SQL Server 2016

  1. Cannot insert explicit value for the identity column '%1!s!' in the target table '%2!s!' of the INSERT statement when the ...
  2. Cannot insert or update a row because total variable column size, including overhead, is %1!s! bytes more than the limit. ...
  3. Cannot insert the row for article '%1!s!'. The row does not belong to the Subscriber's partition, and the article has a value ...
  4. Cannot instantiate the Slowly Changing Dimension transformation. Confirm that this transformation is properly installed on ...
  5. Cannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The database has already joined the availability group. This ...
  6. Cannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The database is in the process of being removed from the availability ...
  7. Cannot join database '%1!s!' to availability group '%2!s!'. The specified database does not belong to the availability group. ...
  8. Cannot join distributed availability group '%1!s!'. The local availability group '%2!s!' contains one or more databases. ...
  9. Cannot list '%1!s!' in Active Directory because the name is too long. Active Directory common names cannot exceed 64 characters. ...
  10. Cannot load resources for this DLL. Resources for this DLL should be stored in a subfolder Resources, with the same file ...
  11. Cannot load shapefile '{2}' for the {0} {1}'. If you are connected to a report server, check the log files for more information. ...
  12. Cannot load table "{0}". Make sure the data source is available, and that Source Table Name and Schema Name are valid. Details: ...
  13. Cannot load the column attributes from the schema using the current provider descriptor: {0} Please verify the ProviderDescriptors.xml ...
  14. Cannot load the Query Store metadata. Try turning the Query Store on manually, or contact customer support to get this addressed. ...
  15. Cannot load VertiPaq engine because a valid PowerPivot installation was not detected on this machine. Please re-install PowerPivot. ...
  16. Cannot locate database information in the article cache. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem ...
  17. Cannot make the change because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force the change and ...
  18. Cannot make the change because the article might be in a publication that has anonymous or client subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription ...
  19. Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and ...
  20. Cannot map the composite domain directly to the provider {0} because the provider contains more than one mandatory schema. ...
  21. Cannot map the input column, "%1!s!", and the cache column, "%2!s!", because one or more data type properties do not match. ...
  22. Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the code pages do not match. Use the Cache ...
  23. Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the length of the data types does not match. ...
  24. Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the precision of the data types does not match. ...
  25. Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the scale of the data types does not match. ...
  26. Cannot map the Lookup column, '{0}', to an input column because the Lookup column is not an index column. Only index columns ...
  27. Cannot modify property '%1!s!'. The publication is used in a peer-to-peer topology, which does not allow this property to ...
  28. Cannot modify publication '%1!s!'. The sync_method cannot be changed to 'native', or 'concurrent' because the publication ...
  29. Cannot modify the column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' to a sparse column because the column has a default or rule bound to ...
  30. Cannot modify the column '%1!s!' in the table '%2!s!' to add or remove the COLUMN_SET attribute. To change a COLUMN_SET attribute ...
  31. Cannot move server '%1!s!' from source subscription '%2!s!' to target subscription '%3!s!'. You can have only one free database ...
  32. Cannot move servers from source subscription '%1!s!' to target subscription '%2!s!' since both subscriptions have free databases. ...
  33. Cannot obtain the data source of a session from OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". This action must be supported ...
  34. Cannot obtain the schema rowset "%1!s!" for OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!". The provider supports the ...
  35. Cannot obtain the set of schema rowsets supported by OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". The provider supports ...
  36. Cannot open database %1!s!. The upgrade of replication %2!s! could not be performed. Run %3!s! again from the %4!s! database ...
  37. Cannot open database '%1!s!' on server '%2!s!' requested by the login. Access to the database is only allowed using a security-enabled ...
  38. Cannot open server '%1!s!' requested by the login. Client with IP address '%2!s!' is not allowed to access the server. To ...
  39. Cannot open the container directory '%1!s!' of the FILESTREAM file. The operating system has returned the Windows status ...
  40. Cannot order '%{table/}'[%{column/} by %{orderbycolumn/} because at least one value in %{column2/} has multiple distinct ...
