Office System 2010

  1. Documents uploaded to this library with missing required properties will be checked out to you. You must fill out any required ...
  2. does not appear to be a valid source for Microsoft Office alerts. Click Ok to continue or Cancel to go back and enter a different ...
  3. does not indicate a number of hours, days, or weeks. Type a value that includes a time unit, such as '3 weeks' or '5 days'. ...
  4. does not map any fields.}No field mapping has been specified, so no data will be imported or exported with this map. Use ...
  5. does not support opening HTML pages. @To open a Data Access Page, use Windows Internet Explorer or Microsoft Access 2003 ...
  6. does not support this operation for Data Access Pages. To perform this operation, use Microsoft Access 2003 or earlier.@1@1 ...
  7. does not support this operation for Data Access Pages. To perform this operation, use Microsoft Office Access 2007 or earlier.@1@1 ...
  8. doesn't allow you to use this method in the current view.@Most methods, including the SetFocus and Requery methods, can't ...
  9. doesn't support the requested property for this type of database object.@The DateCreated and DateModified properties are ...
  10. Domain "{0}" cannot be verified while there is a corresponding entry in the directory service partition configuration. This ...
  11. Domain trust form templates cannot be sent as e-mail attachments. To fix this problem, modify the form options to change ...
  12. Domains and distinct types are not allowed to have attributes. They may only alias another type. To specify the aliased type, ...
  13. Don't allow the download of missing components but not showing the download hyperlinks for the missing components. Possible ...
  14. Don't ask me to refresh any data connections again. Instead refresh when I perform an operation and the specified period ...
  15. Don't forget to place the special pre-printed paper in your printer. To continue, press OK. To cancel printing, press Cancel. ...
  16. Dotted Line Reporting To create an additional reporting relationship, such as a dotted line, click one box, and then drag ...
  17. Double click to type here; make sure you are using Print or Web Layout in the View menu and that the Click and Type feature ...
  18. Down Trend B indicator, qualitative - colored arrows pointing up, down, or sideways, medium. This indicator type is used ...
  19. Down Trend indicator, qualitative - colored arrows pointing up, down, at an angle or sideways, large. This indicator type ...
  20. Down Trend indicator, qualitative - colored arrows pointing up, down, at an angle, or sideways, medium. This indicator type ...
  21. Down Trend indicator, qualitative - colored arrows pointing up, down, at an angle, or sideways, small. This indicator type ...
  22. Download a copy of this document to your computer. The local copy of the file will not remain synced to the original file ...
  23. Download a free trial of Microsoft SharePoint Workspace and then click the link below to add the contact to your SharePoint ...
  24. Download a free trial version of Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 and accept the invitation by clicking on the link below: ...
  25. Download all mail headers in this folder. A mail header contains some message fields such as the e-mail address of the sender, ...
  26. Download and fill out the template below making sure that the Full Name and E-Mail Address fields are filled in for each ...
  27. Download latest file(s). Use the Folder Properties dialog box to control when you download files modified and added by other ...
  28. Download the Lotus Notes C++ API Toolkit, extract it and copy the lcppn30.dll file to the \14.0\Bin folder and the Lotus ...
  29. Downloading required program files. This may take more than 10 minutes. (Network connectivity is required during this time.) ...
  30. Downloading this site would put you %1 documents over the limit. Click OK to continue creating the workspace. Initially, ...
  31. Downloads the selected item and uploads it to the Solution Gallery of the current site collection. After this, the item is ...
  32. Downsampling is enabled only for commercial PostScript printing tasks, such as color separations or CMYK composite printing. ...
  33. Draft. This item will be returned to its creator and only be visible to its creator and all users who can see draft items. ...
  34. Drafting plans, documents, schedules, and other team information in a shared notebook is easier and more accurate than sending ...
  35. Drafts are minor versions or items which have not been approved. Specify which users should be able to view drafts in this ...
  36. Drafts are not supported for this blog. To support drafts, the blog owner can turn on content approval by using the Versioning ...
  37. Drafts are not supported within Discussion Boards. Saved changes post immediately and are available to members of the discussion ...
  38. Drag a row of data from the External Data Window to the grouped shape to re-link the data, or enter the data using the Shape ...
