Office System 2010

  1. Failed to detect if this server is joined to a server farm. Possible reasons for this failure could be that you no longer ...
  2. Failed to export the schema XML for list |0 because the list scoped content type named |1 with identifier |2 also exists ...
  3. Failed to export the schema XML for list |0 because the list's parent content type identifier |1 does not exist in the site. ...
  4. Failed to find the local SharePoint server instance in the farm. Please ensure that SharePoint Products is installed properly. ...
  5. Failed to get security information from Microsoft(R) Windows(R) SharePoint(TM) Services server. Make sure Office XP SP1 is ...
  6. Failed to get security information from Microsoft(R) Windows(R) SharePoint(TM) Services server. Make sure Office XP SP1 is ...
  7. Failed to instantiate custom control due to incorrectly specified Control attributes in Feature '|0' (ID: |1) control '|2'. ...
  8. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The disk containing the workbook cache is full, or does not contain enough space to load ...
  9. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The workbook cache is full, or does not contain enough free space to load the workbook. ...
  10. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The workbook contains features that are not supported by Excel Services Application. %2'. ...
  11. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The workbook contains features that are not supported by Excel Services. %2'. Session: %3 ...
  12. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The workbook is currently locked for read and can not be opened.'. Session: %2 User: %3 ...
  13. Failed to load '%1' with error: 'The workbook is too large. The maximum size of a workbook is %2MB.'. Session: %3 User: %4 ...
  14. Failed to load Aec.dll because either it or Aec.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control Panel. ...
  15. Failed to load AecUtils.dll because either it or AecUtils.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  16. Failed to load Brainstorming.dll because either it or Brainstorming.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in ...
  17. Failed to load CrossFunctional.dll because either it or CrossFunctional.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program ...
  18. Failed to load DBEngr.dll because either it or DBEngr.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  19. Failed to load dbwiz.dll because either it or dbwiz.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control Panel. ...
  20. Failed to load document into IFilter. Possibly caused by unrecognized document format or document corruption. Only metadata ...
  21. Failed to load Gantt Chart.dll because either it or Gantt Chart.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the ...
  22. Failed to load Hvac.dll because either it or Hvac.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control Panel. ...
  23. Failed to load lgnd.dll because either it or lgnd.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control Panel. ...
  24. Failed to load MPX Interface.dll, ViewModel.dll or ProjectModel.dll. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control Panel. ...
  25. Failed to load OrgChWiz.dll because either it or OrgChWiz.vsl is out of date. Run Help | Office Diagnostics. to correct this ...
  26. Failed to load ProcessEngineering.dll because either it or ProcessEngineering.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio ...
  27. Failed to load product component ifsFileNames.xml. Web virtual root may be installed improperly. (User: %1, IP: %2, Request: ...
  28. Failed to load PropRpt.dll because either it or PropRpt.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  29. Failed to load SaveAsWeb.dll because either it or SaveAsWeb.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  30. Failed to load Setup customization file. The specified file appears to be for a different platform. Use File Import instead ...
  31. Failed to load Setup customization file. The specified file may not be a valid Setup customization file or may have been ...
  32. Failed to load ShapNum.dll because either it or ShapNum.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  33. Failed to load SMigrate.dll because either it or SMigrate.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  34. Failed to load VisColor.dll because either it or VisioColors.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  35. Failed to load VisUtils.dll because either it or VisUtils.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  36. Failed to load VisWeb.dll because either it or VisWeb.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  37. Failed to load Workflow.dll because either it or Workflow.vsl is out of date. Try repairing the Visio program in the Control ...
  38. Failed to map a documentum credential(Source='{0}', Login Domain='{1}', Login Name='{2}', Repository='{3}', Type='{4}') into ...
  39. Failed to open the default internet browser. An internet browser is not installed or has not been configured to be your default ...
  40. Failed to parse user context expression(s) for user context '{0}'. Please review the user context expression(s) using powershell ...
