Office System 2010

  1. Get personalized answers from Microsoft or other support providers. Note: Some support options may incur additional costs. ...
  2. Getting (!idspnSharePoint) server properties using the SharePointServerRootUrl, SharePointSiteUrl, SharePointListUrl, and ...
  3. Getting (!idspnSharePoint) server properties using the SharePointServerRootUrl, SharePointSiteUrl, SharePointListUrl, and ...
  4. GetUserAudienceIDs::GetUserAudienceIDs() : Retrieving user audience list has encountered an error. AccountName={0}, Error ...
  5. GetUserAudienceIDs::GetUserAudienceIDs() : Retrieving user audience list has encountered an error. AccountName={0}, Error ...
  6. Given Action cannot work with the given Instance, as the View of the instance doesn't enough information to populate the ...
  7. Given Actions containing ActionParameters which have IdentifierIndex property can only work with EntityInstances (External ...
  8. Given DynamicType has an object of invalid type '{0}' corresponding to a collection with type descriptor id '{1}' and name ...
  9. Go to the Analyze Cost step to analyze the portfolio based on high-level cost constraints. Project selection decisions will ...
  10. Go to the Analyze Resources step to analyze the portfolio based on timephased resource capacity versus project resource demand. ...
  11. Go to the code hyperlink that was most recently followed. This button is not available unless you have previously followed ...
  12. Go to the Define Properties step to specify the details for the analysis and choose the projects to be included in the analysis. ...
  13. Go to the destination of the code hyperlink that was most recently followed. This button is not available unless you have ...
  14. Go to the Edit Custom Fields page to assign values to custom fields associated with the resource plan for the selected resource. ...
  15. Go to the Edit View page to modify the current view of this list by changing the columns, filters, or other display settings. ...
  16. Go to the Manage Rules page to create and run rules that can be applied to status updates. For example, you can have a rule ...
  17. Go to the Project Dependencies page to add dependencies to use in an analysis. For example, you can create a dependency that ...
  18. Go to the Project Permissions page to set permissions for the project. You can give users permission to view or edit the ...
  19. Go to the resource plan associated with the project. A resource plan allows you to plan for resource allocation without requiring ...
  20. Go to the Search Server Configuration page. This page automates several configuration steps, including starting the search ...
  21. Go to the Status Updates history page to view status updates that were previously approved or rejected. You can also see ...
  22. Go to the workflow page to specify the metrics changes that will generate e-mail notification, or schedule selected reports ...
  23. Go to the Workflows page to start a new workflow on the selected document or to view the status of a running or completed ...
  24. Go to the Workflows page to start a new workflow on the selected event or to view the status of a running or completed workflow. ...
  25. Go to the Workflows page to start a new workflow on the selected item or to view the status of a running or completed workflow. ...
  26. Governs SharePoint Workspace's use of IPv6 addresses: if enabled, use IPv6 addresses, if 0 or not there, ignore IPv6 addresses. ...
  27. Gradient indicator, quantitative - horizontal meter with colors and notches. This indicator type shows performance for a ...
  28. Graph requires the file OLEAUT32.DLL to run. The version on your machine doesn't match this version of Graph. Please re-run ...
  29. Graph was previously unable to load your toolbar customizations. Would you like to reset your toolbars to their default state? ...
  30. Gray Trend B indicator, qualitative - arrows pointing up, down, at an angle or sideways. This indicator type is used to show ...
  31. Gray Trend indicator, qualitative - arrows pointing up, down, at an angle or sideways, large. This indicator type is used ...
  32. Gray Trend indicator, qualitative - arrows pointing up, down, at an angle or sideways, medium. This indicator type is used ...
  33. Gray Trend indicator, qualitative - arrows pointing up, down, at an angle or sideways, small. This indicator type is used ...
  34. Groove Data Bridge has determined that its account data has become corrupt. Please perform a grooveclean -all command in ...
  35. Groove Enterprise Services provides a centralized location where you can add Groove users as members, create policies to ...
  36. Groove Manager Active Directory Synchronization Service will use the following Windows account information to access Active ...
