Power BI

  1. The '%{detail/}' measure group is not dynamically linked, but it contains the '%{dimension/}' dynamically linked dimension. ...
  2. The '%{detail/}' regular measure group cannot be created because it uses the '%{dimension/}' linked dimension, whose 'UnknownMember' ...
  3. The '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension has ShareDimensionStorage set to Shared. This is only supported in Tabular ...
  4. The '%{detailproperty/}' granularity attribute in the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does not have an attribute ...
  5. The '%{dialect/}' statement cannot be executed since it attempting to modify the contents of the read only database with ...
  6. The '%{dimension/}' data mining dimension cannot be processed because the '%{miningmodel/}' mining model on which the dimension ...
  7. The '%{dimension/}' dimension contains a member property with invalid name: '%{memb_prop_name/}' is one of the reserved words. ...
  8. The '%{dimension/}' dimension contains an attribute with invalid attribute name: '%{attribute_name/}' is one of the reserved ...
  9. The '%{dimension/}' dimension does not have data associated with the partition (it is of type many-to-many, data mining, ...
  10. The '%{dimension/}' dimension does not have data associated with the partition. The dimension is a many-to-many, data mining, ...
  11. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has no attribute for the aggregation design. The server cannot design aggregations when this ...
  12. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for force rebuild. This setting requires that the dimension have ...
  13. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing, but not all the tables required by ...
  14. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the dimension ...
  15. The '%{dimension/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled for the OnCacheComplete online mode. This setting requires that ...
  16. The '%{dimension/}' dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group has either zero or multiple granularity attributes. Must ...
  17. The '%{dimension/}' dimension is parent-child, and is either ROLAP or proactive cached. This combination of features is not ...
  18. The '%{dimension/}' dimension must be included in all aggregations because this dimension contains one or more non-aggregatable ...
  19. The '%{dimension/}' dimension with the '%{miningmodel/}' source mining model cannot be processed. The algorithm for the source ...
  20. The '%{dimension/}' parent-child dimension has dimension security defined on the key attribute, which is not allowed. You ...
  21. The '%{dimension/}' reference dimension specified in '%{detail/}' measuregroup of the '%{cube/}' cube is invalid because ...
  22. The '%{dimension/}' reference dimension specified in '%{detail/}' measuregroup of the '%{cube/}' cube is invalid because ...
  23. The '%{filename/}' backup file already exists. Provide a different file name, delete the existing backup file, or set the ...
  24. The '%{filename/}' key error log file name of the '%{name/}' %{typename/} is not valid. The file name is either too long, ...
  25. The '%{filename/}' XMLA file name in configurations is not valid. The file name is either too long, or contains characters ...
  26. The '%{function/}' function cannot be applied in a drillthrough to the '%{column/}' column. Only the 'Key', 'Name', 'Caption' ...
  27. The '%{FunctionName/}' function specified at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/} is neither a user-defined function (UDF), ...
  28. The '%{granularityproperty/}' intermediate granularity attribute of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does ...
  29. The '%{granularitypropertyid/}' granularity attribute ID referenced by the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension ...
  30. The '%{hierarchy/}' hierarchy has two levels, '%{level1/}' and '%{level2/}', that have the same source attribute '%{sourceproperty/}'. ...
  31. The '%{id/}' ID of the %{typename/} is not valid because this ID is a reserved word, contains one or more characters that ...
  32. The '%{IMBIColumnId/}' column of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table cannot be processed because it contains more than two billion ...
  33. The '%{IMBIColumnId/}' column of the '%{IMBITableId/}' table contains a value, '%{value/}', which is not supported (line ...
  34. The '%{intermediatedimension/}' intermediate dimension of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension cannot be a many-to-many, ...
  35. The '%{intermediatedimensionid/}' intermediate dimension ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group dimension does not ...
  36. The '%{intermediategranularitypropertyid/};' intermediate granularity attribute ID of the '%{detaildimension/}' measure group ...
  37. The '%{IWColumnName/}' column of the '%{IWTableName/}' table contains a value, '%{value/}', which is not supported (line ...