  41. Failed to prepare Lotus Notes for use with Microsoft SharePoint Server. Are Lotus Notes and Microsoft SharePoint Server properly ...
  42. Failed to read from or write to database. Refresh and try again. If the problem persists, please contact the administrator. ...
  43. Failed to read project property since property to be read is invalid or is not available on Project Server. Error is: {1} ...
  44. Failed to read SequenceNumber meta properties in the document. Make sure there is SequenceNumber field in the server label ...
  45. Failed to register a window class. You will not be able to work with the parse dialog. Choose OK to continue, Cancel to exit. ...
  46. Failed to remove " " from permissions on your folder. You can remove it manually through the "Folder Permission" property ...
  47. Failed to remove permission from this |0. For more information, contact your system administrator. Do you want to open this ...
  48. Failed to render "|0" column because of an error in the "|1" field type control. See details in log. Exception message: |2. ...
  49. Failed to retrieve a recordset for the Data Encapsulation operation. Check to make sure the page is bound to at least one ...
  50. Failed to retrieve data source schema information, please make sure the calling thread's user credentials have access to ...
  51. Failed to retrieve the SharePoint Central Administration Web Application URL. Creation of the SharePoint Central Administration ...
  52. Failed to save incoming file '%1' to destination '%2'. Metadata contained a user field which could not be resolved. Ensure ...
  53. failed to save module '|1.'@Your computer may be low on disk space. For information on freeing memory or disk space, search ...
  54. failed to save the database.@Your computer may be low on disk space. For information on freeing memory or disk space, search ...
  55. Failed to save your custom field and calculated measure configuration settings. Ensure the following rules are met: - The ...
  56. Failed to sign in. If you have forgotten the password for your Windows Live ID account, you may switch to another Windows ...
  57. failed to start correctly last time. Starting |0 in safe mode will help you correct or isolate a startup problem in order ...
  58. Failed to start the Sql server instance {0} on server {1}. Please ensure that SharePoint Products and Technologies is installed ...
  59. Failed to update a list item for this external list based on the Entity (External Content Type) '|0' in EntityNamespace '|1'. ...
  60. Failed to update the Secure Store target application credentials. This may cause failures for data sources using the unattended ...
  61. Failed trying to read value '{0}' with Type '{1}' and trying to interpret it as an Identifier of Type '{2}' for Entity (External ...
  62. Failed trying to write value '{0}' with Type '{1}' as a Field of Type '{2}'. Check TypeDescriptor with Name '{3}' in Parameter ...
  63. Failed trying to write value '{0}' with Type '{1}' as an Identifier of Type '{2}' for Entity (External Content Type) with ...
  64. Failure to connect to the FTP service on the internet server. Make sure that FTP service is running properly on the server ...
  65. Failure to execute the HTTP request to start internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to configure ...
  66. Failure to execute the HTTP request to start the internet synchronizer on the internet server. Use Replication Manager to ...
  67. Fatal error - cannot delete file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=3 in the ...
  68. Fatal error - cannot rename temp file. Close this file now! To recover, open '%s'. To avoid this error, set NetFlags=1 in ...
  69. Feature '|0' associated with Template '|1' through feature '|2' is not installed in this farm, and cannot be added to this ...
  70. Features enabling the PerformancePoint Services site including content types and site definitions for this site collection. ...
  71. Features such as InfoPath Forms Services, Visio Services, Access Services, and Excel Services Application, included in the ...
  72. Features such as Visio Services, Access Services, and Excel Services Application, included in the SharePoint Server Enterprise ...
  73. Feedback Confirmation - Use a page like this one to acknowledge user input handled by FrontPage Discussion, Form Results, ...
  74. Feedback Form - Customize the form below to collect the information you need. By default, the form data is saved to a text ...
  75. Feeds that have the publisher's update limit enabled do not allow Send/Receive groups to update the individual subscription ...