This cmdlet returns device objects, which include the following information: AccountEnabled: The device's status: enabled ...

            This cmdlet returns device objects, which include the following information:
            AccountEnabled: The device's status: enabled or disabled.
            ObjectId: The device's unique ID.
            DeviceId: The device's device ID.
            DisplayName: The device's display name.
            DeviceObjectVersion: The device's object version number.
            DeviceOSType: The device OS type.
            DeviceOSVersion: The device OS version number.
            DeviceTrustType: The device trust type. The value could be one of the following three: Workplace Joined, AzureAD Joined, Domain Joined.
            DeviceTrustLevel: The device trust level. The value could be one of the following three: Authenticated, Compliant, Managed.
            DevicePhysicalIds: The device physical Ids.
            ApproximateLastLogonTimestamp: The last logon timestamp using this device.
            AlternativeSecurityIds: The device alternative security Ids.
            DirSyncEnabled: If the device is enabled with DirSync.
            LastDirSyncTime:  The last timestamp the device was synced by DirSync.
            RegisteredOwners: The device's registered owner.
            GraphDeviceObject: The device object returned from graph API.
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