpected element type {0}, expected a type of Node, NodeType, Link or LinkType ...
  11. Error: Microsoft Visual Web Developer is unable to retrieve this file from the clipboard because the file name contains characters ...
  12. Error: The dependency '%1' in project '%2' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency ...
  13. Error: The following files were not migrated because they were not found in the project file or the associated 'BuildAction' ...
  14. Error: The language of Team Explorer ({0}) does not match with the language of installed Visual SourceSafe 2005 ({1}). Please ...
  15. Error: the Visual C++ Project Engine is not properly installed. The build cannot continue. Please repair the Visual Studio ...
  16. Error: this template attempted to load an untrusted component '{0}'. For more information on this problem and how to enable ...
  17. Error: this template attempted to load component assembly '{0}'. For more information on this problem and how to enable this ...
  18. Error: Unable to move the enumerator '%1' in the code-behind file '%2' to the 'App_Code' folder. You may need to move this ...
  19. Error: Unable to move the extra class '%1' in the code-behind file '%2' to the 'App_Code' folder. You may need to move this ...
  20. Error: Unable to move the interface definition '%1' in the code-behind file '%2' to the 'App_Code' folder. You may need to ...
  21. Error: Unable to move the module definition '%1' in the code-behind file '%2' to the 'App_Code' folder. You may need to move ...
  22. Error: Unable to move the structure definition '%1' in the code-behind file '%2' to the 'App_Code' folder. You may need to ...
  23. Error: your trace missed kernel mode events, most likely due to excessive context switches or I/O. Please collect another ...
  24. Errors were encountered during the save process. Some database objects were not saved and other objects might require further ...
  25. Errors were encountered while importing the target database. The .dbschema file will be still be created but may not be complete. ...
  26. ESThe default working folder of the current project as inherited from its parent cannot be used because the path is too long. ...
  27. ESThe file %s cannot be controlled in the Team Foundation project %s. A Team Foundation file or project name cannot contain ...
  28. ESThe file %s cannot be controlled in the Team Foundation project %s. A Team Foundation file or project name cannot contain ...
  29. Estimated number of instances of this Entity. BDC clients can alter how they display lists of instances based on the estimated ...
  30. Evaluate the recommended tests based on the code changes, bug fixes, and completed requirements in the new available builds. ...
  31. Evaluates a list of expressions and returns an Object value corresponding to the first expression in the list that is True. ...
  32. Evaluates an expression based on the current stack frame. If the expression is parsable, but could not be evaluated, an object ...
  33. Evaluating this expression requires other program threads to run. Click this button to force the evaluation. WARNING: Forcing ...
  34. evaluation of function '%s' cannot take place because the thread is in a state in which function evaluation is not possible ...
  35. Evaluation of method {0}.{1}() calls into native method {2}.{3}(). Evaluation of native methods while minidump debugging ...
  36. Evaluation of method {0}.{1}() requires use of the static field {2}.{3}, which is not available in the minidump you are debugging. ...
  37. Evalutation of method {0}.{1} requires information which is not present in the minidump you are debugging. If you are debugging ...
  38. Even if you do not have a Windows Live Spaces blog, you can use Spaces to store your pictures. However, you must first create ...
  39. Even though attribute {0} inherits AttributeUsage from its base type, you should consider explicitly specifying AttributeUsage ...
  40. Event '|1' cannot implement event '|3.|2' because its delegate type does not match the delegate type of another event implemented ...
  41. Event definitions with parameters are not allowed in an interface such as '|1' that has 'In' or 'Out' type parameters. Consider ...
  42. Event information is only available for view in calltrace text reports. Use vsperfreport /CALLTRACE to generate this report ...
  43. Event information is only available for view in ETW text reports. Use 'vsperfreport /summary:ETW' to generate this report ...
  44. EventLog : Demonstrates how to create and delete event logs and how to read from and write to system event logs and custom ...
  45. Examples of TFSSecurity commands and syntax: The following example displays identity information for the "Team Foundation ...
  46. Examples: Remove agent from controller - AgentConfigUtil /controller:TestController /unregister Add agent to controller - ...
  47. Excel : Demonstrates how to use Visual Basic to start Excel, create a workbook from a template, update cells in a worksheet ...
  48. Excel can recognize certain types of data in your workbooks. For each recognized type, there are actions you can perform ...
  49. Excel Rendering Extension: Number of columns exceeds the maximum possible columns per sheet in this format; Columns Requested: ...
  50. Excel Rendering Extension: Number of rows exceeds the maximum possible rows per sheet in this format; Rows Requested: {0}, ...
  51. ExcelRenderingExtension: Value of cell at row {0}, column {1} exceeds the maximum length for a string of 32767 characters. ...
  52. Exception handlers which are truly intended to catch all exceptions should handle non-CLSCompliant exceptions if there is ...
  53. Exception loading assembly '{0}' in the HttpBodyPlugins directory. Skipping HttpBodyPlugins scan for this file. Error: {1} ...
  54. Exception loading assembly '{0}' in the WebTestRecorderPlugins directory. Skipping WebTestRecorderPlugin scan for this file. ...
  55. Exception occurred while attempting to save '{0}' : {1}. Your database and server variables cannot be saved. To fix this ...
  56. Exception occurred while querying the status of Data Exchange Service on virtual machine {0} on host {1}. Inner error is ...
  57. Exception while ensuring passing correct network configuration for LE {0}. This might cause network related issues on any ...
  58. Exception-filter expression is the constant EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER. This might mask exceptions that were not intended ...
  59. Excluded From Build : Specifies whether the web deployment tool is excluded from the build for the current configuration. ...
  60. Executable Directories : Path to use when searching for executable files while building a VC++ project. Corresponds to environment ...
  61. Execute multiple builds concurrently across multiple machines by configuring the following number of build agents on this ...
  62. Execute the parser and place each field in the DataGridView as a column. This is done in the background to accommodate large ...
  63. ExecuteMode for the query. Reader: returns rows of data; Scalar: returns a single value; NonQuery: returns an integer indicating ...
  64. Executes a SQL statement that returns a single value using the SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar method of an existing data command. ...
  65. Executes a statement. If the TreatAsExpression flag is true, then the string is interpreted as an expression. Output is sent ...
  66. Executing the current test run will produce a new test run result, which will exceed the limit of {0} that is currently specified. ...
  67. Execution Description|The execution description is the text that is displayed in the output window prior to executing the ...
  68. Existing package/archiveDir is created by different version of Msdeploy. It is not compatible for incremental build. Mark ...
  69. exists as a file. You can't package as an archive directory to be the same path as an existing file. Please delete the file ...
  70. exists as a folder. You can't package as a single file to be the same path as an existing folder. Please delete the folder ...
  71. exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares '|1' in the 'Implements' clause instead of ...
  72. Exit Function statement Exits a Function procedure and transfers execution immediately to the statement following the function ...
  73. Exit Property statement Exits a property's Get or Set procedure and transfers execution immediately to the statement following ...
  74. Exit Select statement Exits a Select block and transfers execution immediately to the statement following the End Select ...
  75. Exit statement Exits a procedure or block and transfers execution immediately to the statement following the procedure call ...