Power BI

  1. Rigid relationships between attributes cannot be changed during incremental processing of a dimension. The error occurred ...
  2. ROLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations at the (all, all, . ) level. Aggregation skipped. ...
  3. ROLAP partition with the Name='%{name/}' Id='%{id/}' cannot have aggregations built on top of server time dimensions. Aggregation ...
  4. Role testing in row-level security (RLS) currently requires a report. Please build a report with this datset to use role ...
  5. Row member '{0}' in type '{1}' and row member '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they have a different number of ...
  6. Row-level security (RLS) isn't currently supported for Excel files. To enable RLS on this dataset, please use Power BI Desktop ...
  7. Row-level security has been enabled for this dataset, Refreshing the data will require you to re-create RLS. Do you want ...
  8. RowNumber attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' in VertiPaq dimension '%{IMBITableId/}' must have an attribute relationship to the ...
  9. RowNumber column '%{IWColumnName/}' in VertiPaq table '%{IWTableName/}' must have an attribute relationship to the key attribute ...
  10. Rule relationship with id '%{relationshipId/}' couldn't be created. Property '%{property/} in table '%{table/}' needs to ...
  11. Run once' is not a valid schedule option for an individual data source that is queried in a data refresh operation. Please ...
  12. Sales Rep Dashboard contains lots of info that may be relevant to you if you were a sales representative. Included tiles: ...
  13. Same count of key columns as in dimension attribute is required. This measure group attribute has {0} key columns, the dimension ...
  14. SAP BusinessObjects BI doesn't support the '{0}' culture. A different culture can be specified using the Culture option of ...
  15. Saving the connectivity changes will reset your last saved credentials and the table and view selections for the OData feed. ...
  16. Scheduled Refresh for the dataset {0} has failed the last few times. For the time-being, we've disabled the refresh schedule. ...
  17. Scheduled refresh for the dataset {0} has failed the last few times. We've temporarily disabled the refresh schedule. To ...
  18. Scheduled refresh has been disabled due to at least one data source not having credentials provided. Please provide credentials ...
  19. Scheduled refresh has been disabled due to the test connection failing. Please validate data sources before turning scheduled ...
  20. Schema information cannot be obtained from a prepared data provider query that returns hierarchical results. Schema information ...
  21. Scoped connection cannot be created because database with name='%{db_name/}', Id='%{db_id/}' is disabled for scoped connections. ...
  22. Scoped connection cannot be created because not all of DatabaseId='%{db_id/}', internalDatabaseName='%{internal_db_name/}' ...
  23. Seems like the password to the server has been changed. You can no longer consume your server data from your phone. Enter ...
  24. Select a column to be used as unique identifier for the date table. The selected column must be of the date data type and ...
  25. Select a gateway that will be used to register and access your data sources. Please make sure that the gateway is updated ...
  26. Select a gateway that will be used to register and access your data sources. You can only change the gateway if the cloud ...
  27. Select an installed gateway (client agent) that will be used to register and access your on-premises data sources. You cannot ...
  28. Select how the values in the column are displayed. Formatting is a display setting only and does not affect how the data ...
  29. Select how the values in the column are displayed. Formatting is a display setting only and does not affect how the data ...
  30. Select how the values in the column are displayed. Formatting is a display setting only and does not affect how the data ...
  31. Select the column to be sorted and the column by which it is sorted (for example, sort the month name by the month number). ...
  32. Select the date column that you want to mark as the unique column for the Date table. You can also change the date properties ...
  33. Select this option to input provider and specify the server name, database name, authentication type, and credentials separately ...
  34. Select this option to input provider and the connection string extracted from Excel workbook. You may locate the string from ...
  35. Select which R home directory Power BI Desktop should use. Either select a home directory from the detected R installations ...
  36. Semiadditive measure %{msr/} requires Account attribute in the Account dimension. If Account has parent-child hierarchy, ...
  37. Semiadditive measure %{msr/} requires Account Type attribute in the Account dimension to be present and related to Account ...
  38. Sequential parts of a compound curve must have one common endpoint. Add a common endpoint. All coordinates, including optional ...
