/BP - Force a BreakPoint in Netlogon on /TRUNC - Truncate log file (rename to *.bak) /UNLOAD - Unload netlogon.dll from lsass.exe ...

/BP - Force a BreakPoint in Netlogon on 
    /TRUNC - Truncate log file (rename to *.bak)
    /UNLOAD - Unload netlogon.dll from lsass.exe
    /PWD: - Specify Password to encrypt
    /RID: - RID to encrypt Password with

    /ADD_SA: - Call NetAddServiceAccount with the specified account name
        /LINKONLY - Flag to link an existing account only and not to attempt to create
        /PWD: - Password for adding against RODC
    /DEL_SA: - Call NetRemoveSserviceAccount with the specified account name
        /LINKONLY - Flag to unlink this computer from the service account, but do not delete
        /LOCALONLY - Flag to remove local account resources only and do not make any changes on DC
    /ENUM_SA - Call NetEnumerateServiceAccounts 
    /QUERY_SA: - Call NetQueryServiceAccount with the specified account name
    /IS_SA: - Call NetIsServiceAccount with the specified account name