Power BI

  1. Standard behavior loads queries to a new worksheet when loading a single query, and loads multiple queries to the Data Model ...
  2. Standard behavior loads queries to a new worksheet. You can override this setting for a given query using the Load To dialog. ...
  3. Standard {0} behavior loads queries to a new worksheet when loading a single query, and loads multiple queries to the Data ...
  4. Standard {0} behavior loads queries to a new worksheet. You can override this setting for a given query using the Load To ...
  5. Started listening on TCPIP: Status = %1, ComputerName = %2, PhysicalNetBIOSName = %3, ListenOnIP = %4, Port = %5, ProtocolType ...
  6. Starting at position 1, replace 3 rows with a = -1, b = -1 in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 2, b = 3], a = 3, b = 4], a ...
  7. Stay continuously notified about important data changes with configured threshold-based alerts on KPI, Gauge, and Card tiles. ...
  8. Storage EntityContainer name '{0}' specified in this mapping schema doesn't match with the storage EntityContainer name '{1}' ...
  9. Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows ({0}). Entities may have been modified or ...
  10. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. Key column '{0}' has type '{1}', which is not a valid type ...
  11. Store-generated keys are only supported for identity columns. More than one key column is marked as server generated in table ...
  12. stores copies of query preview results on your local disk for faster viewing later. You can clear this cache or configure ...
  13. strEnum/}' is not a valid Boolean value. Only true, false, 1, or 0 are allowed for the '%{strQName/}' element, at line %d{iLine/}, ...
  14. String Review)A relationship from '{0}'{1} to '{2}'{3} isn't valid. The PrimaryKeyColumn must have unique values. The ForeignKeyColumn ...
  15. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} has a cross filter in both directions which is not supported in ...
  16. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is a many-to-many relationship which is not currently supported. ...
  17. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is a one-to-one relationship and must have cross filtering in both ...
  18. String Review)Relationship between '{0}'{1} and '{2}'{3} is not a many-to-one relationship which is not supported in the ...
  19. String Review)Relationship end '{0}'{1} cannot be marked with cardinality one because the corresponding column is not unique. ...
  20. String Review)This data model is compatible with Excel 2013 and does not support One-to-One relationships. You can upgrade ...
  21. Stripe allows businesses to quickly and easily manage online payments. The Power BI Stripe content pack connects to the available ...
  22. Stripe allows businesses to quickly and easily manage online payments. The Power BI Stripe content pack connects to the available ...
  23. Support for Analysis Services Connector has ended, and databases connected using this method no longer appear in this list. ...
  24. Support for Analysis Services Connector has ended, and databases connected using this method no longer appear in this list. ...
  25. Support for SQL Server Analysis Services Connector ends after March 31, and databases connected using this method will no ...
  26. Support for SQL Server Analysis Services Connector has ended, and databases connected using this method no longer appear ...
  27. Switch the order of the columns Phone and Address or use "MissingField.Ignore" in the table. It doesn't change the table ...
  28. Switch to diagram view of the model. Use the this view to perform metadata driven operations such as managing relationships ...
  29. Switching to the visual designer will discard your manual changes to the query. Do you want to use the visual designer anyway? ...
  30. Synchronization command failed because target server has config setting TabularMetadataEnabled disabled and source database ...
  31. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with ConnStringEncryptionEnabled=%d{BLSet/} and current server is ...
  32. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with EnableBinaryXML=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with ...
  33. Synchronization failed. Synchronization from the server with EnableCompression=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with ...
  34. Synchronize command Location subtree used for restoring of remote partition incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
  35. Synchronize command Location subtree used for updating of DS connection strings incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
  36. Synchronize command Location subtree used to specify folder location mapping must contain at least one non-empty Folder element. ...
  37. Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Multidimensional mode and target server is set to work in Tabular mode. ...
  38. Synchronize failed as source server is set to work in Tabular mode and target server is set to work in Multidimensional mode. ...
  39. Table '%{table/}' already has a relationship where Security Filtering Behavior is set to Both. Only one relationship per ...
  40. Table '%{table/}' cannot be queried in DirectQuery mode because it is based on multiple DSVs. Tables that get data from multiple ...
