Visual Studio 2010

  1. Friend access was denied to '|1'. If you want the compiler to consider friend types in '|1', add the public key information ...
  2. Friend access was granted to '%1!ls!', but the output assembly is named '%2!ls!'. Try adding a reference to '%1!ls!' or changing ...
  3. Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key ...
  4. Friend assembly reference '%1!ls!' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
  5. Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, ...
  6. Friend assembly reference '|1' is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo ...
  7. Friend keyword Specifies that one or more declared programming elements are accessible only from within the assembly that ...
  8. from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the !output UPPER_CASE_SAFE_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER_NAME]_EXPORTS ...
  9. FTP does not encrypt or encode passwords or data. To protect the security of your passwords and data, use HTTP (WebDAV) instead. ...
  10. Full Include Path : Read-only property returning the entire include path for a tool. This encompasses both values set in ...
  11. Full trust allows this managed assembly to have unlimited access to all protected resources. Giving this assembly full trust ...
  12. Fully qualified type name must be less than 1024 characters;;Fully qualified type name '{0}' must be less than 1024 characters ...
  13. Function '%1' contains a block that exceeds 65536 bytes in length. The block will not be instrumented. Incomplete coverage ...
  14. Function '|1' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result ...
  15. Function evaluation disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. You must continue execution to reenable function ...
  16. Function evaluation is disabled because a previous function evaluation timed out. To re-enable function evaluation, step ...
  17. Function Order : Places COMDATs into the image in a predetermined order; specify file name containing the order; no incremental ...
  18. Function statement Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Function procedure, that is, a procedure that returns ...
  19. function-style call on an expression of type '%$T' would lose const and/or volatile qualifiers for all %d available operator ...
  20. Functionality needed by the profiler has been intercepted by another application. This is frequently caused by security software ...
  21. Gathering interaction measurements for multi-tiered applications will help you understand database usage patterns and key ...
  22. GDIAnimation : Demonstrates how to implement animation, such as moving text, a bouncing ball, and an animated image, by using ...
  23. GDIText : Shows the effects of text options. Text options include shadow, embossing, block text, shearing, and reflection ...
  24. General and Data UI customizations related to the Windows Forms Designer. These settings can be found in the Options dialog ...
  25. General entity reference cannot use unparsed entity '{0}'. Unparsed entities are entities that use the 'NDATA' keyword. These ...
  26. General Settings : Provides a pointer to the object containing the information for the General tab for the selected configuration. ...
  27. Generate a random Unicode string value for a database column. This string will satisfy the regular expression specified in ...
  28. Generate code in CDocument- and CView-derived classes that will be called from Search and Thumbnail handlers and will allow ...
  29. Generate code in CDocument- and CView-derived classes that will be called from Search handler and will allow sharing of application ...
  30. Generate code in CDocument- and CView-derived classes that will be called from Thumbnail handler and will allow sharing of ...
  31. Generate code that performs the same actions as the action recording that is associated with the test case or shared steps. ...
  32. Generate Program Database File : Enables generation of a program database ".pdb" file; requires 'Generate Debug Info' option ...
  33. Generate schema/data sql scripts from SQLCE require Web Deploy 2.0 and up to function properly. Please install the latest ...
  34. Generate XML Documentation Files : Specifies that the compiler should generate XML documentation comment files (.XDC). (/doc) ...
  35. Generates a .NET Licenses file and adds it to the manifest of the given assembly Usage: lc /target:TargetAssembly /complist:filename ...
  36. Generates a string, icon and menu resource to be associated with a Document Template. Only enabled if project supports Doc/View ...
  37. Generates code that provides methods to set and execute a command. Use this class when you need to perform a parameter-based ...
  38. Generating a quick grid layout so you can see the nodes and reduce the size of this graph before trying a full layout again. ...
  39. Generation Error Message|The ActiveX wrapper failed to be generated. This property gives an indication of what went wrong. ...
  40. Generation of component {0} failed. You must install Microsoft Visual Web Developer to generate these classes of components. ...
  41. Generation of unit tests for private methods of device projects is currently not supported. Please refer to the documentation ...
  42. Get all directories that match the wildcards provided. Because this may take a long time to execute, we execute this in the ...
  43. Get latest on check-out downloads the copy of an item from the Team Foundation Server to the client computer. This Team Foundation ...
  44. Get the code elements that have changed between this build and the last successful or partially successful build, and the ...
  45. Get the High Priority attribute collection. There is only one instance of this attribute collection. It is only available ...
  46. Get the latest news about Office development and get your questions answered by the world-wide community of Office developers. ...
  47. Get the latest news about SharePoint development and get your questions answered by the world-wide community of SharePoint ...
  48. Get the latest news about Windows development and get your questions answered by the world-wide community of Windows developers. ...
  49. Get valuable information and resources, including special offers and discounts, by registering. Click here to register now. ...
  50. Get' statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is normally available in the 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' namespace, ...
  51. Get' statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is normally available in the 'Microsoft.VisualBasic' namespace, ...
  52. Gets a collection of CommandBinding objects associated with this element. A CommandBinding enables command handling of a ...
  53. Gets information about the current build environment such as the host type and the location of the custom assemblies on disk. ...
  54. Gets or sets a brush that describes the foreground color of an element. The default value is the system dialog font color. ...
  55. Gets or sets a collection of double values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes. The ...
  56. Gets or sets a graphics transformation that should apply to this element when layout is performed. For example, you may want ...
  57. Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the StrokeThickness of a shape. A miter forms a corner by beveling ...
  58. Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the shape at the end of a line. This property has no effect if ...
  59. Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that describes the shape at the start of a stroke. This property has no effect ...
  60. Gets or sets a PenLineCap enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn. This property applies to both ...
  61. Gets or sets a PenLineJoin enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a shape. This ...
  62. Gets or sets a value determining whether spell checking is enabled on this text editing control (for example, TextBox or ...
  63. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hosted element has a transparent background. This property will not take effect ...
  64. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this element is enabled in the user interface (UI). For example, a ScrollBar will ...
  65. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to clip the content of this element (or content coming from the child elements of ...
  66. Gets or sets a value that declares whether this element can possibly be returned as a hit test result from some portion of ...
  67. Gets or sets a value that determines whether rendering for this element should use device-specific pixel settings during ...
  68. Gets or sets a value that determines whether when a user selects part of a word by dragging across it with the mouse, the ...
  69. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a Button is the Cancel button. A user can activate the Cancel button by pressing ...
  70. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a Button is the default button. A user invokes the default button by pressing ...
  71. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a Selector should keep the SelectedItem synchronized with the current item in ...
  72. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether an element remains open until the user clicks the mouse when the mouse is not ...
  73. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the last child element within a DockPanel stretches to fill the remaining available ...
  74. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the text editing control is read-only to a user interacting with the control. ...
  75. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can change the column display order by dragging column headers with ...