SQL Server 2016
- Cannot start the columnstore index build because it requires at least %1!s! KB, while the maximum memory grant is limited ...
- Cannot start the debug process. Verify that SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio and Report Designer are correctly ...
- Cannot start the job "%1!s!" (ID %2!s!) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with ...
- Cannot start the server in Tabular mode as the needed privilege for memory locking is not held (SE_INC_WORKING_SET_NAME or ...
- Cannot start the Service Broker message dispatcher. This error is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error ...
- Cannot start the Service Broker primary event handler. This error is a symptom of another problem. Check the SQL Server error ...
- cannot start the Snapshot Agent automatically. To start the Snapshot Agent manually, connect to the Distributor in SQL Server ...
- Cannot stop the job "%1!s!" (ID %2!s!) because it does not have any job server or servers defined. Associate the job with ...
- Cannot subscribe to publication %1!s! because the Subscriber has a subscription to a publication of sync_type 'dump database'. ...
- Cannot subscribe to publication of sync_type 'dump database' because the Subscriber has subscriptions to other publications. ...
- Cannot sync the model because another model was modified in the same transaction. Please commit or rollback the transaction ...
- Cannot synchronize the subscription because the schemas of the article at the Publisher and the Subscriber do not match. ...
- Cannot take the WSFC resource with ID '%1!s!' offline. The error code is %2!s!. The WSFC service may not be running or may ...
- Cannot unpublish table '%1!s!'; the remote call to the Oracle Publisher failed. Verify that the replication administrative ...
- Cannot unsplit logical page %1!s! in object '%2!s!', in database '%3!s!'. Both pages together contain more data than will ...
- Cannot update agent parameter metadata. Replication could not insert parameter '%1!s!' into table '%2!s!'. Verify that replication ...
- Cannot update partitioned view '%1!s!' because the definition of the view column '%2!s!' in table '%3!s!' has an IDENTITY ...
- Cannot UPDATE partitioning column '%1!s!' of view '%2!s!' because the table '%3!s!' has a CASCADE DELETE or CASCADE UPDATE ...
- Cannot UPDATE partitioning column '%1!s!' of view '%2!s!' because the table '%3!s!' has a INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE trigger. ...
- Cannot update service with ServiceName={0} because it was not found. The service needs to be created before it can be upgraded ...
- Cannot update service {0} with Description={1}. Upgrade/Repair cannot succeed without a valid Description for the service. ...
- Cannot update service {0} with DisplayName={1}. Upgrade/Repair cannot succeed without a valid Display Name for the service. ...
- Cannot update the column in article '%1!s!'. The article has a value of 2 or 3 (nonoverlapping partitions) for the partition_options ...
- Cannot update the name or the parameters of the collection item '%1!s!' in the active collection set '%2!s!'. Stop the collection ...
- Cannot update the name, target, proxy_id, logging_level, or collection_mode, or add collection item to the active collection ...
- Cannot update the sparse column set '%1!s!' because the XML content supplied references the non-sparse column '%2!s!' which ...
- Cannot update the UNION ALL view "%1!s!" because the definition of column "%2!s!" of view "%3!s!" is used by another view ...
- Cannot update the view "%1!s!" because it or a view it references was created with WITH CHECK OPTION and its definition contains ...
- Cannot update the view or function '%1!s!' because it contains aggregates, or a DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause, or PIVOT or ...
- Cannot upgrade merge replication metadata. Attempt the upgrade again by running the Merge Agent for the Subscriber or by ...
- Cannot upload data for the inactive collection set '%1!s!'. Start the collection set and then try to upload the data again. ...
- Cannot use %1!s! '%2!s!', because its private key is not present or it is not protected by the database master key. SQL Server ...
- Cannot use a CONTAINS, FREETEXT, CONTAINSTABLE or FREETEXTTABLE construct on table or indexed view '%1!s!' because none of ...
- Cannot use a retention period unit other than "days" for publication "%1!s!" because the compatibility level of the publication ...
- Cannot use a value of TRUE for the parameter @ignore_distributor. The value must be FALSE for a non-SQL Server Publisher. ...
- Cannot use alias type with rule or default bound to it as a column type in table variable or return table definition in table ...
- Cannot use ALTER LOGIN with the ENABLE or DISABLE argument for a Windows group. GRANT or REVOKE the CONNECT SQL permission ...
