function_num,options,array,k!function_num,options,ref1,.!Returns an aggregate in a list or database!is the number 1 to 19 ...

!function_num,options,array,k!function_num,options,ref1,...!!Returns an aggregate in a list or database!is the number 1 to 19 that specifies the summary function for the aggregate.!is the number 0 to 7 that specifies the values to ignore for the aggregate!is the array or range of numerical data on which to calculate the aggregate!indicates the position in the array; it is k-th largest, k-th smallest, k-th percentile, or k-th quartile.!is the number 1 to 19 that specifies the summary function for the aggregate.!is the number 0 to 7 that specifies the values to ignore for the aggregate!are 1 to 253 ranges or references for which you want the aggregate!