BizTalk Server 2010

  1. Browse categorization schemes, select a category, and then search for services, providers, or tModels defined by that category. ...
  2. Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) alerts provide subscription based notification services on user defined instance or aggregate ...
  3. Business Activity Services (BAS) provides a way to interact with trading partners and business processes in a familiar environment. ...
  4. Business Activity Services (BAS) security configuration provides a more granular level of control over the BAS Windows services ...
  5. Business Activity Services Warning Setup has detected that BizTalk Business Activity Services site is installed on this machine. ...
  6. Business policies are built from business terms stored in vocabularies. This wizard allows you to build a business term from ...
  7. By setting this, the batch marker pipeline component will ignore the EdiMessageType and marks the evaluated messages for ...
  8. By submitting this report, you will help Microsoft fix problems. Microsoft will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. ...
  9. CAB files intended for previous versions of this product are not compatible with %1. If you want to download the latest CAB ...
  10. Can not move identity to party. Please confirm there is no identity in the party with which the moved identity has an agreement. ...
  11. Can not start the Print Wizard because the device {0} does not support one or more of the following capabilities: GetAllPrintTemplateNames ...
  12. Cannot add adapter. This adapter is limited to have a single handler on a server and thus cannot be hosted by more than one ...
  13. Cannot add the specified security record to device entity {0} because it is a duplicate of an an existing security record. ...
  14. Cannot complete the operation on the device or device group as the specified name is either null or empty. Specify a valid ...
  15. Cannot complete the specified operation as a device with name {0} does not exist. Specify a valid name, and then retry the ...
  16. Cannot complete the specified operation because the device group with name {0} does not exist. Specify a valid name, and ...
  17. Cannot complete the specified operation because the device or device group with name {0} does not exist. Specify a valid ...
  18. Cannot connect to database '{0}' on server '{1}'. Ensure correct connection string is being used to connect to the database. ...
  19. Cannot copy the added script as an unsupported script type (extension = "{0}"). Verify the given destination location "{1}". ...
  20. Cannot create a BizTalk Host instance since there are no servers available in this BizTalk group. Add a server to the BizTalk ...
  21. Cannot create a receive handler. This adapter is limited to one handler and one BizTalk Host per server. Remove instances ...
  22. Cannot create a send handler. This adapter is limited to one handler and one BizTalk Host per server. Remove instances of ...
  23. Cannot create adapter property pages since %1 COM interface is not exposed. Contact owner of the adapter implementation for ...
  24. Cannot create binding since binding type was not specified. Specify a binding type like "basicHttpBinding", "wsHttpBinding", ...
  25. Cannot create BizTalk Host instance for BizTalk Host "%1" on the server. One of the adapters in the organization is limited ...
  26. Cannot create BizTalk Host instances when the BizTalk Host is clustered. Uncluster the BizTalk Host before performing this ...
  27. Cannot create BizTalk Tracking Analysis Database when the feature, Administration Tools, is not installed on the machine. ...
  28. Cannot create device with name {0} since another device with one or more of the specified attributes already exists. They ...
  29. Cannot create or rename to name {0} since another device or device group with the same name exists already. Specify a unique ...
  30. Cannot create the directory '[2]'. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, ...
  31. Cannot create the directory 2]. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click Retry, or ...
  32. Cannot create the file '[2]'. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the install and try installing to a different ...
  33. Cannot create the file 3]. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the installation and try installing to a different ...
  34. Cannot create WcfMessageType from PartTypeMetadata. PartTypeMetadata with reflected type "{0}" is not of type DotNetTypeMetadata ...
  35. Cannot create WebMessagePartType from PartTypeMetadata. PartTypeMetadata with reflected type "{0}" is not of type DotNetTypeMetadata ...
  36. Cannot delete last BizTalk Host in the BizTalk group. This BizTalk Host can be only deleted with the BizTalk group to which ...
