Exchange Server 2016

  1. OALGen encountered an error %1 (internal ID %2) while generating address list '%3'. Check other logged events to see if this ...
  2. OALGen encountered an error while generating the %1 file for differential downloads of address list '%2'. Clients will not ...
  3. OALGen encountered error %1 while loading the template %2. All display templateswill not be available for the client download. ...
  4. OALGen encountered error %1 while loading the template %2. This address or display template will not be available for client ...
  5. OALGen encountered error %2 while loading the template %3. This address or display template will have this string skipped. ...
  6. OALGen encountered too long string while loading the template %2. This address or display template will have this string ...
  7. OALGen encountered too long string while loading the template %2. This address or display template will have this string ...
  8. OALGen failed to download the files currently in offline address list '%1'.The offline address list is going to be generated ...
  9. OALGen failed to find the OAB version 4 manifest file '%1'. This is normal if it is the first time this offline address list ...
  10. OALGen failed to open directory '%1' as the OAB V4 publishing point. The default location under the Exchange install path ...
  11. OALGen failed to read the OAB version 4 property list from registry key '%1'. The registry value must be a binary value and ...
  12. OALGen found no changes between the last generation of the version 4 offline address list and the current generation of offline ...
  13. OALGen is configured to generate version 2 or version 3 OAB files for offline address book '%1' but there is no public folder ...
  14. OALGen is configured to generate version 4 OAB files for offline address book '%1' and publish it to public folders, but ...
  15. OALGen is running on an SCC cluster node which does not have the registry value '%1\%2\%3' or it is set to a non-existing ...
  16. OALGen is running on CCR cluster node which does not have registry value '%1\%2\%3' or it is not set to this node name. OAB ...
  17. OALGen only supports alphanumeric and space characters on the offline address name. The offline address list is not going ...
  18. OALGen received error %1 while trying to enumerate files under '%2'.This is not a fatal problem and the offline address list ...
  19. OALGen skipped some entries in the offline address list '%1'. To see whichentries are affected, event logging for the OAL ...
  20. OALGen truncated or dropped properties for entry '%1' in address list '%2' because they exceeded the configured size limits ...
  21. Object '{0}' belongs to a tenant organization that has been relocated to different partition. You need to choose the right ...
  22. Object '{0}' belongs to a tenant organization that is being relocated to different partition. You need to choose the right ...
  23. Object '{2}' in organization {3}: the linked object of property '{0}' is '{1}', which doesn't exist in the same organization ...
  24. Object '{2}': the linked object of property '{0}' is '{1}', which doesn't exist in First Organization '{3}'. This might be ...
  25. Object cannot be changed because its ExchangeVersion property is {0}, which is not supported by the current version {1}. ...
  26. Object cannot be saved because its ExchangeVersion property is {0}, which is not supported by the current version {1}. You ...
  27. Object full sync request for object '{0}' in service instance '{1}' does not match actual service instance of tenant '{2}'. ...
  28. objects are failed to publish to the cloud-based directory service with unexpected errors. First failed object: ContextId ...
  29. objects are failed to publish to the cloud-based directory service. Need retry. First failed object: ContextId = {1}, ObjectId ...
  30. Obsoleted Fail to load reporting schema configruation file. Detail error is '%1'. The reporting web service cannot start ...
  31. OCS User Event Notifications is the total number of OCS user event notifications that occurred since the service was started. ...
  32. of Inbound Calls Rejected by the UM Call Router Over the Last Hour is the precentage of inbound calls that were rejected ...
  33. of Inbound Calls Rejected by the UM Service Over the Last Hour is the precentage of inbound calls that were rejected by the ...
  34. of Inbound Calls Rejected by the UM Worker Process Over the Last Hour is the percentage of inbound calls that were rejected ...
  35. of Messages Successfully Processed Over the Last Hour is the percentage of messages that were successfully processed by the ...
  36. of Missed Call Notification Proxy Failed at UM Call Router Over the Last Hour is the precentage of missed call notifications ...
  37. of the processor time is in processes other than the store.exe, inetinfo.exe, emsmta.exe, lsass.exe, w3wp.exe, exmgmt.exe, ...
