Failed to connect to Microsoft Azure using the provided User Azure Credentials. Check subscription and user credentials and try again.
Failed to connect to analysis services server database using the '{0}' connection manager. Check that the connection manager ...
Failed to connect to DQS server the connection manager '{0}' as a result of the following value: A connection could not be ...
Failed to connect to DQS using the connection manager '{0}' as a result of the following value: A connection could not be ...
Failed to connect to Microsoft Azure using the provided certificate and subscription. Check subscription and certificate ...
Failed to connect to Microsoft Azure using the provided User Azure Credentials. Check subscription and user credentials and ...
Failed to connect to the SQL Server Analysis Services database using the connection manager "{0}". Verify that the connection ...
Failed to convert a type in the configuration "%1!s!" for the package path "%2!s!". This happens when a configuration value ...
Failed to convert the package connection mananager '{0}' to a project connection manager because '{0}' is not a valid stream ...
Failed to create a backup file collection snapshot necessary for backup of database '%1!s!'. Check the error log for additional ...