Power BI

  1. The MAXIMUM_CLUSTER_COUNT parameter is negative in the '%{modelname/}' Microsoft Sequence Clustering model. MAXIMUM_CLUSTER_COUNT ...
  2. The MAXIMUM_CONTINUOUS_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_CONTINUOUS_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES ...
  3. The MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be at least ...
  4. The MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be greater ...
  5. The MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_COUNT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_COUNT must be greater than ...
  6. The MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE must be between 0 and ...
  7. The MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_OUTPUT_ATTRIBUTES must be at ...
  8. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not supported. MAXIMUM_STATES must be 0, 2, or at most %d{Max/}'. ...
  9. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_STATES must be 0, or between 2 and %d{Max/}'. ...
  10. The MAXIMUM_STATES parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MAXIMUM_STATES must be between %d{Min/}' and %d{Max/}' ...
  11. The measure '%{deptable/}'[%{depcolumn/} depends on another measure named '%{srctable/}'[%{srccolumn/} which has an dependency ...
  12. The measure '%{deptable/}'[%{depcolumn/} depends on another measure named '%{srctable/}'[%{srccolumn/} which has an error: ...
  13. The measure group dimension with ID of '%{detaildimensionid/}', Name of '%{name/}' referenced by the '%{measure/}' measure ...
  14. The measure group has zero dimensional overlap with all of the other measure groups in the cube. Consider moving it to a ...
  15. The measure referenced by the PerspectiveMeasure '%{perspmeasure/}' in table '%{persptable/}' in perspective '%{persp/}' ...
  16. The measure referenced by the PerspectiveMeasure '%{perspmeasure/}' in the Table '%{persptable/}' in the Perspective '%{persp/}' ...
  17. The metadata database appears to be in a corrupted state. A reference was found to a %{typename/} object with ID %{id/} but ...
  18. The metadata database appears to be in an inconsistent state. A reference was found to a %{typename/} object with ID %{id/} ...
  19. The metadata discovery operation {0} returned invalid content. Verify that the connection string and permissions are correct. ...
  20. The metadata for the statically linked %{typename/}, with the name of '%{name/}', cannot be verified against the source object. ...
  21. The metadata stored by the ObjectContext is different than the metadata stored by the ObjectContext's connection. This can ...
  22. The method 'First' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' in this instance ...
  23. The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the ...
  24. The method result type '{0}' is not supported for this method argument. A method that produces an instance of a DbExpression-derived ...
  25. The methods 'Single' and 'SingleOrDefault' can only be used as a final query operation. Consider using the method 'FirstOrDefault' ...
  26. The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or 4.0 must be installed on your computer before you can install ProductShortName]. Please ...
  27. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.0 must be installed on your computer before you can install ProductShortName]. Please ...
  28. The Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 must be installed on your computer before you can install ProductShortName]. Microsoft ...
  29. The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 must be installed on your computer before you can install ProductShortName]. Please install ...
  30. The Microsoft Association Rules algorithm builds rules describing which items are most likely to be appear together in a ...
  31. The Microsoft Clustering algorithm uses iterative techniques to group records from a dataset into clusters containing similar ...
  32. The Microsoft Data Classification and Recommendation Service detects the categories of data you've inserted in your Excel ...
  33. The Microsoft Data Classification and Recommendation Service is not enabled, not finished categorizing your data or could ...
  34. The Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm is a classification algorithm that works well for predictive modeling. The algorithm ...
  35. The Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover Service isn't configured to use https to encrypt the authentication credentials. Please ...
  36. The Microsoft Linear Regression algorithm is a regression algorithm that works well for regression modeling. This algorithm ...
  37. The Microsoft Logistic Regression algorithm is a regression algorithm that works well for regression modeling. This algorithm ...
  38. The Microsoft Naive Bayes algorithm is a classification algorithm that is quick to build, and works well for predictive modeling. ...
  39. The Microsoft Neural Network algorithm uses a gradient method to optimize parameters of multilayer networks to predict multiple ...
  40. The Microsoft Sequence Clustering algorithm is a combination of sequence analysis and clustering, which identifies clusters ...
