Visual Studio 2010

  1. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can change the column display position by dragging the column header. ...
  2. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this FrameworkElement should force the user interface (UI) to render the cursor ...
  3. Gets or sets a value that represents the distance between the left side of an element and the left side of its parent Canvas. ...
  4. Gets or sets a window's icon. A single icon can be used in a variety of ways, including being shown in the title bar of a ...
  5. Gets or sets an animation for the opening and closing of a Popup control. A Popup can only animate when the AllowsTransparency ...
  6. Gets or sets an annotation position's Y coordinate. Set to Double.NaN ("NotSet") to achieve automatic positioning of anchored ...
  7. Gets or sets an annotation position's Y coordinate. Set to Double.NaN ('NotSet') to achieve automatic positioning of anchored ...
  8. Gets or sets an annotation's width. Set to Double.NaN ("NotSet") to achieve automatic size calculation for annotation text. ...
  9. Gets or sets an annotation's width. Set to Double.NaN ('NotSet') to achieve automatic size calculation for annotation text. ...
  10. Gets or sets an opacity mask as a Brush implementation that is applied to any alpha-channel masking for the rendered content ...
  11. Gets or sets properties in a PlaneProjection that, when set, can make 2D Silverlight content appear as if it is drawn on ...
  12. Gets or sets the 3D labels line size, and represents the amount of space reserved for drawing the line that connects a slice ...
  13. Gets or sets the bubble size that will be used as the maximum, which is a percentage of the chart area that is set by BubbleMaxSize. ...
  14. Gets or sets the bubble size that will be used as the minimum size. For example, setting this to 4 will result in a bubble ...
  15. Gets or sets the center point of any possible render transform declared by RenderTransform relative to the bounds of the ...
  16. Gets or sets the context menu element that should appear whenever the context menu (right-click menu) is requested through ...
  17. Gets or sets the data context for an element when it participates in data binding. DataContext allows elements to inherit ...
  18. Gets or sets the data source containing a list of values used to populate history data. The DateFieldMember and ValueFieldMember ...
  19. Gets or sets the direction of increasing value in a Slider. For example, when you move the Thumb control up on a vertical ...
  20. Gets or sets the direction that text and other user interface (UI) elements flow within any parent element that controls ...
  21. Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the left edge of the shape and the left edge of its container's client area. ...
  22. Gets or sets the distance, in pixels, between the top edge of the shape and the left edge of its container's client area. ...
  23. Gets or sets the document name to display (for example, in a print status dialog box or printer queue) while printing the ...
  24. Gets or sets the geometry used to define the outline of the contents of an element. Elements or content outside of the geometry ...
  25. Gets or sets the horizontal alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element, ...
  26. Gets or sets the horizontal callout line size. This attribute is only applied if labels are drawn outside of data points. ...
  27. Gets or sets the index of the first item in the current selection or returns negative one (-1) if the selection is empty. ...
  28. Gets or sets the Material to be applied to the back of a Model3D. The back side of a mesh is determined by the triangle winding ...
  29. Gets or sets the minimum height of data points in relative coordinates. This attribute can be used to make very small pyramid ...
  30. Gets or sets the minimum height of data points, in relative coordinates. This attribute can be used to make very small funnel ...
  31. Gets or sets the minimum pie size. When used with outside labeling, this property controls the minimum acceptable pie size, ...
  32. Gets or sets the name of the chart area the annotation is clipped to. To disable chart area clipping set property to "NotSet" ...
  33. Gets or sets the name of the chart area the annotation is clipped to. To disable chart area clipping set property to 'NotSet' ...
  34. Gets or sets the offset from the left of the area that is specified for the Popup control content by a combination of the ...
  35. Gets or sets the offset from top the area that is specified for the Popup control content by a combination of the Placement, ...
  36. Gets or sets the opacity factor applied to the entire element when it is rendered in the user interface (UI). Opacity can ...
  37. Gets or sets the orientation of the element when the control opens, and specifies the behavior of the element when it overlaps ...
  38. Gets or sets the outer margin of an element. The margin is the space between this element and other elements that will be ...
