Exchange Server 2016

  1. Microsoft Antigen 7.5 is installed on server {0} and a software update is available. This update is highly recommended and ...
  2. Microsoft Antigen is running on Exchange server {0} and it appears that the Kaspersky scan engine is installed. This configuration ...
  3. Microsoft Classification Engine returned an error when trying to validate a classification rule collection for organization ...
  4. Microsoft Classification Engine timed-out when trying to validate a classification rule collection for organization '%1'. ...
  5. Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent Skipping the EmailAddress updates because the object "{0}" is in the remote forest "{1}". ...
  6. Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent Update Recipient object "{0}" with ConfigurationDomainController "{1}", DomainController ...
  7. Microsoft Cmdlet Extension Agent UpdateAffectedIConfigurable() scriptlet returned the wrong type of object. It has to return ...
  8. Microsoft Exchange can't be installed in the specified directory. The destination directory must be on a partition formatted ...
  9. Microsoft Exchange cannot find a route to the source transport server or home MTA server %1 for connector %2 in routing tables ...
  10. Microsoft Exchange cannot find target bridgehead server %1 for routing group connector %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
  11. Microsoft Exchange cannot find the route to mailbox database %1 for public folder hierarchy %2 in routing tables with timestamp ...
  12. Microsoft Exchange cannot obtain the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of Exchange server %1 in routing tables with timestamp ...
  13. Microsoft Exchange Client Access server %1 tried to proxy Outlook traffic to Client Access server %2. This failed because ...
  14. Microsoft Exchange could not discover any route to connector %1 in the routing tables with the timestamp %2. This connector ...
  15. Microsoft Exchange could not find a certificate that contains the domain name %1 in the personal store on the local computer. ...
  16. Microsoft Exchange could not load the certificate with thumbprint of %1 from the personal store on the local computer. This ...
  17. Microsoft Exchange could not load the certificate with thumbprint of %1 from the personal store on the local computer. This ...
  18. Microsoft Exchange could not load the certificate with thumbprint of %1 from the personal store on the local computer. This ...
  19. Microsoft Exchange couldn't complete the opt-in process for Microsoft Update: %1. Please see ...
  20. Microsoft Exchange couldn't create or update the Edge Subscription account on the Edge Transport server for the following ...
  21. Microsoft Exchange couldn't determine the version of the Microsoft Update agent, or the Microsoft Update agent is not current. ...
  22. Microsoft Exchange couldn't initialize the Content Filter agent because a required file could not be found on your system. ...
  23. Microsoft Exchange couldn't initialize the Content Filter agent because ExSMime.dll couldn't be initialized. Verify that ...
  24. Microsoft Exchange couldn't IRM-protect the message because the RMS template %1 used by the Transport Protection Rule can't ...
  25. Microsoft Exchange couldn't load configuration information for routing. The process will block and retry the operation in ...
  26. Microsoft Exchange couldn't load routing tables because the Active Directory directory service is unavailable. Microsoft ...
  27. Microsoft Exchange couldn't read the Receive connector configuration because the directory is unavailable. The service will ...
  28. Microsoft Exchange couldn't read the registry information about the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port that is used by Active ...
  29. Microsoft Exchange couldn't read the server configuration because the directory is unavailable. The service will be stopped. ...
  30. Microsoft Exchange couldn't start agents. The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Transport Submission service will be stopped. Exception ...
  31. Microsoft Exchange couldn't start transport agents. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service will be stopped. Exception details: ...
  32. Microsoft Exchange couldn't successfully use the Microsoft Update agent: %1. Please see and update ...
  33. Microsoft Exchange detected a configuration change but couldn't read the updated Receive connector configuration. The configuration ...
  34. Microsoft Exchange Edge Credential Service couldn't load the local server object from the Active Directory. This is probably ...
  35. Microsoft Exchange Edge server has not been updated by EdgeSync since %1 (UTC Time). Please confirm that the EdgeSync service ...
  36. Microsoft Exchange Edge subscription was not completed. Please create a new subscription and import it into your organization ...
  37. Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync can't find the replication credential on %1 to synchronize with Edge server %2. This may happen ...
