SQL Server 2008

  1. Internal error: Server stack limit has been reached. Please look for potentially deep nesting in your query, and try to simplify ...
  2. Internal error: The row cannot be full-text indexed. The protocol handler was invoked out of sequence. This is an informational ...
  3. Internal query notification table has an outdated schema and the table has been dropped. Query notification cleanup has not ...
  4. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan. For more information, contact Customer ...
  5. Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor encountered an unexpected error during the processing of a remote query ...
  6. Internal server error: the existing logical file cannot be overwritten. Physical file: %{PhysicalFile/}. Logical file: %{LogicalFile/}. ...
  7. Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE ...
  8. Invalid %1!s! statement for article %2!s!. Verify that the stored procedures that propagate changes to Subscribers use the ...
  9. Invalid %1!s! value received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %2!s!. message_type_name: %3!s!. message body: ...
  10. Invalid '%{FlagName/}' modeling flag for the '%{ColumnName/}' mining structure column. Algorithm-specific modeling flags ...
  11. Invalid attribute/option identifier (SQL_COPT_SS_INTEGRATED_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD is only available for Trusted Connections) ...
  12. Invalid characters in string: "%1!s!". This occurs when a string supplied for a property value contains unprintable characters. ...
  13. Invalid column alias '%1!s!' for formatting column as XML processing instruction in FOR XML PATH - it must be in 'processing-instruction(target)' ...
  14. Invalid command line argument. All command line arguments will be ignored. Please run 'profiler.exe -?' to see a list of ...
  15. Invalid compensation range: begin {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}, end {%4!s!:%5!s!:%6!s!}. Reinitialize all subscriptions to the publication. ...
  16. Invalid component named '%1!s!' found in global scope. Only elements, attributes, types and groups can be defined in global ...
  17. Invalid data type for column "%1!s!". The data type cannot be text, ntext, image, binary, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), ...
  18. Invalid definition for element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not currently permit additions to existing substitution groups via ...
  19. Invalid definition for element or attribute '%1!s!'. Value constraints on components of type QName are not supported in this ...
  20. Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. An 'all' group may not appear as the child or parent of any other model group, it must ...
  21. Invalid definition for type '%1!s!'. Cannot specify use="prohibited" for attribute '%2!s!' because there is no corresponding ...
  22. Invalid definition for type or element '%1!s!'. SQL Server does not permit the built-in XML Schema types 'ID' and 'IDREF' ...
  23. Invalid device name. The length of the device name provided exceeds supported limit (maximum length is:%1!s!). Reissue the ...
  24. Invalid distribution command, state %1!d!: transaction 2 command %3!d!{offset : %4!d! token offset: %5!d! state: %6!d!) }. ...
  25. Invalid IDTSComponentMetaData90 or property name provided when requesting persistence of component's design time property. ...
  26. Invalid image URL format. #SEQ formatter must be followed by (300,3), where 300 is a max sequence number and 3 is an image ...
  27. Invalid item type for list type '%1!s!'. The item type of a list may not itself be a list, and types derived from ID may ...
  28. Invalid locale ID was specified. Please verify that the locale ID is correct and corresponding language resource has been ...
  29. Invalid message received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %1!s!. message_type_name: %2!s!. message body: %3!s!. ...
  30. Invalid number of coordinates for the circle map area shape. Three coordinates must be provided: the center of the circle ...
  31. Invalid number of coordinates for the polygon map area shape. "x1,y1,x2,y2.xn,yn" Each x,y pair contains the coordinates ...
  32. Invalid number of coordinates for the polygon map area shape. "x1,y1,x2,y2.xn,yn" Each x,y pair contains the coordinates ...
  33. Invalid number of coordinates for the rectangle map area shape. Four coordinates must be provided: x,y coordinates of the ...
  34. Invalid number of coordinates specified for the circle map area shape. Three coordinates must be provided: center of the ...
  35. Invalid number of coordinates specified for the polygon map area shape. 'x1,y1,x2,y2.xn,yn' Each x,y pair should contain ...
  36. Invalid number of coordinates specified for the rectangle map area shape. Four coordinates must be provided: x,y coordinates ...