  37. Cannot delete specified device group {0} because it is not empty. Delete all subdevices and subdevice groups before attempting ...
  38. Cannot delete the binding for process {0} because the binding is active. You need to stop the process before attempting this ...
  39. Cannot delete this object since it is being referenced directly or indirectly by one or more BizTalk Host instance object(s). ...
  40. Cannot delete this object since it is being referenced directly or indirectly by one or more receive location object(s). ...
  41. Cannot delete tracking Host since it is required for proper functionality of the entire BizTalk group. This BizTalk Host ...
  42. Cannot enlist or start orchestration "{0}" since one or more send port or send port groups bound to the orchestration are ...
  43. Cannot establish a connection to the target computer. Please verify that the target computer hosts UDDI Services database ...
  44. Cannot establish a connection to the target computer. Please verify that the target computer hosts UDDI Services Web server ...
  45. Cannot exclude Url "%1" from Windows SharePoint site. Make sure Windows SharePoint Services is installed and provisioned ...
  46. cannot filter by a correlation when receiving a message whose messagetype corresponds to a requestreponse operation on a ...
  47. Cannot have one-way and request-response web methods within the same web service. Add a web method that matches the flow ...
  48. Cannot import database component information because UDDI Services database components are not installed on the target computer. ...
  49. Cannot import notification service information because UDDI Services notification service is not installed on the target ...
  50. Cannot import Web component information because UDDI Services Web server components are not installed on the target computer. ...
  51. Cannot load source schema: {0}. Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project ...
  52. Cannot load source/destination schema: {0}. Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent ...
  53. Cannot load target schema: {0}. Either the file/type does not exist, or if a project dependency exists, the dependent project ...
  54. Cannot move Web Directories and Certificates mined from application bindings. They will be automatically moved if the owning ...
  55. Cannot open a connection to device {0} because another client has already connected to the device. Retry the operation later. ...
  56. Cannot open database "{0}" on server "{1}".Verify that you have the required security permissions and that communication ...
  57. Cannot open database {0} on server {1}.Verify that you have the required security permissions and that communication between ...
  58. Cannot perform the specified operation on device {0} because the device is currently in a disabled ({1}) state. Enable the ...
  59. Cannot read transport configuration. Verify if the adapter management component is installed on the local machine. Failed ...
  60. Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations are started or enlisted. Correct this and try again. Stop/unenlist ...
  61. Cannot remove the "{0}" assembly since one or more orchestrations have unfinished instances. Wait several seconds and try ...
  62. Cannot remove the specified security record for device entity {0} because the specified security record does not exist. Specify ...
  63. Cannot rename the specified source {1} on device {0} because one or more processes have a binding to this source. Update ...
  64. Cannot save changes as it will result in two oneway agreements in agreements {1} and {2} to have same sender and receiver ...
  65. Cannot save the device because at least two devices {0} and {1} are affected. They have similar device identifiers, connection ...
  66. Cannot send notification due to server configuration error. Please contact your UDDI Services administrator to resolve this ...
  67. Cannot send the command because there is no connection available to the device. Open a connection to the device, and then ...
  68. Cannot update assembly "{0}" because it is used by assemblies which are not in the set of assemblies to update. To update ...
  69. Cannot update device with name {0} based on discovery because one or more of its attributes conflicts with those of another ...
  70. Certificates are used in Groups, Hosts, Sendports, Receive Locations and Parties to encrypt and/or sign documents. Click ...
  71. CeSerializer does not support serialization/deserialization of the specified type : {0}. If this situation persists, contact ...
  72. Change which features are installed. This option displays the Component Selection dialog box that you can use to change which ...
  73. Changing the Branch Type will cause your old Branch Type information to be lost. Click OK to continue, cancel to revert the ...
  74. character is not allowed in a Windows SharePoint Services file name. Windows SharePoint Services file names cannot contain ...
  75. Character Set and Separator settings derived from the sender party's profile. These derived settings can be customized within ...