Exchange Server 2016

  1. No replacements were specified for the name '{0}' in the speech grammar filter list. The entry will be discarded from the ...
  2. No retention policy tag with name '{0}' was found in the Active Directory. Make sure the retention policy tag name is spelled ...
  3. No RMS server was found. This setting requires an RMS server to be configured to communicate with Hub Transport server. Please ...
  4. No RMS server was found. This setting requires an RMS server to be in the topology and configured to communicate with the ...
  5. No route has been created for public folder hierarchy %1 in routing tables with timestamp %2. Recipients will not be routed ...
  6. No route to message, next hop not found. You have set up a Routing Group topology but there is no Routing Group Connector ...
  7. No routing group master has been specified for routing group '{3}'. This routing group may be isolated from other routing ...
  8. No SMTP connector was found for non-authoritative SMTP address space '{1}'. Exchange cannot forward messages to an external ...
  9. No SMTP connectors with Exchange gateway server {2} as the local bridgehead appear to have non-Exchange gateway server {1} ...
  10. No SMTP instances on server {2} are set to accept and forward messages addressed to non-authoritative SMTP address space ...
  11. No source transport servers or home MTA server have been set for connector %1 in routing tables with timestamp %2. Ignoring ...
  12. No target bridgehead servers were found for routing group connector %1 in routing tables with timestamp %2. Ignoring the ...
  13. No UM IP gateway was found for the certificate provided by the remote peer {0}. Certificate thumbprint: {1} Certificate FQDNs: ...
  14. No user data was found in Exchange Server User Monitor (ExMon) ETL trace file '{0}'. This may be because you are not running ...
  15. No valid database or target mailbox server name for reseeding was provided. Specified database name: ( {0} ), mailbox server ...
  16. No valid database or target mailbox server name for reseeding was provided. Specified database name: ( {0} ), mailbox server ...
  17. No valid Mailbox server was found for dial plan {0}. Make sure that there's at least one Exchange 2013 Mailbox server in ...
  18. No valid Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate was found. Microsoft Exchange can't update the Active Directory Application ...
  19. No valid UM IP gateway was found with address {0}. A UM IP gateway must exist for {0} and be associated with a UM dial plan ...
  20. No valid URI could be found in server node in Autodiscover result {0}. Response: {1} Use the Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory ...
  21. No Windows domains found. You will only be able to select Windows accounts defined on this computer.This means that future ...
  22. Non-delivery reports will be sent for all messages in the selected {0} queues, and then all of the messages in those queues ...
  23. Non-delivery reports will be sent for the {0} selected messages, and then all of the selected messages will be deleted. Do ...
  24. Non-fatal error: Unable to delete performance counter backup file '{0}'. The following exception occurred:{1}Setup will continue. ...
  25. Non-SMTP connector %1 failed because the Drop directory %2 does not have the correct access permissions. Change the access ...
  26. Non-SMTP Gateway Connection Failure on Connector %1. The drop directory filename %2 exceeds the system-defined maximum length. ...
  27. None. Data movement applications do not perform flow control based on replicated database copy health, though there may be ...
  28. Nonpaged pool memory on server {2} is over the critical threshold of {8} MB. System instability may occur. Current value: ...
  29. Nonpaged pool memory on server {2} is over the warning threshold of {8} MB. This may cause system instability. Current value: ...
  30. Not Found DN Entries (Configuration Data) is the total number of configuration data "Not Found DN" type entries in the cache. ...
  31. Not Found DN Entries Memory (Configuration Data) is the memory occupied by all configuration data "Not Found DN" Entries ...
  32. Not Found DN Entries Memory (User Data) is the memory occupied by all user data "Not Found DN" Entries in the cache (in bytes). ...
  33. Not Found GUID Entries (Configuration Data) is the total number of configuration data "Not Found GUID" type entries in the ...
  34. Not Found GUID Entries Memory (Configuration Data) is the memory occupied by all configuration data "Not Found GUID" Entries ...
  35. Not Found GUID Entries Memory (User Data) is the memory occupied by all user data "Not Found GUID" Entries in the cache (in ...
  36. Not found microsoft exchange recipient (default name is "MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e") from AD session. ...
  37. Not found microsoft exchange recipient (default name is "MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e") from AD session. ...
