Usage: WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk} -removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk} -schedule:TimeToRunBackup -include:VolumesToInclude ...

Usage:  WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP      [-addtarget:{BackupTargetDisk}]     [-removetarget:{BackupTargetDisk}]     [-schedule:TimeToRunBackup]     [-include:VolumesToInclude]      [-allCritical]     [-quiet]  Creates a daily backup schedule or modifies an existing backup schedule. With no options specified, displays the current scheduled backup settings.          -addtarget      Storage location for backups. Requires you to specify target                 as a disk identifier. The disk will be formatted before use                  and any existing data on it would be permanently erased.  -removetarget   Storage location specified in existing backup schedule.                  Requires you to specify target as a disk identifier.  -schedule       Comma delimited times of day specified as HH:MM.  -include        Comma delimited list of volume drive letters, volume mount                  points or GUID based volume names to include in backup.  -allCritical    Automatically includes all critical volumes, volumes having OS                 components in the backup. Can be used along with -include                 option. Should be used only when -backupTarget is specified.  -quiet          Runs the command with no user prompts.  Example:  WBADMIN ENABLE BACKUP -addtarget: -schedule:09:00,18:00 -include:e:,d:\mountpoint,\\?\Volume{cc566d14-44a0-11d9-9d93-806e6f6e6963}\  Remarks: To view the disk identifier of all online disks, use WBADMIN GET DISKS.  All volumes containing operating system components (critical volumes) are  included for backup by default.