/Apply-Image /ImageFile: /ApplyDir: {/Index: | /Name: } /CheckIntegrity /Verify /NoRpFix /SWMFile: /ConfirmTrustedFile /WIMBoot ...

/Apply-Image /ImageFile: /ApplyDir: 
  {/Index: | /Name:} [/CheckIntegrity] [/Verify] 
  [/NoRpFix] [/SWMFile:] [/ConfirmTrustedFile] [/WIMBoot] [/Compact] 
/Apply-Image /ImageFile: /ApplyDrive: 
  [/SFUFile:] [/SkipPlatformCheck] 

  Applies an image to a specified drive. 
  Use /CheckIntegrity to stop the operation if WIM file corruption is detected.
  Use /Verify to check for errors and file duplication. 
  Use /NoRpFix to disable the reparse point tag fix. 
  Use /SWMFile to reference split WIM files (SWMs).  is the naming 
  pattern and location of split files. 
  Use /ConfirmTrustedFile to validate the image for Trusted Desktop. See 
  http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=309482 for more information about 
  supported platforms. 
  Use /WIMBoot to apply the image with WIMBoot configuration. 
  Use /Compact to apply the image in compact mode. 
  Use /SFUFile to reference split FFU files (SFUs).  is the naming 
  pattern and location of split files. 
  Use /SkipPlatformCheck if the FFU file being applied is targeted for a 
  device other than the machine performing the application. A special FFU 
  file is required. 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:D:\ 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:install.swm /SWMFile:install*.swm 
        /ApplyDir:D:\ /Index:1 

      DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:flash.ffu 