  38. Not including the {0} process, the process using the most processor time is {1}, which is consuming {2}% of the CPU time. ...
  39. Not including the {0} process, the process using the most processor time is {1}, which is consuming {2}% of the CPU time. ...
  40. Not including the {0} process, the process using the most processor time is {1}, which is consuming {2}% of the CPU time. ...
  41. Not including the {0} process, the process using the second-most processor time is {1}, which is consuming {2}% of the CPU ...
  42. Note: If you previously set up text message notifications in Outlook Web App, they've been turned off because the Exchange ...
  43. Note: To update the data in the PowerPivot tables, click the PowerPivot tab and click Update All. Then click the Data tab ...
  44. Notifications: Age of Last Notification Processed is the number of seconds between notification and processing for the most ...
  45. NotifySender action is used with DeleteMessage option, but there is more than one action in this rule. When the DeleteMessage ...
  46. NSPI Browse Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI browse requests took to complete during ...
  47. NSPI Browse Requests Total is the total number of NSPI browse requests received by the server since the Address Book service ...
  48. NSPI Connections Total is the total number of NSPI client processes that have connected to the server since the service was ...
  49. NSPI Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI requests took to complete during the sampling ...
  50. NSPI Requests Total is the total number of NSPI requests received by the server since the Address Book service was started. ...
  51. NSPI RPC Browse Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI browse requests took to complete ...
  52. NSPI RPC Browse Requests Total is the total number of NSPI browse requests received by the server since the Address Book ...
  53. NSPI RPC Requests Average Latency is the average time, in milliseconds, that NSPI requests took to complete during the sampling ...
  54. NSPI RPC Requests Total is the total number of NSPI requests received by the server since the Address Book service was started. ...
  55. NTFS corruption was detected on the volume for database '{0}' {1} hours ago. A recovery action was attempted but didn't fix ...
  56. Null may not be returned instead of a Result when running AnalysisMembers. Use Result .Default or Result .Failure instead. ...
  57. Number of AD Policy Queries on Reconnect is the number of Exchange ActiveSync policy objects that are queried from Active ...
  58. Number of Content ID Conversion For Large Archive Mailboxes is the number of conversions from EWS ID to content large archive ...
  59. Number of DiscoveryHoldSearchExceptions is the total number of DiscoveryHoldSearchExceptions thrown from ELC. Reset to zero ...
  60. Number of DiscoveryHoldSearchExceptions/hour is the total number of DiscoveryHoldSearchExceptions thrown from ELC per hour. ...
  61. Number of Errors reported by the Publishing when submitting a batch of notifications to the Publisher service each second. ...
  62. Number of expanded recipients is not same as the ones to be expanded in message item with id: %1, mailbox guid: %2, tenant: ...
  63. Number of Failed ID Conversion For Large Archive Mailboxes is the number of failed conversions from EWS ID to large archive ...
  64. Number of Failed ID Conversion For Large Archive Mailboxes/sec is the number of failed conversions from EWS ID to large archive ...
  65. Number of Failures is the total number of fatal errors happened in ELC when processing mailboxes. Reset to zero at the start ...
  66. Number of Failures/hour is the total number of fatal errors happened in ELC per hour when processing mailboxes. Reset to ...
  67. Number of Hierarchy ID Conversion For Large Archive Mailboxes is the number of conversions from EWS ID to hierarchy large ...
  68. Number of ID Conversion For Large Archive Mailboxes is the number of conversions from EWS ID to large archive mailbox session ...
  69. Number of ID Conversion With AuxMailbox Header For Large Archive Mailboxes is the number of conversions from EWS ID to large ...
  70. Number of Initiation Messages is the total number of valid approval initiation messages handled by the approval framework. ...
  71. Number of Initiation Messages/sec is the number of valid approval initiation messages handled by the approval framework per ...
  72. Number of Items Moved to Archive due to migration and moved by the Managed Folder Assistant since the start of the most recent ...
  73. Number of links contained in a distribution group is more than the specified threshold. It will be processed out of band. ...
  74. Number of Mailboxes Processed is the total number of mailboxes processed by ELC. Reset to zero at the start of each schedule ...
  75. Number of mailboxes processed since the beginning of most recent schedule interval. This counter is reset to zero at the ...