Power BI

  1. The column's data type is about to be changed. This will affect how data is stored and can impact data precision or result ...
  2. The columns and types of the DATATABLE function do not appear to be correctly paired (the number of arguments must be odd). ...
  3. The columns of table {1} are mapped to AssociationSet {2}'s End {3} but the key columns of table {4} are not mapped to the ...
  4. The columns parameter must be null, specify the number of columns, specify a list of column names, or specify a table type. ...
  5. The columns specified in the PATH function must be from the same table, have the same data type and that type must be Integer ...
  6. The command cannot be completed. No tables were detected in the active Excel workbook that are linked to PowerPivot tables. ...
  7. The command is still associated with an open data reader. Changes cannot be made on this command and this command cannot ...
  8. The commit transaction operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
  9. The compatibility level of database '%{name/}' can only be upgraded by scripting the entire database (including child objects). ...
  10. The complex member '{0}' in type '{1}' and the complex member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different ...
  11. The COMPLEXITY_PENALTY parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not valid. COMPLEXITY_PENALTY must be greater than 0 and ...
  12. The CompoundCurve input is not valid because it does not have enough points. A CompoundCurve must have at least two points. ...
  13. The conceptual side property '{0}' has already been mapped to a storage property with type '{1}'. If the conceptual side ...
  14. The condition value specified for {0} is not compatible with the type returned by the storage provider. Column name: '{1}', ...
  15. The configuration parameter SharePointIntegrated is set to True but Share Point Object Model cannot be loaded. The error ...
  16. The Connect live option for this file is disabled because it already contains data from another data source. You cannot explore ...
  17. The connection could not be refreshed. If this workbook was created in a newer version of Excel, please save the workbook ...
  18. The connection could not be refreshed. The connection string used in this connection cannot be recognized. Please remove ...
  19. The connection could not be refreshed. The workbook containing this connection has been copied from another open workbook ...
  20. The connection could not be refreshed. This problem could occur if the connection was copied from another workbook or the ...
  21. The connection could not be refreshed. We could not determine the workbook that contains this connection. Please try refreshing ...
  22. The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction. EntityClient does not support parallel ...
  23. The connection string or connection properties has already been used by another data source ({0}) for cloud access. Please ...
  24. The connection string or connection properties has already been used by another data source ({DuplicatedDataSourceName}) ...
  25. The connection to the Analysis Services instance timed our or was lost. Ensure that the server and the 'SQL Browser' service ...
  26. The connection to the current workbook has been closed because a newer version of the workbook exists in SharePoint. To continue, ...
  27. The Container name must be 3 to 63 lower case letters and numbers. It must start with a letter or number and can contain ...
  28. The content pack imports data from all tables that contain "AuditLogs" in their name and append it to a single data model ...
  29. The content pack imports data from all tables that contain "AuditLogs" in their name and appends it to a single data model ...
  30. The content type of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' mining structure can only be used to classify other columns. ...
  31. The content you are about to paste will replace the content of the selected cell and delete the existing measure or text ...
  32. The content you are about to paste will replace the content of the selected cell and will delete the existing measure or ...
  33. The contents of the attribute with Id of '%{attributeId/}', Name of '%{attributeName/}' cannot be updated because the dimension ...
  34. The Context object cannot be used since there is no available server context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
  35. The continuous key column reference (KEY TIME, KEY SEQUENCE) is not supported in a SELECT DISTINCT statement at line %d{Line/}, ...
  36. The Create command cannot be executed since it is attempting to create an object in a read only database with the name of ...
  37. The credential certificate of current instance is missing or does not match the Gateway. If the issue continues please reinstall ...
  38. The credential certificate of current instance is missing or does not match the Gateway. If the issue continues please reinstall ...
  39. The credentials provided cannot be used for the {0} source. Please update the credential type through a refresh or in the ...
  40. The credentials provided for the {0} source are invalid. Please update the credentials through a refresh or in the Data Source ...
