Limits the network bandwidth that BITS uses for background transfers (this policy does not affect foreground transfers). ...

"Limits the network bandwidth that BITS uses for background transfers (this policy does not affect foreground transfers).

Specify a limit to use during a specific time interval and a limit to use at all other times. For example, limit the use of network bandwidth to 10 Kbps from 8AM to 5PM, and use all available unused bandwidth the rest of the time.

Specify the limit in kilobits per second (Kbps). Base the limit on the size of the network link, not the computer's network interface card (NIC). BITS uses approximately two kilobits if you specify a value less than two kilobits.

To prevent BITS transfers from occurring, specify a limit of 0. 

If you disable or do not configure this policy, BITS uses all available unused bandwidth.

Typically, you use this policy to prevent BITS transfers from competing for network bandwidth when the client has a fast network card (10Mbs), but is connected to the network via a slow link (56Kbs)."
English (United States)