  41. Table '%{table/}' does not contain a partition in the Full DataView. Every table must contain at least one partition in the ...
  42. Table '%{table/}' does not have a partition with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. ...
  43. Table '%{Table/}' has no partition objects in xmsrv.dll structures. Most likely we are asked to process a PowerPivot file ...
  44. Table '%{table/}' includes multiple partitions with DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly or InMemoryWithDirectQuery. ...
  45. Table '%{table/}' is configured for row-level security, introducing constraints on how security filters are specified. The ...
  46. Table '%{table/}' is not based on the same Data Source as other tables in the model. When querying in DirectQuery Mode all ...
  47. Table '%{table/}' must have ShowAsVariationOnly property set to '1', because it is a target of variation '%{variation/}' ...
  48. Table '%{table/}' with ShowAsVariationOnly property set to '1' must be a target of a variation when variation notation is ...
  49. Table name '%{IWTableName/}' cannot be created, when in Tabular mode because it specifies multiple collation or language ...
  50. Table Type '{0}' used in Stored Procedure '{1}' cannot be found in Database '{2}' on Server '{3}'. Please check whether '{0}' ...
  51. Table versions between Vertipaq Table '%{IMBITableName/}' and Tabular Metadata storage encountered unexpected inconsistencies ...
  52. Table {0} contains a sample partition, which is not supported for a model in VertiPaq mode. Please remove the sample partitions. ...
  53. Table {0} contains more than one partition, which is not supported for a model in DirectQuery mode. Please reduce the number ...
  54. Tabular Metadata '%{TMType/}' object: '%{TMName/}' does not match any '%{UDMType/}' object of UDM '%{UDMParentType/}' object ...
  55. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there are dimension calculations defined for this session or query ...
  56. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there is an uncommited transaction on the session. Please contact ...
  57. Tabular metadata and DAX queries are not supported when there is cell security defined for this session. Please contact your ...
  58. Tabular mode drillthrough only supports AND slices. But at least one OR slice is found in the current drillthrough query. ...
  59. Tabular Query: Invalid WHERE clause on the column '%{column/} in the table '%{table/}'. Only constants preceeded by '+' or ...
  60. Tabular Query: Select column list of COUNT query must contain exactly one 'COUNT(*)'. Other columns, 'SKIP n', and 'TOP k' ...
  61. Tabular Query: The OR expression is invalid. A valid OR expression should be wrapped in parenthesis and involve only a single ...
  62. Tags a measure expression specified in the call to SUMMARIZECOLUMNS function to be ignored when determining the non-blank ...
  63. Take the columns "a", "b", and "c" in the table ({[ key = "x", a = 1, b = null, c = 3 ], key = "y", a = 2, b = 4, c = null ...
  64. Take the values "a", "b", and "c" in the attribute column of table ({ key = "x", attribute = "a", value = 1 ], key = "x", ...
  65. Take the values "a", "b", and "c" in the attribute column of table ({ key = "x", attribute = "a", value = 1 ], key = "x", ...
  66. Takes a list of lists {0}, unions the items in the individual lists and returns them in the output list. As a result, the ...
  67. Tap the bell button on your card tiles and you will be notified whenever the value of the tile meets the defined condition ...
  68. Text File associated with the connection is not found. You can edit the connection to choose a new file to continue importing. ...
  69. Thank you for providing valuable feedback around the new user experience. Based on your feedback, we have decided to revert ...
  70. Thanks for choosing to send us feedback. A mail message will appear shortly. Please write as much feedback as time allows ...
  71. Thanks for sending us feedback. The email message you send us will contain data from your .pbix file, including a screenshot, ...
  72. Thanks for sending us feedback. The email message you send us will contain data from your workbook, including a screenshot, ...
  73. Thanks for trying out the new report canvas and sending us your {0}feedback{1}. If you prefer the classic canvas, you can ...
  74. The %1 thread pool could not be created because its GroupAffinity configuration setting resulted in no processors being assigned ...
  75. The %1 thread pool now has %2 minimum threads, %3 maximum threads, and a concurrency of %4. Its thread pool affinity mask ...