  38. Microsoft Exchange failed to decrypt the password for connector '{0}' and returned error {1}. This error probably occurred ...
  39. Microsoft Exchange failed to query a network adapter to obtain the IP addresses assigned to it. Microsoft Exchange will continue ...
  40. Microsoft Exchange Forward Sync Service '%5' using Service Endpoint: Name - %1, URL - %2, URL template - %3, Subject - %4 ...
  41. Microsoft Exchange Free Busy Publishing Service has not released the associated MAPI sessions.Microsoft Exchange System Attendant ...
  42. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) could not open semaphore passed from host service and will be stopped. ...
  43. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) failed to get IsOnline state for %2 (will default to %3). Error message: ...
  44. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) has detected the task engine exited with the following exception: %2 ...
  45. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) received restart request and will be stopped. Restart reason: data ...
  46. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) received restart request and will be stopped. Restart reason: maintenance. ...
  47. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) received restart request and will be stopped. Restart reason: poison ...
  48. Microsoft Exchange Health Manager worker process (%1) received restart request and will be stopped. Restart reason: Unknown. ...
  49. Microsoft Exchange Replication service endpoints on {0} are not responding. A service restart was attempted {1} minutes ago; ...
  50. Microsoft Exchange Replication service VSS Writer instance %1 did not successfully complete the backup of the database with ...
  51. Microsoft Exchange Replication service VSS Writer instance %1 failed with error %2 when checking volume dependencies for ...
  52. Microsoft Exchange Replication service VSS Writer instance %1 failed with error %2 when collecting private metadata information ...
  53. Microsoft Exchange Replication service VSS Writer instance %1 successfully completed a backup of database '%2', but was unable ...
  54. Microsoft Exchange RPC service manager encountered an unexpected error while loading a managed service from binary %1. Error ...
  55. Microsoft Exchange RPC service manager is terminating the process because the shutdown timeout of %1 seconds was exceeded. ...
  56. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpExchange Server Installation Usage: Setup /Mode:Install /Roles: /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms ...
  57. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpPrepare Topology Usage: Setup /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms ...
  58. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpRecover Exchange Server Usage: Setup /Mode:RecoverServer OptionalParameters ...
  59. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpServer Setup Delegation Usage: Setup /NewProvisionedServer: /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms ...
  60. Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 Setup Parameter HelpUnified Messaging Language Pack Usage: Setup /AddUmLanguagePack: /IAc ...
  61. Microsoft Exchange Server is currently installed on this computer. This wizard will allow you to add Exchange server roles ...
  62. Microsoft Exchange Server is currently installed on this computer. This wizard will allow you to remove Exchange server roles ...
  63. Microsoft Exchange Server Locator Service cannot post CAFE notification, because the number of threads already doing CAFE ...
  64. Microsoft Exchange Server Locator Service failed to find active server AD object for the active server %1 for the database ...
  65. Microsoft Exchange Server Locator Service failed using port '%1' due to another process using the same TCP port. Process ...
  66. Microsoft Exchange Server Locator Service Found invalid cafe endpoint uri for database '%1 (%2)': '%3' in the active directory ...
  67. Microsoft Exchange Server Setup Parameter HelpUpgrade Exchange Server Usage: Setup /Mode:Upgrade OptionalParameters /IAc ...
  68. Microsoft Exchange Service Host couldn't update the credentials for Alternate Service Account %1. Kerberos reported error ...
  69. Microsoft Exchange Service Host couldn't update the last logon date for the registered Alternate Service Accounts. Logon ...
  70. Microsoft Exchange setup does not support the use of the DisasterRecovery action when running on cluster nodes. See the Microsoft ...
  71. Microsoft Exchange Setup has detected that you are running in a cluster environment. See ...
  72. Microsoft Exchange setup has detected that you are running in an environment which is not supported for the number of physical ...
  73. Microsoft Exchange System Attendant detected the name of its Administrative Group has beenchanged to '%1'. It will restart ...
  74. Microsoft Exchange System Attendant detected the name of its Organization has beenchanged to '%1'. It will restart all its ...
  75. Microsoft Exchange System Attendant did not find any security key data for Exchange Server '%1'. This is normal for servers ...