Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.
failed because the controller '{1}' is busy. Run the command 'dreplay status -m controller]' to check the status of the controller. ...
Failed creating or loading the MOLAP object %{typename/}, Name of '%{name/}' because the StorageEngineMode of the database ...
Failed to %1!s! the replication context for TxF: {%2!s!, %3!s!, %4!s!, %5!s!, %6!s!, %7!s!, %8!s!, %9!s!, {%10!s!:%11!s!:%12!s!}, ...
Failed to acquire connection "%1!s!". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions ...
Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %1!s!). If the problem persists, ...
Failed to acquire exclusive access to the extended recovery fork stack (error %1!s!). If the problem persists, you might ...
Failed to add a node to the possible owner list of a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (Error code %1!s!). ...
Failed to add a resource dependency, making resource '%1!s!' depend on resource '%2!s!', in the WSFC cluster. The error code ...
Failed to allocate and schedule an AlwaysOn Availability Groups task for database '%1!s!'. Manual intervention may be required ...