  41. The Microsoft Time Series algorithm uses a combination of ARIMA analysis and linear regression based on decision trees to ...
  42. The MINIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MINIMUM_ITEMSET_SIZE must be between 1 and ...
  43. The MINIMUM_PROBABILITY parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MINIMUM_PROBABILITY must be between 0 and 1. ...
  44. The MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MINIMUM_SUPPORT must be greater than or equal to ...
  45. The MINIMUM_SUPPORT parameter is negative in the '%{modelname/}' Microsoft Sequence Clustering model. MINIMUM_SUPPORT must ...
  46. The mining model , '%{name/}' is already trained and does not support incremental updates. Before using the INSERT INTO statement, ...
  47. The mining structure , '%{name/}' is already trained and does not support incremental updates. Before using the INSERT INTO ...
  48. The MINING_MODEL_CONTENT schema rowset describes the patterns that were discovered when the mining models were processed. ...
  49. The MINING_MODEL_XML schema rowset contains, in an XML format, the patterns that were discovered when the mining models were ...
  50. The MINING_SERVICE_PARAMETERS schema rowset identifies the parameters that can be used to create models for each type of ...
  51. The MISSING_VALUE_SUBSTITUTION parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', has a value that is not valid. Valid settings ...
  52. The MISSING_VALUE_SUBSTITUTION parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. Supported choices are None, ...
  53. The model cannot be changed to DirectQuery mode because data source {0} is of an unsupported type. Delete all tables that ...
  54. The model cannot be changed to DirectQuery mode because it has multiple data sources. Delete all but one data source and ...
  55. The model cannot be changed to DirectQuery mode because table {0} contains pasted data. Delete table {0} from the model, ...
  56. The model cannot be changed to DirectQuery mode because table {0} is a calculated table. Delete table {0} from the model, ...
  57. The model cannot be changed to DirectQuery mode because the version of SQL Server used by data source {0} is not supported. ...
  58. The model filter predicate is invalid at (line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}). A filter predicate must compare a structure ...
  59. The model, '%s{modelname/}', is not valid in the current procedure call because the model does not belong to the mining structure, ...
  60. The model, '%s{modelname/}', is not valid in the current procedure call because the model has Key Time or Key Sequence columns. ...
  61. The MODELLING_CARDINALITY parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. MODELLING_CARDINALITY must be greater than ...
  62. The modification made to the collection lead to an invalid Selection state. Please check the SelectionMode to allow zero ...
  63. The MoveToRoot property cannot be set to True for this dimension writeback operation, because only parent attributes can ...
  64. The MSDASQL provider is not supported. Data from ODBC can be retrieved using the Odbc.Query or Odbc.DataSource functions. ...
  65. The msmdsrv.exe file is the program executable of the Analysis Services instance that loads, queries, and processes PowerPivot ...
  66. The msmdsrv.exe file is the program executable of the Analysis Services instance that loads, queries, and processes PowerPivot ...
  67. The multidimensional model contains objects that cannot be expressed in a tabular view. Cannot create table '%{tablename/}', ...
  68. The multidimensional model contains objects that cannot be expressed in a tabular view. The measure '%{measure/}' is already ...
  69. The multiplicity '{0}' on End '{1}' in the conceptual side Association '{2}' doesn't match with multiplicity '{3}' on end ...
  70. The name '%{name/}' is not valid for the %{typename/} because it contains one or more invalid characters (%{invalidchars/}). ...
  71. The name '{0}' is ambiguous. '{0}' is defined in both the '{1}' namespace and the '{2}' namespace. To disambiguate, either ...
  72. The name column of the '%{property/}' attribute has '%{collation/}' collation. This collation is either not valid or is not ...
  73. The name is not valid. The name cannot consist exclusively of dots or spaces, and the name cannot contain any one of the ...
  74. The name of the internal resource must be specified when the 'Get' report server command is used. Verify that the internal ...
  75. The name of the item '{0}' is not valid. The name must be less than {1} characters long. The name must not start with a slash ...