  38. Of the {1} in progress calls, {2} of them are waiting on the directory. Please check the health of the directory servers. ...
  39. Office 365 was unable to communicate with your on-premises Autodiscover endpoint. This is typically due to incorrect DNS ...
  40. Offline Address Book "{0}" presently has no distribution method set. You will need to manually configure it for web based ...
  41. Offline address book generation schedule for list '{0} is set to 'Always'. If you configure OAB With this setting, significant ...
  42. Offline address book generation schedule for list '{0}' is set to 'Never'. If you configure OAB With this setting, significant ...
  43. Offline database '{0}' on Remote Continuous Replication source machine '{1}' has lost some logs after a failover or a handoff ...
  44. OK, I can use Cancel and Decline to clear your appointments, starting with the current one. Just say a time of day to clear ...
  45. Older versions of Outlook aren't allowed to access server {0}. It is recommended that older versions be restricted for optimal ...
  46. On server '{0}' there is more than one network interface configured for registration in DNS. Only the interface used for ...
  47. on server {2} does not appear to have a corresponding SMTP system mailbox object in Active Directory. This may cause messages ...
  48. One of the conditions you specified can't be used for rules where you want to notify the sender. Error details: The NotifySender ...
  49. One of the internal validation operations did not respond in a timely manner. Operation is aborted, please try again later. ...
  50. One of the services you've selected (IMAP4, POP3, SMTP, IIS, UM) isn't installed on this server. Please check which services ...
  51. One or both of the groups "Exchange Domain Servers" or "Exchange Enterprise Servers" in this domain have been moved or renamed ...
  52. One or more 'Network Interface' performance counters are not present in the file {1}. The following counters are missing: ...
  53. One or more Active Directory Connectors have been found. Please remove all Active Directory Connectors before installing ...
  54. One or more database(s) disk read latency has been above threshold for last {0}, which is likely caused by a defective disk. ...
  55. One or more database(s) disk read latency has been above threshold for last {0}, which is likely caused by a defective disk; ...
  56. One or more distribution groups are managed by user "{0}" and the MemberJoinRestriction property is set to ApprovalRequired. ...
  57. One or more errors occurred while collecting performance data. This may indicate that some performance data was not collected. ...
  58. One or more Exchange virtual servers are owned by this node. You must failover each Exchange virtual server to at least one ...
  59. One or more folders in your mailbox is named incorrectly. The name of one or more of your folders includes the character ...
  60. One or more folders specified in folder scope for indexed search is not a mailbox folder. Indexed search is not supported ...
  61. One or more global address lists were missing from the Active Directory attribute. This is likely caused by using legacy ...
  62. One or more messages have failed delivery due to DNS response 'non-existent domain'. This will occur if one of the DNS servers ...
  63. One or more messages have failed delivery due to insufficient permissions on the remote server. If the remote server is in ...
  64. One or more messages in the 'Messages awaiting directory lookup' queue on server {1} are addressed to database '{3}' on server ...
  65. One or more messages in the 'Messages awaiting directory lookup' queue on server {1} are addressed to server {2}. Server ...
  66. One or more messages in the 'Messages awaiting directory lookup' queue on server {1} are addressed to the mailbox store '{3}' ...
  67. One or more of the following mailbox policy settings failed to validate: Unified Messaging, Messaging Records Management ...
  68. One or more of these parameters: Administrative Group, Routing Group, Administrative Group containing Routing Group, Install ...
  69. One or more organization message size restrictions that are used by Exchange 2010 conflict with the corresponding settings ...
  70. One or more servers in the existing organization are running Exchange 2000 Server or Exchange Server 2003. Installation can't ...
  71. One or more servers running Exchange 2010 or later exist in your organization. You can't change the Customer Experience Improvement ...
  72. One or more subscriptions in the request reside on another Client Access server. GetStreamingEvents won't proxy in the event ...
  73. One or more UserId parameters are invalid. Make sure that the PrimarySmtpAddress, Sid and DisplayName properties refer to ...
  74. One or more users are currently instant messaging enabled on this server. These users must be moved to a different Instant ...
  75. One or more users currently have a mailbox that is hosted by this Exchange server. These mailboxes must be moved to another ...