Power BI
- The ExcludePartition option does not apply to the source object. This scripting option applies only to Database, Cube, and ...
- The ExcludePermissions option does not apply to the source object. This scripting option applies to only Database, Dimension, ...
- The execution of this query requires the APPLY operator, which is not supported in versions of SQL Server earlier than SQL ...
- The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Changes can only be applied when the existing object is in ...
- The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the {0} state. Original values can be changed when the existing object is ...
- The existing text you want to replace. If the case of old_text does not match the case in the existing text, SUBSTITUTE will ...
- The existing text you want to replace. If the case of old_text does not match the case in the existing text, SUBSTITUTE will ...
- The Exists function was used with the third parameter (MeasureGroupName) specified. This is not supported for a data model ...
- The Explore live option for this file is disabled because it already contains data from another data source. You cannot explore ...
- The expression contains multiple columns, but only a single column can be used in a True/False expression that is used as ...
- The expression invokes an object that was defined by using an MDX calculated member or script. Such objects are not supported ...
- The expression referenced a relationship between '%{FKTable/}'[%{FKColumn/} and '%{PKTable/}'[%{PKColumn/}], which does not ...
- The expression referenced column '%{table/}'[%{column/} which does not hold any data because it needs to be recalculated ...
- The expression that you specified as the argument to the ALLEXCEPT function includes all columns in the table; therefore, ...
- The file '[2]' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file '[3]'. This could indicate a network ...
- The file 2][3 is being held in use{ by the following process: Name: 4], Id: 5], Window Title: '[6]'}. Close that application ...
- The file information didn't transfer completely. You can try deleting the file and uploading it to OneDrive Personal again. ...
- The file storing your preferences couldn't be read correctly and was discarded. You may need to re-enter credentials when ...
- The file that you selected has a different name than the file you are replacing. Are you sure this is the file you want to ...
- The file URL provided cannot be used with Web Import and the selected credential type. Try using the File Import instead. ...
- The file you are trying to upload may be open in other applications. Please close all other applications using this file ...
- The filter contains an operator that is not supported for the content type of the operand column (at line %d{Line/}, column ...
- The filter expression contains a model field reference that's not valid. A field reference must be in the form '[ ].[ ]' ...
- The final argument to the PathItem or PathItemReverse functions should be 0 for TEXT or 1 for INTEGER. It is also possible ...
- The first argument of the 'Rank' function, a tuple expression, should reference the same hierarchies as the second argument, ...
- The first column of the table specified in the call to function '%{function/}' is not of type DATE or NUMERIC. This is not ...
- The folder "{0}" cannot be moved to the target location. The destination folder "{1}" is a subfolder of the source folder ...
- The folder or path for the report resource '{0}' does not exist or is not valid. Verify that the resource is available on ...
- The following admin operations are not supported when server is running in Diskless mode: Backup/Restore, Synchronize, Attach/Detach ...
- The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this installation. Close these applications and click ...
- The following assumes a key value that is a single byte, with 4 expected items in the group, all of which have a byte of ...
- The following data sources in the Power Query connection are currently hosted on older version of the Data Management Gateway ...
- The following data sources in the Power Query connection are currently hosted on older version of the Data Management Gateway ...
- The following data sources in the Power Query connection are hosted by different gateways. Please move the data sources to ...
- The following error occurred while a table was being created in a data source view: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following error occurred while a table was being dropped from a data source view: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following error occurred while the '%{pathfrom/}' file was being copied to the '%{pathto/}' file: %1[ %{External/}%]%[, ...
- The following error occurred while the '%{pathfrom/}' file was being moved to the '%{pathto/}' file: %1[ %{External/}%]%[, ...
- The following example illustrates the item value transform and default item value. The repeating item with key 1 sums the ...
- The following exception occurred during execution of an extension library function: %['%{exception/}'%]%[;'%{exceptioninner/}'%]. ...
- The following exception occurred while an operation was being performed on a data source view: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following exception occurred while the managed IDataReader interface was being used: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following exception occurred while the managed IDbCommand interface was being used: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following exception occurred while the managed IDbConnection interface was being used: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The following exception occurred while the SharePoint utility (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SharePointUtil.dll) was running: ...
- The following exception occurred while the Time Dimension Generator (Microsoft.AnalysisServices.TimeDimGenerator.dll) was ...
- The following features are available for you to try in this release. Preview features might change or be removed in future ...
- The following friendly names are not valid: {0}. A friendly name must be less than 100 characters, must not be a reserved ...
- The following products depend on ProductShortName]: 2 If you uninstall ProductShortName], dependent products might not function ...
- The following system error occurred during a call to GetFileSize for file: '%{Note1/}'%1[: %{External/}%]%[, %{External/}%]. ...
- The following system error occurred from a call to GetOverlappedResult for Physical file: '%{PhysicalFile/}', Logical file: ...
- The following Transact-SQL error occurred while attempting to execute a statement against the PowerPivot service application ...
- The FORCE_REGRESSOR parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. The '%{strParamName/}' column must be an input ...
- The FORECAST_METHOD parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. FORECAST_METHOD should be one of the three values ...
- The foreign key '{0}' is not being enforced in the model. An Association or inheritance relationship needs to be created ...
- The foreign key column {0} is used as an input or predictable column in the nested table {1}. This is highly discouraged. ...
- The friendly name, "{0}", is not valid. A friendly name must be less than 100 characters, must not be a reserved keyword, ...
- The function %{function/} takes an argument that evaluates to numbers or dates and cannot work with values of type %{datatype/}. ...
- The function mapping cannot produce an entity from the '{0}' type hierarchy. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply some ...
- The function mapping cannot produce an entity of type '{0}'. Ensure that conditions unambiguously imply the type. See line(s) ...
- The functions IsInNode or IsDescendant should be used only once and no OR operator should be used together at line %d{Line/}, ...
- The gateway can index the data source to expose indexed data via Power Query. Specify the time window during which the gateway ...
- The gateway does not support the specified data source. Please make sure you have installed the latest version of the gateway. ...
- The gateway does not support the version of the specified data source. Please make sure to check the list of supported data ...
- The gateway instance name is invalid. The first character should be a letter or a number that looks like a letter, and the ...
- The gateway is disconnected from the cloud service because the gateway is registered with an invalid gateway key. If the ...
- The Gateway is disconnected from the cloud service because the Gateway is registered with an invalid Gateway key. If the ...
- The gateway is not yet registered. Go to the machine where the gateway is installed, run Configuration Manager and follow ...
- The gateway is offline. There may be a problem in the gateway machine, or the network connection between the gateway machine ...
- The gateway key is invalid or has been used in an earlier gateway registration. If the issue continues please reinstall the ...
- The Gateway key is invalid or has been used in an earlier Gateway registration. If the issue continues please reinstall the ...
- The gateway name that you typed is invalid. Gateway name can include only characters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. It ...
- The gateway works best when it is installed on a computer that is always on and not asleep. The gateway will perform more ...
- The geometry index n ({0}) passed to STGeometryN is less than 1. The number must be greater than or equal to 1 and should ...
- The geometryType argument in InstanceOf ('{0}') is not valid. This argument must contain one of the following types: Geometry, ...