This cmdlet returns the following settings: ActiveLogOnUri FederationBrandName IssuerUri LogOffUri MetadataExchangeUri NextSigningCertificate PassiveLogOnUri SigningCertificate
This cmdlet returns contact objects, which include the following information: City: The contact's city. Country: The contact's ...
This cmdlet returns device objects, which include the following information: AccountEnabled: The device's status: enabled ...
This cmdlet returns DeviceRegistrationServicePolicy object, which include the following information: MaximumDevicesPerUser: ...
This cmdlet returns the following company level information: AuthorizedServiceInstances: A list of the services for this ...
This cmdlet returns the following settings: ActiveLogOnUri FederationBrandName IssuerUri LogOffUri MetadataExchangeUri NextSigningCertificate ...
This cmdlet returns user objects, which include the following information: AlternateEmailAddresses: Alternate email address ...
This cmdlet, returns a list of groups, which include the following information: CommonName: The group's common name. Description: ...
This command adds a credential (or a key) object to an existing service principal. In this example, a symmetric key is generated ...
This command adds a credential (or a key) object to an existing service principal. In this example, the supplied base64 encoded ...