Office System 2010

  1. Form load time has exceeded the maximum configured threshold (Form Location: %1, User: %2, Form Caption: %3, IP: %4, Request: ...
  2. Form rights are not supported in (!idspnInfoPath_Short_2003). Form rights must be removed before the form can be saved as ...
  3. Form submission is not enabled for this form template. To customize form submission options, use the Submit Options dialog ...
  4. Form template "{0}" cannot be browser enabled because the user {1} does not have the required permissions. Only a site collection ...
  5. Form templates can contain data connections that access data from other domains. Select this check box to allow user form ...
  6. Form templates cannot be browser-enabled on this server without server administrator approval. Contact your server administrator ...
  7. Form templates in the InfoPath Forms Services in-memory cache are being reloaded frequently. This could indicate high memory ...
  8. Form templates that have the following properties require administrator approval: (!idspnInfoPath_NV) 2007 compatible custom ...
  9. Format the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) in a .css file. Improve the layout and readability of the document by providing consistent ...
  10. Format the HTML in the page. Improve the layout and readability of the document by providing consistent line spacing and ...
  11. Format the XML in an .xml file. Improve the layout and readability of the document by providing consistent line spacing and ...
  12. Format this message as Rich Text. Rich Text messages can contain formatting but are only compatible with (!idspnOutlook_NV) ...
  13. format-number(1234.56, '#,#.0000')" returns the string "1,234.5600". "format-number(.2345, '#.#%')" returns the string "23.5%". ...
  14. Forms based authentication requires form credentials. Type the form URL and click "Enter Credentials" to provide credentials. ...
  15. Forms sent by e-mail must contain an access path, a form ID, or both. To set these, save the form and publish to a list of ...
  16. Forms Server 2010 cannot be upgraded to this product. For more information on migrating content to Microsoft SharePoint Server ...
  17. Forms that connect to databases may embed SQL username and password in the connection string. The connection string can be ...
  18. Forms that require the domain permission level contain features that access information on a network, such as data connections, ...
  19. Forms using this ActiveX control require the control to be installed and registered on all users' computers. You can install ...
  20. found a problem while accessing the (!idspnDocumentCache_Long) and needs to repair it before it can continue. As part of ...
  21. found an older version of the (!idspnDocumentCache_Long) and needs to upgrade it to the latest version before it can continue. ...
  22. Found an unexpected XML element or attribute during Resource import. Does the XML you are importing match the Model schema ...
  23. Found more than one Property with Name '{0}' on the parent object. The parent object may be returned by the LobSystem (External ...
  24. found unreadable content in this e-mail. Do you want to recover the contents of this e-mail? If you trust the source of this ...
  25. found unreadable content in {f255}. Do you want to recover the contents of this document? If you trust the source of this ...
  26. fractional_dollar,fraction!Converts a dollar price, expressed as a fraction, into a dollar price, expressed as a decimal ...
  27. Frame is missing descriptive title. , , or does not contain descriptive title text. Add a descriptive title (title="X"). ...
  28. Frame title is empty. , , or should contain descriptive title text. Add a descriptive title (title="X"). You can also use ...
  29. Free disk space warning: The available disk space of %ld K on the default volume is less than the suggested minimum of %ld ...
  30. Frequency Band;Mastergroup;Erect Band of Frequencies;Group of Erect Channels;Inverted Band of Frequencies;Band of Mixed Channels ...
  31. From here, you can add your own logo. You can also customize or add additional layouts to create even more types of slides ...
  32. From this list, select the table with the columns you want to show. For example if you're only interested in the differences ...
  33. From" and "To" dates should be valid, earlier than today's date and "From" Date should always be less than or equal to "To" ...
  34. From" and "To" dates should be valid, earlier than today's date and "From" Date should always be less than or equal to "To" ...
  35. FTP does not encrypt or encode passwords or data. To protect the security of your passwords and data, use HTTP (WebDAV) instead. ...
  36. FTP transmits the user name and password without encryption. If possible, open the Web site by using an HTTP URL to help ...
  37. Full-text index mapping defines the rank priority of the properties. Properties can be mapped to different priority levels ...
  38. Functionality Not Available}You're using a custom Project Guide that doesn't support this functionality. Would you like to ...
  39. function_num,options,array,k!function_num,options,ref1,.!Returns an aggregate in a list or database!is the number 1 to 19 ...
  40. function_num,ref1,.!Returns a subtotal in a list or database!is the number 1 to 11 that specifies the summary function for ...
  41. f} is a Word for the Macintosh document with a next file. If this is the first document in the series, it should be converted ...
  42. f} is a Word for the Macintosh {b} document. Do you want to overwrite it with the latest Word for Windows format? To overwrite, ...
  43. f} is a Word version 6.0 or 95 for Windows document. Do you want to overwrite it with the latest Word format? To overwrite, ...
  44. f} is a Word version 6.0 or 95 for Windows document. Do you want to update it to the latest Word format? To overwrite, click ...
  45. f} is a Word version {b}.0 for Windows document. Do you want to overwrite it with the latest Word format? To overwrite, click ...
  46. f} may contain features that are not compatible with this format. Do you want to continue to save in this format? For more ...
  47. Galleries to hold task panes, business data actions and application assemblies that can be added to BCS solutions. These ...
  48. Gateways control divergence and convergence of Sequence Flow and often model decisions. Drag the shape onto the drawing page, ...
  49. Gathers signatures needed to complete a Microsoft Office document. This workflow can only be started from within a Microsoft ...
  50. General #.# General units #.# u Whole number (%s) 0 Whole number w/ units (%s cm.) 0 u Floating pt (%s) 0.00 Floating pt ...
  51. General error: A Duplicate ID was passed to Project Server. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out ...
  52. General error: An invalid value was passed to Project Server (Use this error information along with other errors to find ...
  53. General error: An invalid value was passed to Project Server, (Use this error information along with other errors to find ...
  54. General error: Calendar ID used in invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause of ...
  55. General error: Cost value used is invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause of the ...
  56. General error: Duration value used is invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause ...
  57. General error: Operation is still being processed. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause ...
  58. General error: Specified calendar already exists. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause ...
  59. General error: Specified calendar was not found. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause ...
  60. General error: The Dependency ID used is invalid (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause ...
  61. General error: The Start Date is invalid - it is greater than or equal to the Finish date (use this error information along ...
  62. General error: This operation allows only insert operations. (Use this error information along with other errors to find ...
  63. General error: This operation only allows update operations. (Use this error information along with other errors to find ...
  64. General error: Units used in invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause of the problem.) ...
  65. General error: Work value used is invalid. (Use this error information along with other errors to find out the cause of the ...
  66. General problems: The printer may be unavailable, the network may be down, the communication port to the printer may be corrupt ...
  67. GeneralizableElement - WFR2 - No generalizable element can have a supertype generalization to an element which is a leaf. ...
  68. Generally, the only content that is included in a deployment job is content that has changed on the source site since the ...
  69. General_AppName% has detected a problem with your installation of the product. Repairing or reinstalling it may correct the ...
  70. Generate a report comparing the current web site map to a web site map in another document. You can use this report to track ...
  71. Generate a report comparing the data in the current organization chart to the data in another version of the organization ...
  72. Generates labels that can be inserted in Microsoft Office documents to ensure that document properties or other important ...
  73. Generates new password for an account, updates the account password, then launches jobs to deploy the new password to everything ...
  74. Generates unique identifiers that can be inserted in Microsoft Office documents. Barcodes can also be used to search for ...
  75. Get MAPI IDs failed (MAPI error %5). This is the result of an error reported by the MAPI (Messaging Application Programming ...