- Cannot use column of type image, ntext, xml, CLR type, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), or varbinary(max) in a subset or join ...
- Cannot use file '%1!s!' because it was originally formatted with sector size %2!s! and is now on a volume with sector size ...
- Cannot use file '%1!s!' for clustered server. Only formatted files on which the cluster resource of the server has a dependency ...
- Cannot use file '%1!s!', because it is on a volume with sector size %2!s!. SQL Server supports a maximum sector size of 4096 ...
- Cannot use object '%1!s!' with autodrop object attribute in schemabinding expressions because it is a system generated view ...
- Cannot use partition groups because one or more filters reference the following view, which contains functions: "%1!s!". ...
- Cannot use partition groups because the join filter between the following articles contains one or more functions: "%1!s!" ...
- Cannot use partition groups with unfiltered publications. Set "use_partition_groups" to "false" using sp_changemergepublication. ...
- Cannot use qualified table names (schema or catalog) with the OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!" because it ...
- Cannot use table option LARGE VALUE TYPES OUT OF ROW on a user table that does not have any of large value types varchar(max), ...
- Cannot use TEXTIMAGE_ON when a table has no text, ntext, image, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), non-FILESTREAM varbinary(max), ...
- Cannot use the backup file '%1!s!' because it was originally formatted with sector size %2!s! and is now on a device with ...
- Cannot use the following options with a Columnstore index: PAD_INDEX ,STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE ,SORT_IN_TEMPDB ,IGNORE_DUP_KEY ...
- Cannot use the INSERT command because the table has an identity column. The insert custom stored procedure must be used to ...
- Cannot use the specified data type mapping. The matching destination data type for source type %1!s! cannot be found. Query ...
- Cannot use the volume on device '%1!s!' as a continuation volume. It is sequence number %2!s! of family %3!s! for the current ...
- Cannot use transaction marks on database '%1!s!' with bulk-logged operations that have not been backed up. The mark is ignored. ...
- Cannot validate argument '{0}' on parameter 'DhcpSubnet'. The argument must be in the format / (for example, ...
- Cannot validate argument '{0}' on parameter 'StaticIp'. The argument must be in the format / (for example,, ...
- Cannot verify administrator login privileges for Oracle Publisher %1!s!. Verify connection information and ensure that you ...
- Cannot write into file '%1!s!'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does ...
- Cannot write to the message queue for the queued updating subscription. Ensure that Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator ...
- Cannot write to the script file in the snapshot folder at the Distributor (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space ...
- Canonicalization did not find a non empty x-ms-date header in the WebRequest. Please use a WebRequest with a valid x-ms-date ...
- Capture instance name '%1!s!' exceeds the length limit of 100 characters. Specify a name that satisfies the length constraint. ...
- Capture instance name '%1!s!' is invalid. Specify a valid name. See the topic 'Identifiers' in SQL Server Books Online for ...
- Cardinality reduction has been applied on column, '%{colname/}' of model, '%{modelname/}' due to the large number of states ...
- Cardinality reduction has been applied on column, '%{colname/}' of model, '%{modelname/}' due to the large number of states ...
- Case processor detects repeated KeyTime values (time stamps) applicable to the same Time Series while processing data for ...
- Casting to Decimal is not supported in LINQ to Entities queries, because the required precision and scale information cannot ...
- Catalog or schema name of XML schema collection can not be specified without specifying the name of XML schema collection. ...
- Causes the Pivot Transform to ignore rows containing unrecognized values in the Pivot Key column and to report the complete ...
- Caution: sys.sql_dependencies shows that other objects (views, procedures and so on) are referencing this object by its old ...
- Caution: {0} asserts that this content is safe. This SSIS package should be opened only if you trust {0} to make that assertion. ...
- Ca[llerInfo Optional. Ignored when running dtexec from the command line. Use this option when scheduling a job with SQL Agent ...
- CellPermission object is not supported for Business Intelligence Semantic Model databases that run on an Analysis Services ...
- Certificate specified in key path '%1!s!' does not have a private key to encrypt a column encryption key. Verify the certificate ...
- Chain sequence numbers are out of order in the Index Allocation Map (IAM) chain for object ID %1!s!, index ID %2!s!, partition ...