BizTalk Server 2010

  1. Looks up a localized string similar to Error : Destination Host '{0}' is mapping to more than 1 hosts on the source environment. ...
  2. Looks up a localized string similar to Error : Destination Host Instance '{01}' is mapping to more than 1 host instances ...
  3. Looks up a localized string similar to Error : Destination Host Instance '{0}' - mapping is not supported by corresponding ...
  4. Looks up a localized string similar to Host Instance Settings imported successfully from source host instance '{0}' to destination ...
  5. Looks up a localized string similar to Host Settings imported successfully from source host '{0}' to destination host '{1}'. ...
  6. Looks up a localized string similar to Import Error : Host Instance Settings could not be applied for host instance '{0}'. ...
  7. Looks up a localized string similar to SendPort '{0}' is being referenced by one or more TPM Agreements. Please remove the ...
  8. Looks up a localized string similar to SendPort '{0}' is being referenced by one or more TPM Parties. Please remove the Send ...
  9. Looks up a localized string similar to The exported settings xml does not confirm to the standard exported settings xml schema. ...
  10. Looks up a localized string similar to The mapping xml does not confirm to the standard mapping xml schema. Following is ...
  11. Make providers easy to locate by adding details, identifiers, and categorizations. Publish support contacts, links to additional ...
  12. Make sure that variable and parameter types match. No information will be displayed in the grid if called orchestration has ...
  13. Make sure the document has the correct standard, and a valid standard_version. The CodeList database table name is constructed ...
  14. Mandatory entities cannot have a default value. A mandatory property is one which necessarily requires the user to provide ...
  15. Map the BizTalk server to the BizTalk Host. You must establish this mapping before an instance of this BizTalk host can be ...
  16. Mapper Compiler: Functoid not found: guid ({0}) with functoid id ({1}). Check if the assembly implementing this functoid ...
  17. Maximum Delay (in milliseconds) imposed for Message Delivery Throttling. Zero indicates disable Message Delivery Throttling. ...
  18. Maximum Delay (in milliseconds) imposed for Message Publishing Throttling. Zero indicates disable Message Publishing Throttling. ...
  19. Maximum Occurrences of the underlying group content of this Node. Its value should always be greater than or equal to Group ...
  20. Maximum Occurrences of this node. Its value should always be greater than or equal to minOccurs of this node. Use 'unbounded' ...
  21. Maximum possible length for the target environment name is 128. Provide a shorter target environment name for resource (Luid ...
  22. Medicaid Provider and Supplier Identification Number as assigned by individual State Medicaid Agencies in conjunction with ...
  23. Member '{1}.{0}' cannot be serialized because it is neither a field nor a property, and therefore cannot be marked with the ...
  24. Memory usage values from 1 to 100 will be treated as percentages, and values greater than 100 will be in megabytes. Please ...
  25. Message can not be serialized as the schema {0} could not be located. Either the schema is not deployed or multiple copies ...
  26. Message context information cannot be loaded. This usually happens when user doesn't have privileges to view message context. ...
  27. Message flow information for this instance can only be accessed via the MessageRoutingDetails for a specific message associated ...
  28. Message has been marked for tracking. Message gets tracked by the BizTalk server when it is no longer in use by the runtime. ...
  29. Message parts using native XSD types are not supported. Correct service description "{0}" message type "{1}" part "{2}" and ...
  30. Message processing throttling values determine how and when this BizTalk Server host will throttle message processing. Use ...
  31. Message publishing throttling values determines how and when this BizTalk Server host will throttle message publishing. Use ...
  32. Message types without parts are not supported. Correct service description "{0}" message type "{1}" and rerun the wizard. ...
  33. Message with AS2-From: {0}, AS2-To: {1} and MessageId: {2} is suspended as duplicate per party "{3}" configuration settings ...
  34. MessageBox creation failed and some of the changes could not be rolled back. Refer to BizTalk documentation regarding manual ...
  35. Messagebox host-specific performance counters will not be created if the combined lengths of the host name, message box name, ...
  36. Messagebox host-specific performance counters will not be created if the combined lengths of the host name, message box name, ...
  37. Messages larger than 4095 KB (approximately 4 MB) can only be sent to transactional queues. Please verify the queue is transactional, ...
  38. MessageType" property specifies the type of the BizTalk message. The message type is defined as a concatenation of document ...
  39. MessageType" property specifies the type of the BizTalk message. The message type is defined as a concatenation of document ...
  40. Messaging consists of the connection points used by this application. This includes Receive Ports, Receive Locations, Send ...
  41. Method invocation to deploy or undeploy failed. Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry ...
  42. Method invocation to retrieve metadata failed. Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry ...
  43. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. ...
  44. Microsoft BizTalk RFID could not find a version for the specified device. Try deleting and re-adding the device, and then ...
  45. Microsoft BizTalk RFID failed to set {0} as the current directory. Verify if the directory containing the service executable ...
  46. Microsoft BizTalk RFID filtered an event log message with category identifier %1 and instance identifier %2 because the number ...
  47. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error because AppGlobals has not been initialized in this current application ...
  48. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error because the RfidApplicationUtilities has not been initialized with ...
  49. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error while trying to perform the specified operation. For more information, ...
  50. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. An attempt was made to initialize an already initialized worker ...
  51. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. SendMessage was called for a provider which was hosted out of process. ...
  52. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The binding for the process {0} could not be serialized to be saved ...
  53. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The binding of the process {0} is in a corrupted state in the RFID ...
  54. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The database factory type {0} is not implemented. Contact Microsoft ...
  55. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The device or process {0} could not be serialized to be saved to ...
  56. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The hosting configuration was not in the initialized state while ...
  57. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The local device marshaller can have a remote identifier only when ...
  58. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The provider marshaller was not in an initialized state during ...
  59. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The proxy that has been passed for the physical device is not of ...
  60. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error. The state of the process {0} is in a corrupted state in the RFID ...
  61. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error: cannot post a null event to the SQL Server Sink. If this situation ...
  62. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error: the response to the command was unexpectedly null. Contact Microsoft ...
  63. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal error: there is no security token in the Web services request. If this ...
  64. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal server error: attempting to remove a nonexistent application domain {0}. ...
  65. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal server error: cannot obtain WindowsIdentity from principal. If this situation ...
  66. Microsoft BizTalk RFID has encountered an internal server error: some application domains are still loaded; therefore, the ...
  67. Microsoft BizTalk RFID service could not find any information on this provider. Specify the name of an existing provider. ...
  68. Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 Administration. Copyright 2009 Microsoft Corporation. . Warning: This computer program is protected ...
  69. Microsoft collects information about errors in the runtime components of {0}. This information is used solely to improve ...
  70. Microsoft collects information about feature usage and errors in various components of {0}. This information is used solely ...
  71. Microsoft Sql Notification Services 2005 is not installed with Client or Engine Components or an incompatible version is ...
  72. Microsoft Sql Notification Services 2005 is not installed with Engine Components or an incompatible version is installed ...
  73. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Management Objects (AMO) is not installed on the local machine. Please install Microsoft ...
  74. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data Transformation Services (DTS) for BAM Analysis is not installed on the local machine. Please ...
  75. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Data Transformation Services (DTS) for BAM Archiving is not installed on the local machine. Please ...