  41. Cannot paste items because the maximum level of nested containers has been reached. Try modifying the design of the package. ...
  42. Cannot perform "Disable Trigger All" on table %1!s! because it belongs to a publication that supports updatable subscriptions ...
  43. Cannot perform a differential backup for database "%1!s!", because a current database backup does not exist. Perform a full ...
  44. Cannot perform a differential backup for file '%1!s!' because a current file backup does not exist. Reissue BACKUP DATABASE ...
  45. Cannot perform alter table because the table is published in one or more publications with a publication_compatibility_level ...
  46. Cannot perform operation on Query Store while it is enabled. Please turn off Query Store for the database and try again. ...
  47. Cannot perform SQL Server 7.0 compatible checksum operation on a merge article that has a vertical or horizontal partition. ...
  48. Cannot perform update or delete using hint %1!s! over table '%2!s!' if migration is not paused. Please set MIGRATION_STATE ...
  49. Cannot process create or update request. Too many create or update operations in progress for subscription "%1!s!". Query ...
  50. Cannot process object ID %1!s! (object "%2!s!") because it is a Service Broker queue. Try the operation again with the object ...
  51. Cannot process request. Too many operations in progress for subscription "%1!s!". Query sys.dm_operation_stats for pending ...
  52. Cannot process rowset ID %1!s! of object "%2!s!" (ID %3!s!), index "%4!s!" (ID %5!s!), because it resides on filegroup "%6!s!" ...
  53. Cannot process the object "%1!s!". The OLE DB provider "%2!s!" for linked server "%3!s!" indicates that either the object ...
  54. Cannot process the operation. The local replica of availability Group '%1!s!' is in a failed state. A previous operation ...
  55. Cannot process the query because it references the common language runtime (CLR) table-valued function "%1!s!" with a hint ...
  56. Cannot provide credentials as part of the address and as constructor parameter. Either pass in the address or use a different ...
  57. Cannot publish database '%1!s!' because it is marked as published on a different server. Before attempting to publish this ...
  58. Cannot publish objects from the replication administrative user schema %1!s!]. This schema owns all replication procedures ...
  59. Cannot publish report part '{0}' because it already exists at '{1}' and it is not set to be overwritten when you redeploy ...
  60. Cannot publish table %1!s!].[%2!s!]. The replication administraive user requires an explicit SELECT grant, or a SELECT grant ...
  61. Cannot publish the article '%1!s!' or add the COLUMN_SET attribute set to its base table '%2!s!' because replication does ...
  62. Cannot publish the logbased view '%1!s!' for replication. Replication is not supported for logbased views that depend on ...
  63. Cannot publish the schema-bound view '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter must be "indexed view schema only" ...
  64. Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view logbased") requires ...
  65. Cannot publish the source object '%1!s!'. The value specified for the @type parameter ("indexed view schema only" or "indexed ...
  66. Cannot publish the table '%1!s!.%2!s!' from the Publisher '%3!s!'. Verify connection information and ensure that you can ...
  67. Cannot publish view %1!s! as a table because it does not have a unique clustered index. Publish the view as a view, or add ...
  68. Cannot query all local drives on this machine. Please ensure that you have permissions to list all drives connected to this ...
  69. Cannot query internal supporting structures for column '%{table/}'[%{column/} because they are not processed. Please refresh ...
  70. Cannot query internal supporting structures for column '%{table/}'[%{column/} because they depend on a column, relationship, ...
  71. Cannot query table '%1!s!' because data reconciliation is in progress. This is part of the automatic recovery process for ...
  72. Cannot query the '%{table/}'[%{hier/} hierarchy because it depends on a column, relationship, or measure that is not processed. ...
  73. Cannot query the '%{table/}'[%{hier/} hierarchy because it is not processed. Please refresh or recalculate the table '%{recalctable/}'. ...
  74. Cannot read the persisted configuration of Always On availability group with corresponding Windows Server Failover Clustering ...
  75. Cannot rebuild clustered index '%1!s!' on view '%2!s!' because the view is dependent on base table '%3!s!' whose clustered ...