Exchange Server 2016

  1. Locale ID %4 (%5 %6) is either invalid, not installed on this machine or could not be validated with system error %7: "%8". ...
  2. localServer = get-exchangeserver $RoleFqdnOrName -DomainController $RoleDomainController; $localServerName = $localServer.Name; ...
  3. Located recipient "{0}", but the recipient type "{1}" isn't an expected type. Only users or universal security groups can ...
  4. Location cache entries is the total number of entries in the location cache (i.e. which server hosts the specified database) ...
  5. Location of Spare Disk failed: For a disk to qualify as a Spare - it must be mounted on C:\ExchangeDBs\SpareSlot#, a Volume ...
  6. Locked out users count sustained a value over {1} for the last {2} samples for {0} protocol. Check MsExchange UserThrottling ...
  7. Log Bytes Generated per second is the rate at which data is added to the log. This is different from Log Bytes Write per ...
  8. Log Checkpoint Depth as a % of Target is an expression of the current checkpoint depth in terms of a percentage of the checkpoint ...
  9. Log copy and inspection for database '{0}' on machine '{1}' is falling behind and Exchange isn't able to keep up with new ...
  10. Log corruption on the active copy was detected. The local copy of database '%1' shouldn't be used until after disk diagnostics ...
  11. Log file %2 in %1 could not be replayed. Re-seeding the passive node is now required. Use the Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy ...
  12. Log file '%1' for database copy '%2' is corrupted. A database failover will be attempted. This action was triggered by error ...
  13. Log file '{0}' on source server '{1}' is missing and possibly indicates a gap in the log stream. This file is required to ...
  14. Log file '{0}' on the local server is missing. This file is required to determine if the log stream is divergent from the ...
  15. Log file directory '{0}' couldn't be created because automatic directory creation has been disabled via the DisableEdbLogDirectoryCreation ...
  16. Log file drive for path {0} doesn't have enough free space for incremental reseed. Free space needed is {1}. Detected free ...
  17. Log files exist in '{0}'. You must remove them before database seeding or reseeding can be performed. You can use the Update-MailboxDatabaseCopy ...
  18. Log Files Generated Prematurely represents the total number of log files generated by an instance since that instance was ...
  19. Log Files Generated represents the total number of log files generated by an instance since that instance was last initialized. ...
  20. Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Max represents the maximum allowable amount of work, in number of log files, that may be ...
  21. Log Generation Checkpoint Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone or undone ...
  22. Log Generation Checkpoint Depth Target represents the ideal target for the amount of work, in number of log files, that may ...
  23. Log Generation Database Consistency Depth represents the amount of work, in count of log files, that will need to be redone ...
  24. Log Generation Loss Resiliency Depth represents the amount of work, in number of log files, that may be lost while still ...
  25. Log Record Stalls/sec is the number of log records that cannot be added to the log buffers per second because they are full. ...
  26. Log repair failed because temporary log file '{0}' was corrupted after transfer from the active copy on server '{1}'. Error: ...
  27. Log replay for database '{0}' on machine '{1}' is falling behind and Exchange isn't able to keep up with log copy and inspection. ...
  28. Log sequence numbers for this instance have almost been completely consumed. The current log generation is %1 which is approaching ...
  29. Log sequence numbers for this instance have almost been completely consumed. The current log generation is %4 which is approaching ...
  30. Log Threads Waiting is the number of threads waiting for their data to be written to the log in order to complete an update ...
  31. Log truncation failed because not all log files required for recovery were successfully copied. For more information, click ...
  32. Log truncation for database '{0}' could not be coordinated between the active copy on '{1}' and the passive copy on '{2}' ...
  33. Log Writes/sec is the number of times the log buffers are written to the log file(s) per second. If this number approaches ...
  34. LogCopyNotKeepingUp is 1 when log copy and inspection is falling behind and not able to keep up with new logs being generated ...
  35. LogExport Web App won't function correctly if you disable Integrated Windows authentication on the EWS virtual directory ...
  36. Logical and physical disk performance counters on server {2} are disabled. It will not be possible to monitor disk performance ...
  37. LogLocation is not specified. Specify a log location using the "LogLocation" parameter or set the "{1}" value under the registry ...
  38. Logon to the specified mail server was unsuccessful because the server returned a temporary error. Please try again later. ...
  39. LogPushNotificationData Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the LogPushNotificationData web ...
  40. Logs couldn't be retrieved for your mobile device. Make sure your mobile device is synchronizing with Exchange before you ...
