Failed to revoke host tracking related SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting to delete BizTalk Host "%3". %4
Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
Failed to remove {0}: cannot remove Web Directories and Certificates mined from application bindings. They will be automatically ...
Failed to retrieve the properties of the device. Ensure that there is a module on the device and that another connection ...
Failed to revoke host tracking related SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting ...
Failed to save the state of device {0} to the RFID store because of a database exception. The service will retry saving the ...
Failed to serialize the message part "%1" into the type "%2" using namespace "%3". Please ensure that the message part stream ...
Failed to set permissions for user 2 on the STOREDBNAME database on SQL Server 3]. One reason for this could be that we couldn't ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the property is settable only during initialization. Stop the provider, ...