  37. Invalid ObjectExpansion '%{objectExpansion/}' specified for DISCOVER_XML_METADATA. Allowed values are: ExpandFull, ExpandObject, ...
  38. Invalid parameter %1!s! ('%2!s!'): Data type 3!s! is a deprecated large object, or LOB, but is marked as output parameter. ...
  39. Invalid parameter specified. XML Schema Collections can only be created from a string literal, or from a variable typed as ...
  40. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be of a type which is a valid restriction of the corresponding ...
  41. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be prohibited in the derived type if it is prohibited in ...
  42. Invalid redefinition of attribute '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!'. Must be required in the derived type if it is required in the ...
  43. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. If the base type has empty content, then the derived type must as well, and if the ...
  44. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The attribute wildcard in the restricted type must be a valid subset of the corresponding ...
  45. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The effective total range of the model group in the restricted type must be a valid ...
  46. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type may not be nillable if the corresponding element ...
  47. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type may not have a 'block' value more permissive than ...
  48. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must be fixed to the same value as the corresponding ...
  49. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must be in one of the namespaces allowed by the ...
  50. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The element in the restricted type must have the same name as and a more restrictive ...
  51. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The particle in the restricted type may not have an occurrence range more permissive ...
  52. Invalid restriction for type '%1!s!'. The Wildcard in the restricted type must be a valid subset of the corresponding wildcard ...
  53. Invalid ROWS value or REPEATABLE seed "%1!s!" in the TABLESAMPLE clause for table "%2!s!". The value or seed must be greater ...
  54. Invalid schema option specified for publication that allows updating subscribers. Need to set the schema option to include ...
  55. Invalid server name "%1!s!". SSIS service does not support multi-instance, use just server name instead of "server name\instance". ...
  56. Invalid subscription type is specified. A subscription to publication '%1!s!' already exists in the database with a different ...
  57. Invalid Time Series node unique ID encountered in the mining model, %{modelname/}. Make sure node unique IDs are consistent ...
  58. Invalid type '%1!s!' for WAITFOR. Supported data types are CHAR/VARCHAR, NCHAR/NVARCHAR, and DATETIME. WAITFOR DELAY supports ...
  59. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minExclusive' must be less than or equal to 'maxExclusive' and less than 'maxInclusive' ...
  60. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', 'minInclusive' must be less than or equal to 'maxInclusive' and less than 'maxExclusive' ...
  61. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', the derivation was illegal because 'final' attribute was specified on the base ...
  62. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', types with complex content can only be derived from base types which have complex ...
  63. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!', types with simple content can only be derived from base types which have simple ...
  64. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. A type may not have both 'minInclusive' and 'minExclusive' or 'maxInclusive' and ...
  65. Invalid type definition for type '%1!s!'. The base and derived types must have the same value for 'mixed' unless deriving ...
  66. Invalid type definition: Type or content model '%1!s!' is too complicated. It may be necessary to reduce the number of enumerations ...
  67. Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A four-part name was supplied, but ...
  68. Invalid use of the "$(TARGETPROCESS)" instance name. This instance may only be used with counters from the Process object. ...
  69. Invalid value "%1!s!" specified for the parameter @identityrangemangementoption. Valid values are "auto", "manual", or "none". ...
  70. Invalid value '%1!s!' specified while executing sp_changemergearticle on article '%2!s!' for the 'identityrangemanagementoption' ...
  71. Invalid value (%1!s!) of the @cache_window parameter. Allowable values are: -1 (cache all upload data from previous upload ...
  72. Invalid value for property @subscriber_upload_options. Valid values are 0 (allow uploads), 1 (disable uploads), 2 (disable ...
  73. Invalid value specified for %1!s!. Valid values are 'day', 'days', 'dd', 'year', 'years', 'yy', 'yyyy', 'month', 'months', ...
  74. Invalid values for properties Instance.{0} and Instance.{1}. If you set Instance.{0} then you must provide a valid Instance.{1}. ...
  75. Invalid XML message format received on the ExternalMailQueue. conversation_handle: %1!s!. message_type_name: %2!s!. message ...