BizTalk Server 2010

  1. Failed to get pipeline: {0}. Please verify that the pipeline strong name is correct and that the pipeline assembly is in ...
  2. Failed to give privilege 2 to user 3 (error = 4]). Setup will ignore this error and continue. You might need to give the ...
  3. Failed to identify BizTalk Database locations. Upgrade cannot continue. Check whether Sql Server is running and the logged ...
  4. Failed to initialize adapter property pages. Adapter's ISpecifyPropertyPages::GetPages() failed with following error: %1 ...
  5. Failed to initialize the SOAP header field or property "%1". Details: "%2". Possible reasons are: 1) MemberName property ...
  6. Failed to load "%1" type. Please verify the fully-qualified type name is valid. Details: "%2". The type must derive from ...
  7. Failed to load context help XML file. Configuration Framework's context help will not be available for this session. Dialog ...
  8. Failed to load list of saved queries because of the following error: "{0}". Verify that query path specified in the preferences ...
  9. Failed to load the contents of the specified tracked message instance. Either the SQL Agent job that moves messages has not ...
  10. Failed to load the contents of the specified tracked message. The record(s) were likely purged from the database by the cleanup ...
  11. Failed to load the web service proxy assembly "%1". Details: "%2" Please verify the specified assembly is in .NET global ...
  12. Failed to lookup method "%1" in the type "%2". Possible reasons: 1) The method does not exist or it is not public. 2) The ...
  13. Failed to move device %1 to the device group %2. The error was: %3. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and ...
  14. Failed to obtain the client certificate required for the SSL handshake. The certificate lookup was performed in the system ...
  15. Failed to persist custom transport configuration into SSO store. Make sure the Enterprise Single Sign-On Windows service ...
  16. Failed to print this label. The device provider did not provide the reason for the failure. For more information, see the ...
  17. Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
  18. Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
  19. Failed to remove {0}: cannot remove Web Directories and Certificates mined from application bindings. They will be automatically ...
  20. Failed to retrieve the properties of the device. Ensure that there is a module on the device and that another connection ...
  21. Failed to revoke host tracking related SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting ...
  22. Failed to save the state of device {0} to the RFID store because of a database exception. The service will retry saving the ...
  23. Failed to serialize the message part "%1" into the type "%2" using namespace "%3". Please ensure that the message part stream ...
  24. Failed to set permissions for user 2 on the STOREDBNAME database on SQL Server 3]. One reason for this could be that we couldn't ...
  25. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the property is settable only during initialization. Stop the provider, ...
  26. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property target {3} did not match the expected target ...
  27. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property type {3} did not match the expected type {4}. ...
  28. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value was not found in the ValueSet ({3}) defined ...
  29. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} does not conform to the ValueExpression ...
  30. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} is not in the expected range {4} ...
  31. Failed to setup database objects associated with BizTalk Host "%1" on MessageBox database server "%2" / database name "%3". ...
  32. Failed to start the BizTalk Host instance. Check the event log on the server "%1" for more details. Internal error: "%2" ...
  33. Failed to store the list of databases upgraded in the registry. DB versions will not be stamped at the completion of upgrade. ...
  34. Failed to update MessageBox server while creating BizTalk Host. Couldn't create SQL login or update SQL roles for BizTalk ...
  35. Failed to update MessageBox server while installing BizTalk Host instance. Couldn't update BizTalk Host Windows group "%1" ...
  36. Failed to update SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting to disable host ...
  37. Failed to update SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting to enable host ...
  38. Failed to update subscription server while installing BizTalk Host instance. Couldn't update SQL roles for the work queue ...
  39. Failed to upgrade the installation because the Purge operation was canceled. Please purge the completed instances in the ...
  40. Failed to validate value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the metadata for the property is not available. If this situation ...
  41. Failed while delivering a message to a service instance. Message details follow. Message ID: {0} Service Instance ID: {1} ...
  42. Fault messages are not supported on one-way ports. Correct service description "{0}" port type "{1}" and rerun the wizard. ...
  43. Feature is skipped due to failed validation. Please go to Custom Configuration to fix the validation error. Validation Error: ...
  44. Feature that you've selected cannot be used when HAT preferences point to a BizTalk group that current machine is not member ...
  45. Feature that you've selected cannot be used when HAT preferences point to an archived tracking database. To use selected ...
  46. Features you selected require the following components to be installed: %1. If you want to install these features press Ok ...
  47. Field "{0}" - The value of Minimum Length with Pad Character property cannot be less than Minimum Length property of the ...
  48. File ({0}) is not found. You might have a corrupted installation on this machine. Please go to Add or Remove Programs to ...
  49. File system location to use for writing out BAM Alerting messages. If you accept this default location for delivering alerts ...
  50. FileCreationTime" contains creation time for the file from where the message has been read. This property is set by FILE ...
  51. FileCreationTime" contains creation time for the file from where the message has been read. This property is set by FILE ...
  52. Files and folders cannot be empty strings nor can they contain only '.' or have any of the following characters: / ? : \ ...
  53. Filter expressions determine which messages are routed to this Send Port from the Message Box. Create one or more filter ...
  54. Filter expressions determine which messages are routed to this Send Port Group from the Message Box. Create one or more filter ...
  55. For a 'Data connection' binding, the application needs to assert a Microsoft.RuleEngine.DataConnection object, specifying ...
  56. For process, provider, log, and configuration-related folders and files, you can choose a data path that is different from ...
  57. For resource type specific parameter list: BTSTask.exe AddResource -Type: /? Use ListTypes command to obtain a list of supported ...
  58. Forcefully delete the MessageBox object. This operation bypasses all delete constraints and will succeed even if incomplete ...
  59. Found more than one DeviceProvider implementation in assembly {0}. Specify the type of the required DeviceProvider implementation. ...
  60. FROM inserted - Update the rta table change timestamp used by the SSAS RTA cube polling query UPDATE dbo].[bam_Metadata_RealTimeAggregations ...
  61. FROM inserted END - Update the rta table change timestamp used by the SSAS RTA cube polling query UPDATE dbo].[bam_Metadata_RealTimeAggregations ...
  62. Functionality to use temporary files during writing cannot be used when file copy mode is configured to Append or Overwrite. ...
  63. General log settings apply to log files created for the Microsoft BizTalk RFID server, processes, and providers. You can ...
  64. Generate SG1/SG4 loop for accepted transaction sets (If unchecked, loop will be generated only if UCM.5 is not equal to 7) ...
  65. Get new global prepopulation year range SELECT @NewMinPopulationYear = CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(NCHAR(4), DATEPART(Year, ...
  66. Gets or sets the encryption certificate, which is used by the encoding components of the send pipeline associated with the ...
  67. Gets or sets the field to enable ordered delivery. If this property is set, then the messaging engine will guarantee that ...
  68. Gets or sets the field to request that transport will send delivery notification back, whether transmission is successful ...
  69. Gets or sets tracking options for the orchestration. For a list of possible values refer the OrchestrationTrackingTypes enum. ...
  70. Gets the specified property from the device, the sourcename parameter is optional, omit it to get the property from the device ...
  71. Group must remain default until some other group becomes default. It is only possible to change default flag for the group ...
  72. Group Name : {0} Database Server : {1} Management Database : {2} Perform this import only once for the BizTalk group. After ...
  73. Has rights to send messages to partner document libraries and Orphaned Messages document library, receive messages from Outbox ...
  74. Health Activity Tracking (HAT) is not configured to work with a BizTalk group. You must either create or join a new BizTalk ...
  75. Health and Activity Tracking is about to load a saved query containing an SQL statement. It is not safe to run queries from ...