  39. Server process ID. This uniquely identifies a user session. This directly corresponds to the session GUID used by XML/A. ...
  40. Session mining objects (including special data source views used to process data mining dimensions) cannot be created on ...
  41. Set the Slice property on partitions with ROLAP storage mode or with proactive caching settings that allow entering ROLAP ...
  42. Sets with members from multiple levels of a non-parent-child hierarchy cannot be specified as part of a subcube definition. ...
  43. Sets with multiple hierarchies cannot be specified as part of a subcube definition. Use the Crossjoin function or the Crossjoin ...
  44. Sets with multiple members from a level in an unnatural hierarchy cannot be specified as part of a subcube definition. Use ...
  45. Setting DirectQueryMode to any value other than Default is not supported when Analysis Services are not running in Tabular ...
  46. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Microsoft ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server. To continue, install Microsoft ODBC ...
  47. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Microsoft SQL Server 2014 CTP1 Management Objects. To continue, install SQL ...
  48. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Microsoft SQL Server 2014 CTP1 Native Client. To continue, install Microsoft ...
  49. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Microsoft SQL Server 2014 CTP1 System CLR Types. To continue, install SQL ...
  50. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Microsoft SQL Server 2014 CTP1 with Integration Services. To continue, install ...
  51. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Windows PowerShell 2.0. To continue, install Windows PowerShell 2.0 or greater ...
  52. Setup is missing an installation prerequisite: -Windows PowerShell. To continue, install Windows PowerShell and then run ...
  53. Setup requires administrator permission to remove a pre-release version of this product. To continue, copy the SqlLocalDB.msi ...
  54. Setup requires this user to be in the administrator group in order to continue the installation process. Setup is aborting, ...
  55. ShardDirectory does not report following shards to be available on the node for the scale-out query: '%{MissingPartitionIDs/}' ...
  56. ShardDirectory returned same endpoint='%{Endpoint/}' at least twice; no endpoint repetitions are allowed. ShardDirectory ...
  57. ShardDirectory returned same shard Id='%{PartitionId/}' at least twice; no shard Id repetitions are allowed. ShardDirectory ...
  58. SharePoint Online Document Libraries as a Data Source currently does not re-index the Library when new files are added. We ...
  59. SharePoint related properties in ImageLoad command: ImageVersion, ImageUrl and ImageUniqueId should be specified alltogether ...
  60. Sharing with other members of your organization is not supported while you are in your archived content. Go to back to Power ...
  61. Show items with no data is not compatible with Percent of grand total. Either remove the 'Percent of grand total' quick calc ...
  62. Shows the age, typically in days, of an enterprise's accounts receivable and the average time that it takes to transform ...
  63. Sign in failed because a component used for this purpose (msoidcli.dll) was not found on your computer. Please verify that ...
  64. Sign in failed because the identity provider property is missing. This property is required when integrated security is set ...
  65. Sign in failed because the identity provider property is missing. This property is required when integrated security is set ...
  66. Sign in with your Windows Store developer account to get data about your apps. Get details about the performance and quality ...
  67. SkipVolatileObjects attribute cannot be specified on a ProcessRecalc command within a batch operation. Please specify the ...
  68. Some of the perspectives have invalid names. Their names contain invalid characters, or are too long, or have reserved prefixes. ...
  69. Some of the queries you are trying to paste use embedded contents, which are not currently supported. These queries have ...
  70. Sorry, but this workbook was created using a different version of Power View. Please delete all Power View sheets from the ...
  71. Sorry, currently only direct query models are supported via PowerBI enterprise gateway (DMTS). Tell your Power BI admin that ...
  72. Sorry, Forecast identifies %{dataPoints/} historical data points. It requires at least %{minDataPoints/} data points for ...
  73. Sorry, forecast requires consecutive time series data points. It requires at least 50 percent data points to complete missing ...
  74. Sorry, forecast supports a maximum of %{dataSize/} data points. Please filter your data to display at most %{dataSize/} data ...
  75. Sorry, forecasting can only complete missing y values of up to the number of historical data points, for the purpose of forecasting. ...