  38. The '%{level/}' level is not a parent-child level. Dimension writeback using this syntax is supported only on parent-child ...
  39. The '%{measure/}' measure has a source of type RowBinding. Therefore its aggregation type must be changed to Count or Sum. ...
  40. The '%{member/}' member specified in the WHERE clause does not belong to the expected level within the '%{hierarchy/}' hierarchy. ...
  41. The '%{mgid/}' measure group referenced in the binding for the '%{column/}' mining column of the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining ...
  42. The '%{mid/}' measure referenced in the binding for the '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure column named '%{column/}' does ...
  43. The '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group must belong to the '%{lookupdetail/}' intermediate ...
  44. The '%{mmdim/}' many-to-many dimension in the '%{detail/}' measure group requires that the granularity of the '%{commondim/}' ...
  45. The '%{model/}' mining model has %d{cAttributes/}' attributes. This number of attributes exceeds the attribute limit of %d{cAttributeLimit/}' ...
  46. The '%{model/}' mining model has a column that uses the DATE data type. This data type is not supported by the PMML 2.1 specification. ...
  47. The '%{model/}' object does not contain any cases. The drillthrough store is empty either because the ProcessType enumeration ...
  48. The '%{modelname/}' model cannot be loaded from the persisted file. The file is either damaged or in a format that is not ...
  49. The '%{Name/}' mining structure column has a prediction qualifier. Prediction qualifiers, such as PREDICT or PREDICT ONLY, ...
  50. The '%{name/}' mining structure or model has sibling models and cannot be processed alone with out-of-line bindings. The ...
  51. The '%{Name/}' name does not uniquely identify the mining model or mining structure. Try to qualify this name by prefixing ...
  52. The '%{name/}' object cannot be processed with the specified bindings (the structure of the internal objects would be changed). ...
  53. The '%{name/}' structure does not contain bindings to data (or contains bindings that are not valid) and cannot be processed. ...
  54. The '%{name/}' structure is created from a PMML model. This processing option cannot be applied to PMML-based structures. ...
  55. The '%{object/}' dimension has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification and therefore its source cannot be a named ...
  56. The '%{object/}' partition has proactive caching enabled using SQL Notification. Therefore its source cannot be a named query. ...
  57. The '%{objectname/}' object cannot be created as a session object. Session scope can only be used when creating dimensions, ...
  58. The '%{objectname/}' object cannot be restored because the object already exists. Set the AllowOverwrite setting to True ...
  59. The '%{operand/}' right operand of the measure expression of the '%{measure/}' measure cannot belong to the same measure ...
  60. The '%{parentpropertyid/}' parent attribute ID, of the '%{level/}' level either does not exist in the dimension or is not ...
  61. The '%{partition/}' MOLAP partition proactive caching object does not have a finite duration for silence interval, silence ...
  62. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for force rebuild. This setting requires that the partition have ...
  63. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing, but not all of the tables required ...
  64. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the partition ...
  65. The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for the OnCacheComplete online mode. This setting requires that ...
  66. The '%{partition/}' partition in '%{table/}' table has DataSourceID attribute set, that is valid only for Query partitions. ...
  67. The '%{partition/}' partition in '%{table/}' table has QueryDefinition attribute set, that is not valid for partitions with ...
  68. The '%{partName/}' partition has DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly and cannot participate in partition merging ...
  69. The '%{PoolName/}' ThreadPool could not be created because its GroupAffinity configuration setting resulted in no processors ...
  70. The '%{property/}' attribute cannot be aggregated. This non-aggregatable attribute cannot be related to the '%{parentproperty/}' ...
  71. The '%{Property/}' attribute cannot be discretized into the requested number of buckets because there are too few distinct ...
  72. The '%{property/}' attribute cannot have member properties because this attribute does not have an attribute hierarchy enabled. ...
  73. The '%{property/}' attribute must be included in all aggregations because this attribute is non-aggregatable. However, the ...
  74. The '%{property/}' attribute referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' aggregation dimension of the '%{aggregation/}' ...
  75. The '%{property/}' column cannot be aggregated. This non-aggregatable column cannot be related to the '%{parentproperty/}' ...