  41. logs of divergence exist but the limit is {1} logs. This likely indicates that the database experienced a larger than usual ...
  42. long latency cmdlets %1 (greater than %2 seconds) in MSExchangePowerShellAppPool exceeded the threshold %3 in the last %4 ...
  43. long latency cmdlets %1 (greater than %2 seconds) in MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool exceeded the threshold %3 in the ...
  44. long latency cmdlets %1 (greater than %2 seconds) in MSExchangePowerShellLiveIDAppPool exceeded the threshold %3 in the last ...
  45. long latency cmdlets %1 (greater than %2 seconds) in MSExchangePswsAppPool exceeded the threshold %3 in the last %4 minutes. ...
  46. Long Running LDAP Operations/min is the number of LDAP operations made by this process per minute that took longer than the ...
  47. Long Running LDAP Operations/min is the number of LDAP operations on this DC that took longer than the specified threshold ...
  48. Long wait intervals occurred on the mailbox information cache in process %1. The limit of %2 seconds was encountered %3 times. ...
  49. LostLogs, LostBytes is the amount of data lost by operations that ended with a lossy mount. This data may be recovered by ...
  50. Low disk space may be contributing to a performance bottleneck. This may not be an issue if there is no disk bottleneck present ...
  51. Machine '{0}' has failed to heartbeat since '{Monitor.FirstAlertObservedTime}', as observed by machine '{1}'. Restarting ...
  52. Mail flow will stop working for these public folders after the migration is finalized. Please check whether these are important ...
  53. Mail public folder found in Active Directory has OnPremisesObjectId='{0}', but the source RecipientGuid stamped on the folder ...
  54. Mailbox "%1" couldn't be removed because the DisableWindowsLiveId parameter on the Hosted management agent for Outlook Live ...
  55. Mailbox %1 is throttled. Details: ClientHostName=%2; Action=%3; RequestCount=%4; Quota=%5; ClientInfo=%6; ClientProcessName=%7 ...
  56. Mailbox '{0}' can't be archive-enabled because it has a managed folder mailbox policy assigned. Archives are supported only ...
  57. Mailbox '{0}' cannot be moved to database '{1}' because the target server's MailboxRelease is '{2}' and '{3}' is required. ...
  58. Mailbox '{0}' couldn't be moved because rules in the source mailbox's Inbox folder exceed 32 KB. Please use the -IgnoreRuleLimitErrors ...
  59. Mailbox '{0}' has a completed move request associated with it. Before you create a new move request for the mailbox, run ...
  60. Mailbox '{0}' in the source forest is currently enabled for Unified Messaging but it can't be enabled for Unified Messaging ...
  61. Mailbox '{0}' is a cloud-based archive and must have TargetIsArchive specified to be able to restore data into this mailbox. ...
  62. Mailbox '{0}' tombstone hasn't been cleaned up from the destination database. The operation will try again in {1} seconds ...
  63. Mailbox Attachment Fetch Total is the total number of Mailbox Attachment Fetch commands that have been processed since the ...
  64. Mailbox Connection Failures/minute is the number of transient errors that occur each minute when connecting to a Mailbox ...
  65. Mailbox content from .pst file '{0}' is being imported into mailbox '{1}'. This operation may take a long time to complete. ...
  66. Mailbox database '{3}' on server {2} is {9} GB in size. It's recommended that the maximum database size not exceed 100 GB. ...
  67. Mailbox database '{3}' on server {2} isn't configured to mount upon startup of the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. ...
  68. Mailbox database '{3}' on server {2} isn't configured to mount upon startup of the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. ...
  69. Mailbox database copy "{0}\{1}" is currently being used as a seeding source. You can use Move-ActiveMailboxDatabase with ...
  70. Mailbox database copy '{0}' cannot be activated because a backup is in progress that is preventing the copying of missing ...
  71. Mailbox database object for '{0}' does not have the 'Mounted' field set. {2} requires a DB object retrieved via '{3} {4}' ...
  72. Mailbox Dumpsters Expired Items is the total number of items expired from the dumpsters by the Managed Folder Assistant since ...
  73. Mailbox Dumpsters Moved Items is the total number of items moved from the dumpsters by the Managed Folder Assistant since ...
  74. Mailbox Dumpsters Skipped is the total number of mailboxes for which the dumpster cleanup was skipped by the Managed Folder ...
  75. Mailbox Item Fetch Total is the total number of mailbox item fetch requests that have been processed since the service was ...