SQL Server 2016

  1. The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A file entry cannot have a NULL value for the data stream associated ...
  2. The operation connects to an external data source. External data sources are used to import data into the data model, but ...
  3. The operation could not be completed because database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' is the source in another replication relationship. ...
  4. The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!.' ...
  5. The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' having a lower ...
  6. The operation could not be completed because the object to which the relationship manager belongs was attached to the ObjectContext ...
  7. The operation could not be completed because the required metadata could not be found. Make sure that the connection used ...
  8. The operation could not be completed. The specified '%1!s!' value, %2!s!, causes the sum of minimums on all resource pools ...
  9. The operation could not be completed. The specified '%1!s!' value, %2!s!, causes the sum of minimums on all workload groups ...
  10. The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" was unable to begin a distributed ...
  11. The operation factory '{1}' defined for the operation type '{0}' does not match the operation factory type '{2}' found in ...
  12. The operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have ...
  13. The operation failed because the source does not contain the requested column. You can fix this problem by updating the column ...
  14. The operation failed because the Windows SharePoint Services object model is not installed on the report server. Install ...
  15. The operation failed because the Windows SharePoint Services object model is not installed on the report server. Install ...
  16. The operation failed on target server '{0}'. Verify that the target server is accessible and that the SQL Server Cloud Adapter ...
  17. The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. ...
  18. The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version ...
  19. The operation is not valid because of the current state of the object. You can use the FetchAllProperties method to retrieve ...
  20. The operation on '%{name/}' %{typename/} cannot be completed since it creates ambiguous relationship between reference dimensions ...
  21. The operation on '%{name/}' %{typename/} cannot be completed since it creates ambiguous relationship between reference tables ...
  22. The operation on FileTable system defined object '%1!s!' was allowed because of traceflag settings. To prevent this informational ...
  23. The operation on object '%1!s!' is blocked. The object is a FileTable system defined object and user modifications are not ...
  24. The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource. ...
  25. The operation, ID {0}, has started. For information about package executions and validations, open the Integration Services ...
  26. The option that is used to reset the connection. This field is available only for reset connection remote procedure calls. ...
  27. The option that was used to reset the connection. This field is available only for reset connection remote procedure calls. ...
  28. The option {0} is set to true for primary key defined on the table {1}. This option is not supported in the target database ...
  29. The options on this page only apply when the frame shape is set to "Circular", "Rectangular", "Rounded rectangular" or "Auto ...
  30. The options you have selected are not secure. The user name and password will be sent as plain text to the specified Web ...
  31. The OPTMIZED_PREDICTION_COUNT parameter for the '%{modelname/}' model is not supported. OPTMIZED_PREDICTION_COUNT must be ...
  32. The Oracle Publisher name is '%1!s!' and the Oracle Subscriber name is '%2!s!'. Bidirectional Oracle publishing requires ...
  33. The Oracle Publisher support package could not be loaded. Drop the replication administrative user schema and re-create it; ...
  34. The Oracle server %1!s! is already defined as the Publisher %2!s! on the Distributor %3!s!].[%4!s!]. Drop the Publisher or ...
  35. The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, CREATE TABLE AS SELECT, INSERT SELECT, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, ...
  36. The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless ...
  37. The ORDER BY clause is not valid in views, inline functions, derived tables, sub-queries, and common table expressions, unless ...
  38. The ORDER BY clause is not valid in views, inline functions, derived tables, sub-queries, and common table expressions, unless ...
  39. The order of the columns was not specified in the object that created the rowset. The provider had to reexecute the command ...
  40. The order of the data in the data file does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the BULK rowset '%1!s!'. The order ...
  41. The order of the data in the stream does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the CLR TVF '%1!s!'. The order of the ...
  42. The original file name '%1!s!' for logical database file '%2!s!' is too long to be combined with the full path to the new ...
  43. The original location of this file is not available. It may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. Please select another location ...
  44. The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set because it is a complex property. Individual scalar properties can ...
  45. The original value for the property '{0}' cannot be set to null because the '{1}' member on the entity type '{2}' is not ...
  46. The output column "%1!s!" (%2!d!) on output "%3!s!" (%4!d!) and component "%5!s!" (%6!d!) is not subsequently used in the ...
  47. The output column with lineage ID "%1!d!" is incorrectly mapped to an input column. The CopyColumnId property of the output ...
  48. The output columns' metadata does not match the associated input columns' metadata. The output columns' metadata will be ...
  49. The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has code page %2!d! and the ...
  50. The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has maximum length %2!d! and ...
  51. The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has precision %2!d! and the ...
  52. The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has scale %2!d! and the input ...
  53. The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has type %2!s! and the input ...
  54. The output file was written by an incompatible version and cannot be appended. The file may be an older file format that ...
  55. The output name cannot be changed. There is the dangling output, which is not shown in the list of available outputs, with ...
  56. The output with ID %1!d! of Aggregate component is not used by any component. Please either remove it or associate it with ...
  57. The OutputPath property cannot be blank. It must provide a relative path that is a child folder under the path of the report ...
  58. The owner of the database. If the owner is a unique identifier (i.e. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx), it likely means ...
  59. The package %1!s! can not be saved to the file system since its protection level is server storage. Use the encrypt action ...
  60. The package cannot be loaded because the state of the digital signature violates signature policy. Error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!" ...
  61. The package cannot be loaded. This occurs when attempting to load an older version package, or the package file refers to ...
  62. The Package Configuration Wizard helps you create configurations which can be used to dynamically configure the package during ...
  63. The package contains data flow components with multiple inputs. Run-time dependencies that exist among these components may ...
  64. The package contains one or more event handlers for this task. Deleting the task will also delete the event handlers and ...
  65. The package failed during execution because the checkpoint file cannot be loaded. Further execution of the package requires ...
  66. The package file '{0}' is missing from the project directory. Move the package to the same directory as the project file ...
  67. The package file '{0}' is missing from the project directory. The project will persist without this package. To resolve the ...
  68. The package file '{0}' is missing from the project directory. This package has been skipped, and project will continue to ...
  69. The package file '{0}' is missing from the project directory. To resolve the problem, exclude the package from the project ...
  70. The package has been migrated to a later version during loading. It must be reloaded to complete the process. This is an ...
  71. The package id {0} used to determine the localized description of a failing component is unknown, which prevents a FeatureError ...
  72. The package is currently running in debug mode; the changes made to the package will not take effect until the package is ...
  73. The package name, {0}, contains characters that are not valid. The following characters are not valid: \ / : . ? " < > | ...
  74. The package path and data flow path ID strings already exist for the execution ID %1!s!. Provide package path and data flow ...
  75. The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "%1!s!". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package ...