Power BI
- The operation on '%{name/}' %{typename/} cannot be completed since it creates ambiguous relationship between reference tables ...
- The OPTMIZED_PREDICTION_COUNT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not supported. OPTMIZED_PREDICTION_COUNT must be ...
- The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set because it is a complex property. Individual scalar properties can ...
- The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set to null because the '{1}' member on the entity type '{2}' is not ...
- The page has encountered an error while processing your request. We have detected that one of your browser plug-ins may be ...
- The parameter '{0}' is not an input-only parameter. The EntityClient provider only allows input-only parameters when the ...
- The parameter name '{0}' is not valid. A valid parameter name must begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers, ...
- The parameter, '{0}', is not valid because it is not unique in the command. Combine parameters with the same name into one ...
- The parameters are as follows: The {0} parameter specifies the binary format of the key value. The {1} parameter provides ...
- The parameters of Function '{0}' are converted to conceptual side type '{1}', and the function with the same conceptual side ...
- The Parameters property of the IDbCommand interface does not support the IList interface. External error: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
- The partition merge operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
- The partition with ID '%{partitionID/}' and name '%{partitionName/}' is a regular partition and cannot be altered to be a ...
- The path for item '{0}' exceeds the maximum length of {1}. The path includes the name of the item itself, plus the names ...
- The path for non-materialized reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' between '%{startname/}' and '%{endname/}' must exist in ...
- The PATH function cannot work with values such as '%{incompatvalue/}' that contain a vertical pipe ('|') because that character ...
- The PATH function has found the following loop '%{loop/}' in columns '%{table1/}'[%{column1/} and '%{table2/}'[%{column2/}]. ...
- The path of the item '{0}' is not valid. The full path must be less than {1} characters long; other restrictions apply. If ...
- The path,'{0}', does not exist or is not valid for report server at '{1}'. Verify that the path is valid on the report server ...
- The PERIODICITY_HINT parameter for the mining model, '%{modelname/}', is not valid. PERIODICITY_HINT should be {n1, n2, n3.}, ...
- The plug-in assembly '%{plugin/}' raised the following exception when processing '%{event/}' event. %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%] ...
- The PMML-based '%{name/}' mining structure can only be altered for adding bindings to data. No other options for altering ...
- The point index n ({0}) passed to STPointN is less than 1. This number must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or ...
- The policy for '{0}' user or group is not valid. The role assignment is either empty, specifies a user or group name that ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the exterior ring does not have enough points. Each ring of a polygon must contain ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the interior ring number {0} does not have enough points. Each ring of a polygon must ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the ring number {0} does not have enough points. Each ring of a polygon must contain ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the start and end points of the exterior ring are not the same. Each ring of a polygon ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the start and end points of the interior ring number {0} are not the same. Each ring ...
- The Polygon input is not valid because the start and end points of the ring number {0} are not the same. Each ring of a polygon ...
- The posList element provided has {0} coordinates. The number of coordinates in a posList element must be an even number. ...
- The Power BI Admin Center is read-only because your subscription expired. You can purchase a SSIM subscription in the Office ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Connect directly or contact ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use another Power BI ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use another Power BI ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use another Power BI ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use another Power BI ...
- The Power BI Gateway Enterprise {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use your Power BI Gateway ...
- The Power BI scanner can now scan barcodes. Use the in-app scanner to scan existing barcodes to quickly access and filter ...
- The Power BI service is unable to connect to SQL Server Analysis Services Connector. Please make sure the Connector is up ...
- The Power Query connection string contains data source types that require the latest Data Management Gateway. Please update ...
- The Power Query connection string contains data source types that require the latest Data Management Gateway. Please update ...
- The Power Query connection string contains one or more unsupported data source types: {DataSourceKind}. Please refer to the ...
- The Power Query connection string is invalid. Please make sure the Power Query version you are using is supported by the ...
- The Power View field name is not valid. To create a Power View report, use data that is organized as a list with labeled ...
- The PowerPivot field list cannot be loaded. The PowerPivot field list customization has been corrupted or is missing. Try ...
- The PowerPivot Management Data.xlsx file is not being updated. This workbook stores internal data used by the PowerPivot ...
- The PowerPivot service application failed to write query request information to the PowerPivot service application database. ...
- The PowerPivot service application identity must have Analysis Services system administrator permissions on the local SQL ...
- The PredictAdjustedProbability function returns the adjusted probability value for either the most likely or specified value. ...
- The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for all states of a predictable column. The table ...
- The PredictHistogram function returns a table that contains the statistics for cluster membership of the input case. The ...
- The prediction flags, REPLACE_MODEL_CASES and EXTEND_MODEL_CASES, cannot be used to query against the '%{Name/}' model because ...
- The PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model is not supported because there are references to both aggregates and ...
- The PredictSequence function returns a sequence of events that is n steps long (one if not specified) based on the input ...
- The Preview Page could be not loaded. If you contact Microsoft support about this error, provide the following message: {0} ...
- The primary/foreign key combination doesn't match for relationship object '%{relid/}' and preferred path between '%{FKTable/}' ...
- The privacy level for Current Workbook cannot be modified when the workbook is protected. Unprotect the workbook if you wish ...
- The privacy level is used to ensure data is combined without undesirable data transfer. Incorrect privacy levels may lead ...
- The proactive caching object of the '%{dimension/}' MOLAP dimension does not have a finite duration for the silence interval, ...
- The Process command cannot be executed because multiple objects are affected. Only one object can be processed when out-of-line ...
- The Process command for partition '%{partition/}' in table '%{table/}' cannot be executed because the pipeline rowset is ...
- The process operation ended because the number of errors encountered during processing reached the defined limit of allowable ...
- The ProcessAdd specified for the %{name/} %{typename/} is not valid for IMDI dimensions if that dimension is associated with ...
- The ProductName Setup Wizard ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program ...
- The ProductName Setup Wizard was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, ...
- The properties on this dialog allow you to change the default behavior of different visualization types and default grouping ...
- The property %{relatedpropertyname/}, which is related to key property %{property/}, can not have relationship type set to ...
- The property '{0}' could not be reported as changing. This occurred because EntityComplexMemberChanging was called with a ...
- The property '{0}' does not have a valid entity mapping on the complex type. For more information, see the Entity Framework ...
- The property '{0}' does not have a valid entity mapping on the entity object. For more information, see the Entity Framework ...
- The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. All properties that are part of the EntityKey must be of PrimitiveType. ...
- The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. EntityKey properties that are of type '{2}' are currently not supported. ...
- The property '{0}' in EntityType '{1}' is not valid. Type '{2}' of the property maps to '{3}' and EntityKey properties that ...
- The property '{0}' is not a key member of the EntityType. Only key members can be mapped as part of the EndProperty mapping. ...