Power BI

  1. The '%{property/}' column cannot have member properties because this attribute does not have an attribute hierarchy enabled. ...
  2. The '%{property/}' column referred to by the '%{aggregationdimension/}' table of the '%{aggregation/}' aggregation is not ...
  3. The '%{property/}' discretized attribute in the '%{dimension/}' dimension has a name or translation binding that has an unknown ...
  4. The '%{relatedpropertyid/}' member property ID in the '%{property/}' attribute does not correspond to an existing attribute ...
  5. The '%{ServiceName/}' service which was returned by the '%{ProgID/}' data mining algorithm, does not match its '%{AlgoName/}' ...
  6. The '%{sourceproperty/}' non-aggregatable source attribute cannot belong to the '%{level/}' level because this level is not ...
  7. The '%{sourceproperty/}' non-aggregatable source column cannot belong to the '%{level/}' level because this level is not ...
  8. The '%{sourcepropertyid/}' source attribute ID of the '%{level/}' level does not correspond to an existing attribute in the ...
  9. The '%{storagelocation/}' folder (Location in Restore or Synch command) can not be located under the server data directory. ...
  10. The '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the %{partition/} partition does not exist, is too long, or contains characters ...
  11. The '%{storagelocation/}' storage location of the '%{database/}' database can not be located under the server data directory. ...
  12. The '%{strLang/}' language cannot be found in the list of translations defined for the '%{strAttrID/}' attribute. Check the ...
  13. The '%{strLang/}' language has been specified more than once for the attribute with ID of '%{strAttrID/}', Name of '%{strAttrName/}'. ...
  14. The '%{strName/}' restriction is required but is missing from the request. Consider using SYSTEMRESTRICTSCHEMA to provide ...
  15. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} ('%{strNSURI/}' namespace) appears more than once under ...
  16. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace '%{strNSURI/}') cannot appear under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  17. The '%{strQName/}' element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace '%{strNSURI/}') under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  18. The '%{strQName/}' read-only element at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace %{strNSURI/}) under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}% ...
  19. The '%{strRef/}' dimension referenced by the '%{strObj/}' cube permission has its Write permission set to Allowed, so no ...
  20. The '%{strRef/}' table referenced by the '%{strObj/}' cube permission has its Write permission set to Allowed, so no attribute ...
  21. The '%{strRequired/}' required element is missing under %1[%{strName/}%]%[/%{strName/}%]/%{strQName/} at line %d{iLine/}, ...
  22. The '%{strRoleName/}' role includes domain account that does not exist. The following domain user account is no longer valid ...
  23. The '%{structure/}' OLAP mining structure cannot be processed since the operational storage mode of the '%{dimension/}' dimension ...
  24. The '%{structureCol/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure cannot contain null values (the column is either modeled ...
  25. The '%{structureCol/}' source structure column for the '%{modelCol/}' mining model column is not a table or contains no nested ...
  26. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to attach the database to the '%{strObject/}' server. Only server administrators ...
  27. The '%{strUser/}' user does not have permission to drill through to the parent mining structure of the '%{strObject/}' mining ...
  28. The '%{table/}' table either does not exist in the '%{cube/}' schema (or cube.), or the user does not have the necessary ...
  29. The '%{table/}' table has a many-to-many relationship to its parent table and cannot contain columns with data type Binary. ...
  30. The '%{table/}' table is based on a named query, and contains one or more computed columns. A table based on a named query ...
  31. The '%{tableid/}' table that is required for a join cannot be reached based on the relationships in the data source view. ...
  32. The '%{template/}' string is not a valid expression for the Pattern argument of the VisualTotals function. Use the asterisk ...
  33. The '%{ubo/}' usage based optimization query is not valid. For the appropriate format, refer to the product documentation. ...
  34. The 'CREATE CUBE' statement is not valid because none of the selected dimensions belongs to the measure group of the selected ...
  35. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. Counts are different: there are ...
  36. The 'ForeignKeyColumns' should match the 'KeyColumns' of the key structure column '{0}'. The ForeignKeyColumn #{1} has DataType ...
  37. The 'ProcessingGroup' property of this dimension is set to 'ByTable'. In most cases, the default setting of 'ByAttribute' ...
