This cmdlet returns DeviceRegistrationServicePolicy object, which include the following information: MaximumDevicesPerUser: ...

            This cmdlet returns DeviceRegistrationServicePolicy object, which include the following information:
            MaximumDevicesPerUser: The maximum number of devices a user can register.
            RequireMultiFactorAuth: Whether or not users that are adding devices from the internet need to use a second method of authentication.
            AllowedToWorkplaceJoin: Whether or not users are allowed to workplace join devices.
            AllowedToAzureAdJoin: Whether or not users are allowed to Azure AD join devices. If the value is selected, the allowed users are specified in the value of the other two parameters: Groups and Users.
            Groups: The groups who is allowed to Azure AD join devices.
            Users: The users who is allowed to Azure AD join devices.
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