Usage: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -keepVersions:{No. of copies} | -version:VersionIdentifier | -deleteOldest -backupTarget:{VolumeName} ...

Usage: WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP   -keepVersions:{No. of copies} | -version:VersionIdentifier | -deleteOldest   [-backupTarget:{VolumeName}]   [-machine:BackupMachineName]   [-quiet]  Deletes system state backups based on the parameters specified. If the specified volume contains backups other than system state backups of this server, those backups will not be deleted.  -keepVersions   Number of the latest system state backups to keep. The value                 needs to be a positive integer. The option value                  -keepVersions:0 deletes all the system state backups.  -version        Version identifier of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format,                 as listed by WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. Versions which are                  exclusively system state backups, can be deleted using this                 command. Use WBADMIN GET ITEMS to view the version type.   -deleteOldest   Deletes the oldest system state backup.  -backupTarget   Storage location for this backup. Requires a drive letter for                 the storage location.  -machine        The computer whose system state backup you want to delete.                  Useful when multiple computers were backed up to the same                  location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.                  -quiet          Runs the command with no prompts to the user.  NOTE: One and only one of these parameters must be specified: -keepVersions, -version, or -deleteOldest.  Examples:  WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -version:03/31/2006-10:00 WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -keepVersions:3  WBADMIN DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:f: -deleteOldest