Usage: WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath} -machine:BackupMachineName ...

Usage: WBADMIN GET ITEMS      -version:VersionIdentifier      [-backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath}]     [-machine:BackupMachineName]  Lists items contained in the backup based on the options specified.  -version        Version identifier of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format,                  as listed by WBADMIN GET VERSIONS.   -backupTarget   Specifies the storage location that contains the backups for                  which you want the details. Useful when the backups are stored                  in a different location than the normal location for backups of                  this computer.  -machine        Specifies the name of the computer for which you want the                  details. Useful when multiple computers have been backed up to                  the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is                  specified.  Example: WBADMIN GET ITEMS -version:03/31/2005-09:00