Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property type {3} did not match the expected type {4}. Specify a valid type.
Failed to set permissions for user 2 on the STOREDBNAME database on SQL Server 3]. One reason for this could be that we couldn't ...
Failed to set the identity for web service application "%1". The application identity can be set manually using IIS administration ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the property is settable only during initialization. Stop the provider, ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property target {3} did not match the expected target ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property type {3} did not match the expected type {4}. ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value was not found in the ValueSet ({3}) defined ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} does not conform to the ValueExpression ...
Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} is not in the expected range {4} ...
Failed to setup database objects associated with BizTalk Host "%1" on MessageBox database server "%2" / database name "%3". ...