Office System 2010

  1. Error in the user name. The user should have the permission of the site and the user also should be included in organization ...
  2. Error initializing access control: can't inherit access control settings from the root Web because it is missing the AuthUserFile ...
  3. error L1008: '%s' : Subtype table is not allowed to have a primary key. The primary key is inherited from the supertype table. ...
  4. error L3008: '%1!.1023s!' : Referential action 'Set NULL' option not valid when child column '%2!.1023s!' does not allow ...
  5. error L3018: '%1!.1023s!' : Parent column '%2!.1023s!' and child column '%3!.1023s!' have mismatched value/range constraints. ...
  6. error L3020: '%1!.1023s!' : Foreign key relationship has same parent and child tables as %2!.1023s!, but does not have different ...
  7. error L3021: '%s' : Category relationship must be from the parent primary key to the child primary key, and both primary ...
  8. error L3022: '%1!.1023s!' : Self-referencing foreign key column '%2!.1023s!' cannot exist as both a parent and a child in ...
  9. error L3028: '%1!.1023s!' : Referential action 'Set default' option not valid when child column '%2!.1023s!' does not have ...
  10. error L4007: '%1!.1023s!' : Primary identifier on table '%2!.1023s!' is not allowed to contain subfields of a composite type. ...
  11. error L4009: '%1!.1023s!' : Alternate key on table '%2!.1023s!' and alternate key '%3!.1023s!' (on same table) are functionally ...
  12. error L4011: '%1!.1023s!' : View column is projected on a column '%2!.1023s!' whose owner occurs after the view definition. ...
  13. error L4012: '%1!.1023s!' : View has join expression involving a column '%2!.1023s!' whose owner occurs after the view definition. ...
  14. error L7001: '%s' : A composite type originating from a logical document cannot be associated with objects built from different ...
  15. Error loading URL '{0}'. This normally happens when URL does not point to a valid discovery document, service description, ...
  16. error M2501: '%1!.1023s!' : Table has more than one definition. Please change the conceptual name of the offending table ...
  17. error M2502: '%1!.1023s!' : Column has more than one definition. Please change the conceptual name of the offending column ...
  18. Error occured while processing a Content Query Web Part. Performing the following query '%1' generated the following error: ...
  19. Error occurred while connecting to data source. Please verify connection details and that this datasource has been saved ...
  20. Error occurred while updating job accounts in the task scheduler. Ensure that the task scheduler service is running. See ...
  21. Error provisioning the local timer service instance during deploying of administration application pool credentials, please ...
  22. Error provisioning the local VSS writer service instance during deploying of administration application pool credentials, ...
  23. Error reading registry key : '{0}'. Registry values '{1}'/'{2}'/'{3}' are not defined or contains invalid type. '{1}'/'{2}' ...
  24. Error reencrypting credential Id |0 with owner Id |1 during deploying of farm encryption key, please recreate credential ...
  25. Error removing the following user account(s) "%1.400s!"; Account(s) created on another virtual server: "%2!.400s!"; Account(s) ...
  26. Error reports are created when your system encounters hardware or software problems. Microsoft and its partners actively ...
  27. Error setting password for user account "%1!.200s!". The password entered does not meet the configured Active Directory policy. ...
  28. Error trying to upgrade solution '{0}'. The Entity '{1}' namespace '{2}' has a significant version change and datalossAcceptable ...
  29. Error updating access control for the %1!.60s! Web: when modifying a Web so that it uses its own access control settings, ...
  30. Error updating access control for the %1!.60s! Web: you cannot change the realm name for a Web that inherits its access control ...
  31. Error updating access control: unable to update the access control settings for the following Webs that inherit their settings ...
  32. Error updating the list of permitted IP addresses: you cannot remove the last administrator-level IP address because it would ...
  33. Error! Cannot extract column definition for the table/view '%s'. The definition is not available or you may not have sufficient ...
  34. Error!}The 'Add New Column' column cannot be moved. To hide it, right-click the column header, or edit the table definition. ...
  35. Error. This stsadm command is no longer supported. Use PowerShell to modify {0:ExcelServer} settings from the command line. ...