  39. Gets or sets the padding inside a control. Padding is the amount of space to insert between the object and its margin or ...
  40. Gets or sets the source containing a list of values used to populate history data. DateFieldMember and ValueFieldMember properties ...
  41. Gets or sets the time, in seconds, that will elapse before repeating the animation. The RepeatAnimation property must be ...
  42. Gets or sets the vertical alignment characteristics applied to this element when it is composed within a parent element such ...
  43. Gets or sets the X coordinate of the annotation. Set to Double.NaN ("NotSet") to achieve automatic positioning of an anchored ...
  44. Gets or sets the X coordinate of the annotation. Set to Double.NaN ('NotSet') to achieve automatic positioning of an anchored ...
  45. Gets or sets transform information that affects the rendering position of this element. Render transforms are typically intended ...
  46. Gets or sets whether a Popup supports transparency. AllowsTransparency exists to facilitate the creation of non-rectangular ...
  47. Gets or sets whether a tooltip that contains the current value of the Slider displays when the Thumb is pressed. If a tooltip ...
  48. Gets or sets whether a window's client area supports transparency. AllowsTransparency exists to facilitate the creation of ...
  49. Gets or sets which columns or rows are resized relative to the column or row for which the GridSplitter control is defined. ...
  50. Gets the collection of input bindings associated with this element. For example, MouseBinding implements input bindings that ...
  51. Gets the current row within a binding source and converts it to the specific row. Recomended method for capturing the current, ...
  52. GetXMLNamespace function Gets the System.Xml.XLinq.XNamespace object corresponding to the specified XML namespace prefix. ...
  53. Global Optimizations : Enables global optimizations; incompatible with all 'Runtime Checks' options and edit and continue. ...
  54. Global Undo and Verification, if applicable, will be disabled for this refactoring operation because it affects too many ...
  55. GoTo |1' is not valid because '|1' is inside a 'Try', 'Catch' or 'Finally' statement that does not contain this statement. ...
  56. GoTo |1' is not valid because '|1' is inside a scope that defines a variable that is used in a lambda or query expression. ...
  57. Grant access rights for a server running Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 to a specific SharePoint Web application. ...
  58. Great software development starts with a solid understanding of the development process. This overview provides you with ...
  59. Greater Than operator Compares two expressions and returns True if the first is greater than the second. Otherwise, returns ...
  60. Greater Than Or Equals operator Compares two expressions and returns True if the first is greater than or equal to the second. ...
  61. Group Join clause Combines the elements of two sequences and groups the results. The join operation is based on matching ...
  62. Group or sort records to make your report easier to read. Add counts, totals, or other arithmetic operations to each group. ...
  63. Group or ungroup a selected range of text. When grouped, a text range cannot be edited, except in regions containing editable ...
  64. Group similar projects, such as all projects that relate to a particular business solution, and manage them as a single resource. ...
  65. Group two or more selected objects together so that they will be treated as one object. Click Ungroup to split them back ...
  66. Groups individual Keyword elements. The code snippet keywords are used by Visual Studio and represent a standard way for ...
  67. Groups individual SnippetType elements. If the SnippetTypes element is not present, the code snippet can be inserted anywhere ...
  68. Handles' in classes must specify a 'WithEvents' variable, 'MyBase', 'MyClass' or 'Me' qualified with a single identifier. ...
  69. has a LinkDemand or Demand, and exposes the field {1}. Fields cannot be protected by LinkDemands or Demands. To remove this ...
  70. has a maintainability index of {1}. Rewrite or refactor the method to increase its maintainability index (MI). An MI below ...
  71. has a maintainability index of {1}. Rewrite or refactor the type's methods to increase its maintainability index (MI). An ...
  72. has an object hierarchy {1} levels deep within the defining module. If possible, eliminate base classes within the hierarchy: ...
  73. has been installed successfully. It is highly recommended that you download and install the latest service packs and security ...
  74. has been installed successfully. It is highly recommended that you download and install the latest service packs and security ...
  75. has granted you access to: |1. Click the link to view the site: . You have been granted access to the site as a member of ...