  38. The 'sessionCatalogItems' property is not specified or its content not valid or supported by this version of Reporting Services. ...
  39. The 'sessionCatalogItems' property must contain at most one item. Publishing multiple items in a session is not supported. ...
  40. The '{0} {1}' argument of type '{2}' is not valid because it is not comparable. Only primitive, entity, row, and reference ...
  41. The '{0}' #{1} has NullProcessing set to 'UnknownMember', but the dimension doesn't have UnknownMember set to 'Visible' or ...
  42. The '{0}' and '{1}' measure groups have the same dimensionality and granularity. Consider unifying them to improve performance. ...
  43. The '{0}' cube could not be retrieved from the server. Verify that the server is running and that the cube is processed. ...
  44. The '{0}' default measure, that was defined on the perspective or inherited from the cube, is not included in the perspective. ...
  45. The '{0}' dimension should use MOLAP storage mode because the measure group contains semi-additive measures. Also, if proactive ...
  46. The '{0}' expression with an input of type '{1}' and a check of type '{2}' is not supported. Only entity types and complex ...
  47. The '{0}' header is only supported when connecting anonymously. These headers can be used with all authentication types: ...
  48. The '{0}' property has NullProcessing set to 'UnknownMember', but this is only allowed on KeyColumns of dimension attributes ...
  49. The '{0}' property on the conceptual model type '{1}' is of type '{2}'. The property '{3}' on the CLR type '{4}' is of type ...
  50. The '{1}' granularity attribute of the intermediate dimension '{0}' that is used to resolve many-to-many relationships should ...
  51. The '{2}' property on '{1}' could not be set to a '{3}' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type '{0}'. ...
  52. The ActiveState property on Dimension/Relationships/Relationship element is not in sync with ReferenceMeasureGroupDimension ...
  53. The administrative group name that you typed is invalid. The name can include only characters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. ...
  54. The aggregation design operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
  55. The aggregation design operation is currently running for the '%{aggdesign/}' aggregation design object. Usage-based optimization ...
  56. The aggregation design with an ID of '%{aggdesignid/}', of the '%{partition/}' partition, does not correspond to an existing ...
  57. The aggregation function of the %{operand/} left operand of the measure expression of the %{measure/} measure must be sum, ...
  58. The aggregation function of the %{operand/} right operand of the measure expression of the %{measure/} measure must be sum, ...
  59. The aggregation function of the '%{measure/}' measure must be sum, count, min, or max because the function has a measure ...
  60. The aggregation should not include both the '{0}' and '{1}' attributes, because there is a relationship from '{0}' to '{1}'. ...
  61. The AggregationUsage property should be set to 'Full' because either the attribute or the parent attribute (if the dimension ...
  62. The algorithm provider for the '%{AlgoName/}' data mining algorithm cannot be created; its ProgID is missing in the server ...
  63. The algorithm provider for the '%{AlgoName/}' data mining algorithm does not expose a mandatory interface for custom functions. ...
  64. The amount of available system memory has been exceeded. If using a 32-bit version of the product, consider upgrading to ...
  65. The amount of free disk space on the drive where the Analysis Services backup folder is located has dropped below {0}%. This ...
  66. The application has detected that another process is attempting a malicious action on the shared {0} object. The application ...
  67. The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible ...
  68. The attempted operation is not valid. The nested data reader has been implicitly closed because its parent data reader has ...
  69. The attribute '%{attrName/}' in the dimension '%{dimName/}' is outside the granularity of the measure group '%{mgName/}' ...
  70. The attribute 'MustUnderstand' in namespace 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006' contains the following ...
  71. The attribute cannot be inserted because the dimension already contains a member with the same keys as the ones specified ...
  72. The attribute hierarchy for the %{property/} attribute cannot be created because a hierarchy with the same ID or name already ...
  73. The attribute ID of '%{attrId/}' for linked subcube with the ID of '%{cubeId/}' and dimension ID of '%{dimId/}' can not be ...
  74. The attribute key cannot be found when processing: %1[Table: '%{Table/}', Column: '%{Column/}', Value: '%{Value/}'%]%[; Table: ...
  75. The attribute key was converted to an unknown member because the attribute key was not found. Attribute %{Property/} of Dimension: ...