  36. Error: Cannot find the configuration control for transformer control |0. You must override the CreateConfigurationControl() ...
  37. Error: Cannot locate the section in the web.config file for this site. Controls in the specified assembly cannot be marked ...
  38. Error: Some farm products and patches were not detected on this or other servers. If products or patches are missing locally, ...
  39. Error: The specified CAB file, {0}, cannot be imported because it was exported from a later version of the product, {1}. ...
  40. Error: The tagged items could not be displayed. There was a problem reaching the search service. Please contact your system ...
  41. Error: This publication was created in a later version of Publisher and contains connections to multiple data sources. This ...
  42. Error: You cannot paste this record because it is not compatible with this tool. For more information, see 'Copying records' ...
  43. Error: Your session data has been damaged. No changes were made to this record but your other changes are still available. ...
  44. Errors detected in Code View might prevent this page from being displayed properly or from functioning properly. Click here ...
  45. Errors encountered while retrieving the list of discovered data sources from the Business Data Connectivity Metadata Store. ...
  46. Errors in background synchronization. In most cases, further information is available in a synchronization log in the Sync ...
  47. Errors in the workflow prevent it from functioning correctly. Click OK to save this workflow in a draft state. Click Cancel ...
  48. Errors in the workflow prevent it from functioning correctly. Click OK to save this workflow in a draft state. Click Cancel ...
  49. Errors occurred during a database operation. Make sure the SQL server is running and there is sufficient disk space available ...
  50. errors occurred when you loaded the form or report.@You loaded a form or report that has controls or properties that |9 doesn't ...
  51. Errors were detected in '|', but (!idspnExcel_NV) was able to save the file by removing or repairing the features listed ...
  52. Errors were detected in this file, but was able to save the file by making repairs. Click Details to see more information ...
  53. Errors were detected in this file, but Word was able to open the file by making the repairs listed below. Save the file to ...
  54. Errors were detected while saving '|'. (!idspnExcel_NV) may be able to save the file by removing or repairing some features. ...
  55. Errors were encountered during the save process. Some database objects were not saved and other objects might require further ...
  56. error_val!Returns a number matching an error value.!is the error value for which you want the identifying number, and can ...
  57. Establishing an encrypted connection to your outgoing (SMTP) server failed. If this problem continues, contact your server ...
  58. Evaluates a list of expressions and returns a Variant value or an expression associated with the first expression in the ...
  59. Even if you do not have a widescreen display, you can still create and present 16:9 slides. PowerPoint's Slide Show always ...
  60. Even if you do not have a Windows Live Spaces blog, you can use Spaces to store your pictures. However, you must first create ...
  61. Even though the product binaries are installed, the SharePoint installation on this machine will not function until the machine ...
  62. Every record in this table stores a product supplier's name and address. Suppliers all have more than one product, so information ...
  63. Examine any changes that you may have made to the table and, if possible, revert back to a previous copy of either the database ...
  64. Examine the drives containing the specified databases' log and data files. Free space on these drives or move the database ...
  65. Example A: Link to a search server results page: http://server/SearchCenter/Pages/Results.aspx?k={searchTerms} Example B: ...
  66. Excel Calculation Services process identity (%1) does not have permissions to retrieve file on behalf of users. Please add ...
  67. Excel Calculation Services process tried to access a null virtual address for which it does not have access to. Access Type: ...
  68. Excel Calculation Services process tried to access a virtual address for which it does not have access to. Access Type: %1, ...
  69. Excel Calculation Services process tried to access an array element that is out of bounds. Workbook Url: %1, Site Id: %2. ...
  70. Excel can not sign VBA macros when saving to this file format. Do you want to remove the digital signature and continue saving ...
  71. Excel can perform checks while opening the workbook and attempt to repair any corruption it detects, or extract just the ...
  72. Excel cannot access the source data for the chart. The source data may be missing or may not match the values used in the ...
  73. Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications. Continue without ...
  74. Excel cannot connect to your database with the driver you specified in your data source. The driver does not support OLAP-provider ...
  75. Excel cannot convert this PivotTable report because a filter has been applied and there are member properties on that axis. ...