Office System 2010

  1. Enter the data to find in the record. Enter text, a number, a date, or an expression to find in the record. Required argument. ...
  2. Enter the date when user access should begin. If no date is entered, or if a date from the past is entered, user access becomes ...
  3. Enter the document management server URL. If Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is enabled or enforced on the document management ...
  4. Enter the e-mail address that should be notified by e-mail of any password change or expiry events. This can be an individual ...
  5. Enter the e-mail addresses of users in the Change box (example: '[email protected]'). Separate names with a semicolon(;). ...
  6. Enter the e-mail addresses of users in the Read and Change boxes (example: '[email protected]'). Separate names with a ...
  7. Enter the full path of the database to use. For databases that use separate files for each table, enter the directory containing ...
  8. Enter the full path of the file to output the object to. Leave blank to have Microsoft Access prompt for the output file. ...
  9. Enter the full path of the file to use as a template for your output. This argument only applies to HTML formats. Leave blank ...
  10. Enter the GUID of this workflow. This property should be bound to the Workflow ID property of the OnWorkflowActiviated activity. ...
  11. Enter the horizontal position for the upper-left corner of the page, measured from the left edge of the containing window. ...
  12. Enter the information below to register your |0 account. Click OK to contact your provider and configure your account settings. ...
  13. Enter the item to be added to the exclude list. This phrase will be recognized as a property by the property extractor. Changes ...
  14. Enter the item to be added to the include list. This phrase will be recognized as a property by the property extractor. Changes ...
  15. Enter the login account for the workflow proxy user. This is the identity with which all the PSI calls within a workflow ...
  16. Enter the maximum number of characters, including spaces, that users can enter in the field. If left blank, the maximum is ...
  17. Enter the maximum number of times the macro will run. If left blank (and Repeat Expression is also blank), the macro runs ...
  18. Enter the maximum size for the HTML Viewer cache in megabytes (MB). This cache counts against the size of the content database. ...
  19. Enter the name of a field in a form that posts to this page. When the form is submitted, the value of the named form field ...
  20. Enter the name of a history list to use with this workflow. If it exists, a history list with this name will be used when ...
  21. Enter the name of a task list to use with this workflow. If it exists, a task list with this name will be used when this ...
  22. Enter the name of an Active Directory group that you wish to search for within that Active Directory Forest or enter a Fully ...
  23. Enter the name of the Business Data Connectivity Service Application. The name entered here will be used in the list of Service ...
  24. Enter the name of the control to requery. Use only the name of the control rather than the full syntax. Leave blank to requery ...
  25. Enter the name of the control, field, or property to set. Click the Build button to use the Expression Builder to set this ...
  26. Enter the name of the field or control to receive the focus. Use only the field or control name, rather than the full syntax. ...
  27. Enter the name of the Function procedure to be executed. Include any function arguments in parentheses. Required argument. ...
  28. Enter the name of the HTML table to use when importing from or attaching to an HTML file with multiple tables. You may leave ...
  29. Enter the name of the membership provider. The membership provider must be correctly configured in the web.config file for ...
  30. Enter the name of the menu as you want it to appear on the custom menu bar (for example, File or Edit). Required argument ...
  31. Enter the name of the Microsoft Access table to import to, export from, or link to, or the select query to export from. When ...
  32. Enter the name of the Microsoft Access table to import to, export from, or link to. When importing to an existing table, ...
  33. Enter the name of the module to be opened. Leave blank to search all standard modules in the database for a procedure. Either ...
  34. Enter the name of the person to reassign this task to. If this field is left blank, the task will be reassigned to the person ...
  35. Enter the name of the person to request a change from. If this field is left blank, the change request will be sent to the ...
  36. Enter the name of the procedure you want to open the module to. Leave blank to open the module to the Declarations section. ...
  37. Enter the name of the role manager (optional). The role manager must be correctly configured in the web.config file for this ...
  38. Enter the name of the Secure Store Service Application. The name entered here will be used in the list of Service Applications ...
