SQL Server 2016

  1. The object could not be added or attached because its EntityReference has an EntityKey property value that does not match ...
  2. The object could not be added to the bound collection. The specific EntitySet for the object of type '{0}' could not be determined. ...
  3. The object could not be added to the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
  4. The object could not be removed from the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
  5. The object does not implement IDispatch. This error occurs when a property object or properties collection attempts to access ...
  6. The object does not support type information. This occurs when the runtime attempts to get the type information from an object ...
  7. The object id '%1!s!' passed to sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set_for_object refers to an object which is not a T-SQL ...
  8. The object ID cannot be changed from '%{strID/}' to '%{strNewID/}' for the '%{name/}' %{typename/}. The object ID cannot ...
  9. The object ID is missing from the object definition of %{strName/}. When a CREATE statement has set the object overwrite ...
  10. The object ID of the module that was being executed when the plan was applied. If the guide was not applied in a module, ...
  11. The object in the '{0}' role cannot be automatically added to the context because it was retrieved using the NoTracking merge ...
  12. The object in the ObjectContext is of type '{0}', but the modified object provided is of type '{1}'. The two objects must ...
  13. The object is in a detached state. This operation cannot be performed on an ObjectStateEntry when the object is detached. ...
  14. The object is in a zombie state. An object may enter a zombie state when either ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort ...
  15. The object model cannot be used since there is no available session context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
  16. The object model does not accept the calls from non-server threads. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer object ...
  17. The object name '{0}' is not valid. The name cannot start or end with whitespace and it cannot contain any of the following ...
  18. The object name cannot be changed from "%1!s!" to "%2!s!" because another object in the collection already uses that name. ...
  19. The object referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than in the current metadata ...
  20. The object type for parameter {0} is not valid. Valid object type values are 20 (project), 30 (package), or 50 (execution). ...
  21. The object with ID "{0}" referred by to a ForEachPropertyMapping is not a ForEach Loop container. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  22. The object with ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' is of type '%{typename/}' which does not support the requested operation. ...
  23. The object {0} is not found in Dependency Services catalog. Please contact the Dependency Services admin and confirm that ...
  24. The ObjectData element is missing in the XML block of a hosted object. This occurs when the XML parser attempts to locate ...
  25. The objects "%1!s!" and "%2!s!" in the FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them. ...
  26. The ObjectStateEntry is a relationship entry. The current and original values of relationship entries cannot be modified. ...
  27. The OLAP binding of the '%{column/}' nested table should reference the same cube as the binding of the '%{struct/}' mining ...
  28. The OLAP Cube-based mining structure or model, '%{name/}', cannot be processed with out-of-line bindings (e.g. the INSERT ...
  29. The OLE Automation extended stored procedures (XPs) allow Transact-SQL batches, stored procedures, and triggers to reference ...
  30. The OLE DB initialization service failed to load. Reinstall Microsoft Data Access Components. If the problem persists, contact ...
  31. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not set the range for table "%3!s!" because of column "%4!s!". ...
  32. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" could not set the range for table "%3!s!". %4!s!. For possible cause ...
  33. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" does not contain the table "%3!s!". The table either does not exist ...
  34. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported a change in schema version between compile time ("%3!s!") ...
  35. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" reported different metadata at run time for table "%3!s!", column "%4!s!". ...
  36. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" returned a "%3!s!" index "%4!s!" with the incorrect bookmark ordinal ...
  37. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The column "%3!s!" (compile-time ...
  38. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The name was changed at ...
  39. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during ...
  40. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supplied inconsistent metadata. The object "%3!s!" was missing the ...
  41. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supports column level collation, but failed to provide collation data ...
  42. The OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" supports column level collation, but failed to provide the metadata ...
  43. The OLE DB provider '%1!s!' for linked server '%2!s!' provided invalid collation. LCID = %3!s!, Compflags = %4!s!, SortOrder ...
  44. The OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Integration Services is not properly installed. Please re-install the provider on the ...
  45. The OLE DB provider used by the OLE DB adapter does not support IConvertType. Set the adapter's ValidateColumnMetaData property ...
  46. The OLE DB Provider {0} is not installed or is not valid. Do you want to reset the connection string? If you click OK, the ...
  47. The ON clause at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}, is not valid. Columns specified in the ON clause must be scalar, and ...
  48. The online ALTER COLUMN operation cannot be performed for table '%1!s!' because column '%2!s!' currently has or is getting ...
  49. The online ALTER COLUMN statement failed for table '%1!s!' because the table has change tracking enabled or is marked for ...
  50. The online restore is complete, but WITH NORECOVERY was specified. Use RESTORE WITH RECOVERY to bring affected data online. ...
  51. The online restore to database '%1!s!' failed. It may be appropriate to perform an offline restore instead. An offline restore ...
  52. The online restore to database '%1!s!' failed. It may be appropriate to perform an offline restore instead. To force an offline ...
  53. The only configurable property for a cached HOLAP object is Silence Interval, which must be specified as zero or greater. ...
  54. The OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY statement cannot reference a symmetric key created from an Extensible Key Management (EKM) provider. ...
  55. The OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE functions support ad hoc connections to remote data sources without linked or remote servers. ...
  56. The operating system does not support Channel Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update ...
  57. The operating system does not support Service Bindings, but the server is configured to require Extended Protection. Update ...
  58. The operating system on this computer or its service pack level does not meet the minimum requirements for SQL Server 2016. ...
  59. The operating system returned error %1!s! to SQL Server during a %2!s! at offset %3!s! in file '%4!s!'. Additional messages ...
  60. The operating system returned error %1!s! to SQL Server. It failed creating event for a %2!s! at offset %3!s! in file '%4!s!'. ...
  61. The operating system returned error 5 (ACCESS_DENIED) while creating an ETW tracing session. ErrorFormat: Ensure that the ...
  62. The operation cannot be completed because the file extension is either missing or it is not valid. Valid file extensions ...
  63. The operation cannot be completed because the memory quota estimate (%d{Request/}MB) exceeds the available system memory ...
  64. The operation cannot be completed because the request encoding format does not match the format specified in request header. ...
  65. The operation cannot be executed since metadata file '%{file_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID ...
  66. The operation cannot be executed since the database folder '%{dir_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...
  67. The operation cannot be executed since the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID of '%{db_id/}' already exists in the ...
  68. The operation cannot be performed because another operation is in progress. Please wait for the other operation to complete ...
  69. The operation cannot be performed because it references an object or property that is unavailable in the current edition ...
  70. The operation cannot be performed on database "%1!s!" because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability ...
  71. The operation cannot be performed since the replication source and target databases have different names. The source and ...
  72. The operation cannot be started because the user is not a member of the database role, '%1!s!', or the server role, '%2!s!'. ...
  73. The operation cannot be started by an account that uses SQL Server Authentication. Start the operation with an account that ...
  74. The operation cannot continue. To remove the SQL Server utility control point, the user must be a member of the sysadmin ...
  75. The operation caused a FileTable check constraint error. A directory entry cannot have a data stream associated with the ...