  39. Drag corners to resize proportionally. Drag padding handles to resize padding. Drag border to move along a single axis. Press ...
  40. Drag onto the page and adjust height to get 1 to 15 lines. Use for parts lists, title blocks, bill of materials, and so on. ...
  41. Drag onto the page and adjust height to get 1 to 5 lines. Use for parts lists, title blocks, bill of materials, and so on. ...
  42. Drag onto the page to add a new horizontal swimlane or new horizontal Cross-functional Flowchart. Use swimlanes to organize ...
  43. Drag onto the page to add a new vertical swimlane or new vertical Cross-functional Flowchart. Use swimlanes to organize steps ...
  44. Drag onto the page to add two circles with adjustable radii and connecting tangent lines. Tangent lines can be shown or hidden. ...
  45. Drag onto the page to add two circles with tangent connecting opposite sides. Right-click to show complementary tangent line. ...
  46. Drag onto the page to specify a Directory Management Domain (DMD), the administrative authority which operates the directory ...
  47. Drag onto the page, then right-click and choose Properties to specify baseball, little league, or softball and field type. ...
  48. Drag onto the page, then right-click to specify balancing network, terminating set with balancing network, or hybrid transformer. ...
  49. Drag onto the page, then right-click to specify zero or infinite reactance, or zero reactance and infinite susceptance or ...
  50. Drag onto the page, then use toolbar buttons to change fill and border color. Right-click and choose Properties to set text. ...
  51. Drag the values from the source file on the left, and drop them on the appropriate destination field on the right. Drag the ...
  52. Drag to add a horizontal guide. CTRL+drag to set the vertical ruler zero. Double-click to reset horizontal ruler zero to ...
  53. Drag to add a line that extends beyond its endpoints. Use to create shapes with the Shape > Operations > Fragment command. ...
  54. Drag to add a vertical guide. CTRL+drag to set the horizontal ruler zero. Double-click to reset vertical ruler zero to default. ...
  55. Drag to add an object for which no corresponding LDAP shape can be found. You can apply an existing class to this object. ...
  56. Driver 2 is more important than Driver 3" leads to a low consistency ratio, because it contradicts the previous two driver ...
  57. Driver 2 is more important than Driver 3" leads to a low consistency ratio, because it contradicts the previous two driver ...
  58. Drivers have not been defined for display in this webpart or departmental filtering has excluded all drivers from being displayed. ...
  59. Dropping a database requires that no one is currently using the database.@Do you want to close all open objects, and drop ...
  60. Due to a DAO limitation, one or more constraints could not be added to the database. Please refer to the file UNMAPPED.TXT ...
  61. Due to a policy set by your administrator, this will also cause Outlook to create and synchronize a new Offline data file ...
  62. Due to activation errors none of the imported External Content Types have been activated. See other warnings for detected ...
  63. Duplicate Item Name@An item with the name | already exists in the Categories list. Specify a different name for the item.@1@1 ...
  64. Duplicate property mappings are not allowed. This error could be caused by the existance of another mapping for this property. ...
  65. Duplicate style name. The style "%s" is defined both in your publication and in the document you are importing styles from. ...
  66. Duplicate unique index on SQL Server instance '%1' in database '%2'. Additional error information from SQL Server is included ...
  67. Duplicate Windows account name. The Windows user account name {0} has already been used in Project Server. The resource will ...
  68. Duration is the total time required to do a task. It is calculated by looking at the working time spanned by all the resource ...
  69. During account creation users are presented with the options to use or not use account configuration codes to create their ...
  70. During the creation of parameter {0}, some type nodes without parameterless constructors have been encountered. Each type ...
  71. During the creation of parameter {0}, some type nodes without read-write capabilities have been encountered. Each type node ...
  72. During the paste or import operation, |9 failed to convert the '|1' module from an earlier version of a |9 database.@Your ...
  73. During this process you may be asked to close running programs and/or provide the CD or network location you used for your ...
  74. E A VB project by this name already exists in the source code control project %s. Would you like to reconnect this VB project ...
  75. E Do you want to check out %s before opening it to make design changes? If you do not check it out, your changes will not ...