This cmdlet returns the following company level information: AuthorizedServiceInstances: A list of the services for this ...

            This cmdlet returns the following company level information:

            AuthorizedServiceInstances: A list of the services for this company.

            City: The company's city.

            CompanyType: What type of company this is (can be partner or regular tenant).

            Country: The company's country.

            CountryLetterCode: The two letter code for the company's country.

            DapEnabled: For partners, whether or not this partner had delegated administrator privileges.

            DirectorySynchronizationEnabled: When true, this company has directory synchronization turned on.

            DirSyncServiceAccount: The UserPrincipalName of the Global Administrator that is configured for directory synchronization.

            DisplayName: The display name of this company.

            InitialDomain: The initial domain of this company (

            LastDirSyncTime: The last time that directory synchronization was run for this company.

            LastPasswordSyncTime: The last time that password sync request was received for the company.

            PasswordSynchronizationEnabled: When true, this company has password synchronization turned on.

            MarketingNotificationEmails: The email address to send marketing notifications to.

            ObjectId: The unique ID for the company.

            PostalCode: The company's postal location.

            PreferredLanguage: The default language for the company.

            State: The company's state.

            Street: The company's street address.

            TechnicalNotificationEmails: The email address to send important notifications to. This includes any directory synchronization notifications.

            TelephoneNumber: The telephone number for the company.

            UsersPermissionToCreateGroupsEnabled: The setting to allow users permission to create groups.

            UsersPermissionToCreateLOBAppsEnabled: The setting to allow users to create LOB applications.

            UsersPermissionToReadOtherUsersEnabled: The setting to allow users to read other users.

            UsersPermissionToUserConsentToAppEnabled: The setting to allow users to user consent to applications.

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
German (Germany)
Español (España)
Spanish (Spain)
Français (France)
French (France)