One or more of these parameters: Administrative Group, Routing Group, Administrative Group containing Routing Group, Install path, and Data path did not match the existing Active Directory object. Please use Exchange System Manager to retrieve the correct parameters for this operation.
One or more MSExchangeIS event 1159 with error 0xfffffdf9 have been detected. This indicates that the storage group runs ...
One or more network interface is DHCP enabled. As a best practice, you should statically assign an IP address to each network ...
One or more of the files required to restore your computer to its previous state could not be found. Restoration will not ...
One or more of the following mailbox policy settings failed to validate: Unified Messaging, Messaging Records Management ...
One or more of these parameters: Administrative Group, Routing Group, Administrative Group containing Routing Group, Install ...
One or more resources are in the failed or offline (i.e. stopped or dismounted) state. Please check the event log for more ...
One or more servers in the existing organization is running Exchange 2000 Server without Service Pack 3 (or later). Installation ...
One or more servers in the existing organization is running Exchange Server 2003 without Service Pack 2 (or later). Installation ...
One or more test mailboxes could not be accessed. The service that is being tested will not run against these mailboxes. ...