Usage: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} -removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare} ...

Usage:  WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP     [-addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare}]     [-removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk | BackupTargetNetworkShare}]     [-schedule:TimeToRunBackup]     [-include:VolumesToInclude]     [-allCritical]     [-user:UserName]     [-password:Password]     [-noInheritAcl]     [-quiet]  Creates a daily backup schedule or modifies an existing backup schedule. With  no options specified, displays the current settings for the scheduled backup.          -addtarget      Storage location for backups. Requires you to specify a                  target, a destination to store backups, either as a disk                  identifier or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a                  remote shared folder (\\servername\sharename\).                  If a disk is specified, the disk is formatted before use                  and any existing data on it is permanently erased.  -removetarget   Storage location specified in the existing backup schedule.                  Requires you to specify a backup destination, either disk                  identifier or UNC path to a remote shared folder.    -schedule       Comma-delimited times of day specified as HH:MM.  -include        Comma-delimited list of volume drive letters, volume mount                  points, or GUID-based volume names to include in the backup.  -allCritical    Automatically includes all critical volumes (volumes that                  contain operating system components) in the backup. Can be                  used along with the -include option.  -user           Specifies the user name with write access to the backup                  destination (if it is a remote shared folder). The user needs                  to be a member of the Administrators group or Backup Operators                 group on the computer that is getting backed up.                  NOTE: Scheduled backups to a remote shared folder are only                  available for computers running versions of Windows Small                  Business Server.   -password       Password for the user name that is specified by the parameter                  -user.  -noInheritAcl   If specified, the credentials specified are applied to                  \\\WindowsImageBackup\                  folder that contains the backup. To access the backup later,                  you must use these credentials or be a member of the                  Administrators or Backup Operators group on the computer with                 the shared folder. If -noInheritAcl is not used, the access                 control list (ACL) permissions from the shared folder are                  applied to the  folder by default so that anyone                  with access to the remote shared folder can access the backup.  -quiet          Runs the command with no prompts to the user.  Example:  WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget: -schedule:09:00,18:00 -include:e:,d:\mountpoint,\\?\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\  Remarks: To view the disk identifier of all online disks, use WBADMIN GET DISKS.  All critical volumes (volumes containing operating system components) are  included for backup by default.  To change the storage location from a disk to a remote shared  folder or (from a remote shared folder to a disk), first run  WBADMIN DISABLE BACKUP to stop the currently scheduled backup.  Then use WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP to configure scheduled backup with  the new location.