  39. Enter the name of the table or Microsoft Access object to import from, export to, or link to, or the name of the select query ...
  40. Enter the name to give the imported, exported, or linked table, select query, or Microsoft Access object in the destination ...
  41. Enter the name(s) of the message recipients to be placed on the Bcc (blind carbon copy) line. If left blank, the Bcc line ...
  42. Enter the name(s) of the message recipients to be placed on the Cc (carbon copy) line. If left blank, the Cc line will be ...
  43. Enter the name(s) of the message recipients to be placed on the To line. Leave blank to have Microsoft Access prompt for ...
  44. Enter the names of the files you would like to consolidate in the File Name column. To open a file Read-Only, change the ...
  45. Enter the names of the people to whom the workflow will assign tasks, and choose the order in which those tasks are assigned. ...
  46. Enter the names of the people to whom the workflow will assign tasks, and choose the order in which those tasks are assigned. ...
  47. Enter the new horizontal position of the window's upper-left corner, measured from the left edge of the containing window. ...
  48. Enter the number of digits to display after the decimal symbol on the form. If you don't enter a value, the number of digits ...
  49. Enter the page on which to start printing. Printing starts from the top of this page. Required argument if you select Pages ...
  50. Enter the page on which to stop printing. Printing stops at the bottom of this page. Required argument if you select Pages ...
  51. Enter the password that was used to encrypt the data while exporting. If you did not use any password then leave this field ...
  52. Enter the phone number that you want Microsoft Exchange to use to play back messages. Enter the number as you would dial ...
  53. Enter the property restriction as a comparison of property to a value. All items matching the property query will be added ...
  54. Enter the public URL protocol, host, and port to use for this resource in any or all of the zones listed. The Default Zone ...
  55. Enter the range of cells to be imported or linked. Leave this blank to import or link to the entire spreadsheet. You can ...
  56. Enter the related field name pairs which link the source action and the target action. For example: name=firstname, last=lastname ...
  57. Enter the sequence of keys to be processed. Use the Visual Basic SendKeys syntax to specify these keys. Required argument. ...
  58. Enter the SQL statement for the action query or data definition query to run. You can use the SQL View command in the Query ...
  59. Enter the text to display in the status bar when the user selects this menu. This argument is ignored for custom shortcut ...
  60. Enter the URL for the SharePoint site that contains the data connection files, and then enter a name to describe the site. ...
  61. Enter the \servername\sharename followed by the path and file name of the file you want to insert as a linked attachment. ...
  62. Enter user names, group names, or e-mail addresses in order to grant group manager permissions. Separate multiple users with ...
  63. Enter user names, group names, or e-mail addresses. Separate them with semicolons. These users will have full permissions ...
  64. Enter your credentials for the proxy server. This server uses basic authentication. Your server account user name and password ...
  65. Enter your credentials. Warning : This server uses basic authentication. Your server account user name and password will ...
  66. Enter your password to connect to Microsoft Exchange. Your Microsoft Exchange password might not be saved or the saved password ...
  67. Entering a shorter string usually corrects the problem. However, if you need to enter a numeric value larger than the field ...
  68. Entering fewer than 3 characters in your search may cause your search to take a long time. Do you want to continue searching? ...
  69. Enterprise custom fields and enterprise global template items (including grouping, maps, tables, filters, views, reports, ...
  70. Enterprise custom fields cannot be copied here.}You cannot copy enterprise custom fields from a project to the enterprise ...
  71. Enterprise Fields are not stored in the Enterprise Global.} Use the Add Field to Enterprise feature to import Custom Fields ...
  72. Enterprise fields cannot be renamed in the Organizer.}To change individual enterprise custom field attributes, check out ...
  73. Enterprise item cannot be renamed.}This is an enterprise global item that can only be renamed in a checked-out enterprise ...
  74. Enterprise Keywords are shared with other users and applications to allow for ease of search and filtering, as well as metadata ...
  75. Enterprise Keywords are shared with other users and applications to allow for ease of search and filtering, as well as metadata ...