  41. The credentials you provided for the data source are invalid. Please ensure the credentials you have provided for all the ...
  42. The cube attribute with ID '%{propertyid/}' and Name '%{propertyname/}' referenced by the cube dimension '%{cubedimension/}' ...
  43. The cube contains a large number of measure groups. To improve performance, consider consolidating them into fewer measure ...
  44. The cube contains a semiadditive measure '%{name/}'. The time dimension in the relevant measure group contains more than ...
  45. The cube dimension '{0}' is not included as a fact dimension in the measure group '{1}'. All fact dimensions in a measure ...
  46. The cube dimensions, '{0}' and '{1}', do not have distinct hierarchy and attribute hierarchy names. The HierarchyUniqueNameStyle ...
  47. The Culture '%{culture/}' has more than one object translation defined for the object with ID: '%lu{objectID/}' and ObjectType: ...
  48. The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report ...
  49. The current action cannot be completed. The user data source credentials do not meet the requirements to run this report ...
  50. The current implementation of memstore's SetSize() doesn't support increasing the size of the stream; store was requested ...
  51. The current implementation of memstore's SetSize() supports up to 4GB only; store was requested to set '%d{requestedSize/}' ...
  52. The current model can only be expressed when the client is requesting tabular view metadata with VERSION restriction of 2.0 ...
  53. The current query cannot be evaluated for the '%{IMBITableId/}' table, because the table contains more than two billion rows. ...
  54. The current task requires a predictable attribute. The specified attribute, '%{Attribute/}', of the '%{Model/}' mining model ...
  55. The current value of memstore's current position is '%d{currFilePos/}'; store was requested to write '%d{bytesToWrite/}' ...
  56. The current value of memstore's record count is '%d{recordCount/}'; store was requested to write '%d{bytesToWrite/}' bytes ...
  57. The CurrentCube property on the Context object cannot be used since there is no available cube context. This typically occurs ...
  58. The curve index n ({0}) passed to STCurveN is less than 1. This number must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or ...
  59. The data gateway you chose is no longer available, so refresh scheduling is disabled. Use another data gateway, or your personal ...
  60. The data gateway you chose is no longer available, so refresh scheduling is disabled. Use another gateway, or connect directly. ...
  61. The data gateway {0} is offline, so refresh scheduling is currently disabled. Use another data gateway, connect directly, ...
  62. The data gateway {0} is offline, so refresh scheduling is currently disabled. Use another data gateway, or your personal ...
  63. The data gateway {0} is offline, so refresh scheduling is currently disabled. Use your personal data gateway or contact {1}. ...
  64. The data gateway {0} is offline. Refresh scheduling is therefore currently disabled. Use your personal data gateway or contact ...
  65. The data in the email may include information you consider to be personal or confidential and don't want to share. Please ...
  66. The Data Management Gateway does not support data sources from Power Query connections. Please update your Data Management ...
  67. The Data Management Gateway has expired. Please update your Data Management Gateway to the latest version from the portal. ...
  68. The data model cannot be loaded because an error occurred while attempting to query the '%{fieldname/}' field in the DBPROPERTIES ...
  69. The data model cannot be loaded because an error occurred while attempting to query the field '%{fieldname/}' in the DBPROPERTIES ...
  70. The data model cannot be loaded because of an inconsistency in the metadata schema versions. The last known schema version ...
  71. The data model cannot be loaded because of an invalid enumeration value '%{enumValue/}' for member '%{memberName/}' in object ...
  72. The data model has a very long calculated table dependency chain that is likely a loop. Please check the calculated table ...
  73. The data model has a very long calculated table dependency chain, which likely indicates a loop. Please check the calculated ...
  74. The data model has encountered an unexpected inconsistency and cannot be loaded. The column partition file names '%{file1/}' ...
  75. The data model has encountered an unexpected inconsistency and cannot be loaded. The dictionary storage type for column '%{col/}' ...