  37. Groove Manager encrypts database information for your security. In order to enable this feature you must enter a Groove Manager ...
  38. Groove Manager encrypts sensitive information stored in its database for your added security. Press "Change Master Password" ...
  39. Groove Manager encrypts sensitive information stored in its database for your added security. You can change the password ...
  40. Groove Manager has already been successfully configured. Modifying these configuration settings will overwrite your existing ...
  41. Group Approval" site collection feature should be activated before the activation of "Group Approval" site feature. Please ...
  42. Group By invalid for current view}The Group By definition you selected only applies to assignments in a usage view. Please ...
  43. Group for the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation farm administrator. This group is required for the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation ...
  44. Group or sort records to make your report easier to read. Add counts, totals, or other arithmetic operations to each group. ...
  45. Group or ungroup a selected range of text. When grouped, a text range cannot be edited, except in regions containing editable ...
  46. Group the items in the view by specified criteria. For example, you can group by Status to see how much work has been completed, ...
  47. Group the items in the view by the specified field. You can group the items by different criteria to see how many items fall ...
  48. Group two or more selected objects together so that they will be treated as one object. Click Ungroup to split them back ...
  49. Grouping is applied to one or more fields of this PivotTable. What-If Analysis cannot be enabled when grouping is applied. ...
  50. Guest Book - Use this page to collect the reactions of visitors to your web site. All of the comments submitted by users ...
  51. Half Gauge indicator, quantitative - three bands with favorable represented by green on the right and unsatisfactory by red ...
  52. has a routing slip.}Do you want to route the project now to ^2? \- To route the project through e-mail to the names on the ...
  53. has added you as a colleague and will be able to follow your activities such as profile updates, blog updates, and tagging ...
  54. has already been mapped to a different field in Project.}You cannot specify multiple mappings for a single field name. Type ...
  55. has been changed since the last time you opened it, either by another user or because another instance of it was opened on ...
  56. has been modified. Reopening this file will cause any changes you made to the file to be discarded. Do you want to reopen ...
  57. has been saved with restricted permission. You need to have change access to this presentation to package it. You can remove ...
  58. has canceled the Paste operation.@The text on the Clipboard is too long to paste into the form. For example, you may have ...
  59. has converted '|1' to the Design Master for the replica set and has created a replica at '|2'.@Only the Design Master can ...
  60. has converted '|1' to the Design Master for the replica set and has created a replica at '|2'.@The new replica will not appear ...
  61. has converted '|1' to the Design Master for the replica set.@Only the Design Master can accept changes to the database structure; ...
  62. has converted the code in '|1' to your current version of Visual Basic.@To improve the performance of this database, do the ...
  63. has created a backup copy of your original page. This page can be used if you want to revert to the Office 2000 Web Components. ...
  64. has created a backup copy of your original page. This page can be used if you want to revert to the Office XP Web Components. ...
  65. Has currency symbols, warning signs, danger signs, bathrooms, restrooms, hospitality signs, food signs, environmental symbols, ...
  66. has deleted '|1' and removed it from the replica set.@This change isn't reflected until the database is closed and reopened.@Please ...
  67. has detected a problem with some of the current preferences. Would you like to restore these preferences to their default ...
  68. has detected corruption in this file. To try to repair the corruption, first make a backup copy of the file. Click the File ...
  69. has detected that this database contains both |9 2007 compatible links and (!idspnAccess_Short) compatible links.@Would you ...
  70. has detected that this database is in an inconsistent state, and cannot attempt to recover the database because the file ...
  71. has detected that this database is in an inconsistent state, and will attempt to recover the database. During this process, ...
  72. has finished searching the selection. The search item was not found. Do you want to search the remainder of the document? ...
  73. has granted you access to |2.|3Follow the link to view the document library.|3You have been granted access to the document ...
  74. has granted you access to |2.|3Follow the link to view the list.|3You have been granted access to the list with the following ...
  75. has granted you access to |2.|3Follow the link to view the site.|3You have been granted access to the site with the following ...