SQL Server 2016
- Assigning invalid value or object to variable "%1!s!". This error happens when a value is not appropriate for variables. ...
- Assigning value for output parameter @credentialSecret failed because the parameter size is less than the required size %1!s!. ...
- AssociationSet instances may only be mapped using functions in one EntitySetMapping or AssociationSetMapping. The following ...
- AssociationType '{0}' has a primary key to primary key referential integrity constraint. Any mappings for it will be ignored. ...
- Asynchronous operations administrator failed to allocate a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %1!s!). The administrator ...
- Asynchronous operations administrator failed to queue a work item for the work submitted by client (ID %1!s!) (internal error ...
- Asynchronous-commit availability mode does not support automatic failover. For automatic failover, use synchronous-commit ...
- At dataOffset '{0}' {2} attempt is not valid. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from dataOffset '{1}' ...
- At input "%1!s!" (%2!d!), the virtual input column collection does not contain a virtual input column with lineage ID %3!d!. ...
- At least one action (Copy, Delete, Dump, Encrypt, Exists, Move, Sign, FCreate, FDelete, FRename, FExists, FDirectory) must ...
- At least one administrator role must have at least one external member. You can add an external member to a role by using ...
- At least one availability database on this availability replica has an unhealthy data synchronization state. If this is an ...
- At least one column in the Available Input Columns table must be mapped to one column in the Available Lookup Columns table. ...
- At least one dataset in this report depends on data source '{0}'. If you delete the data source, you must bind each dependent ...
- At least one feature (SQL, AS, FullText) must be specified for SQL Server failover clustering. To continue, specify a feature ...
- At least one index column should be specified for the Cache connection manager. To specify an index column, set the Index ...
- At least one of the following settings must be enabled: Silence Interval, Silence Override Interval, or Force Rebuild Interval. ...
- At least one of the selected databases has memory optimized filegroup. For databases with memory optimized objects, the creation ...
- At least one Oracle publisher meta data table does not exist in the Oracle publisher admin schema or the publisher schema ...
- At least one table or view must be selected before you can select the related tables. Use the check boxes next to each table ...
- At most, '{0}' relationships may be in the '{1}' state for the '{2}' relationship from End '{3}' to an instance of End '{4}'. ...
- At the time of call to BCPColumns, the number of columns must be 0. BCPColumns can be called only once during a BCP operation ...
- Attach is not a valid operation when the source object associated with this related end is in an added, deleted, or detached ...
- Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at '%1!s!' failed as the database files do not exist. ...
- Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%1!s!'. This is usually an internal condition, ...
- Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized Windows Fabric partition '%1!s!'. This is usually an internal condition, ...
- Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported ...
- Attempt to find the input column named "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column specified was not found in ...
- Attempt to find the input column with lineage ID %1!d! failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column was not found in ...
- Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate ...
- Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed and returned error code 2!8.8X!. The expression cannot be parsed. It might ...
- Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The expression might contain an invalid token, an incomplete token, or an ...
- Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed. The token "%2!s!" at line number "%3!s!", character number "%4!s!" was not ...
- Attempt to parse the expression failed. The expression contains an invalid or incomplete token. It may contain invalid elements, ...
- Attempt to perform an Always On Availability Groups operation on a system database, '%1!s!', failed. System databases are ...
- Attempt to read from column ordinal '{0}' is not valid. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from column ...
- Attempt to reset connection with 'Keep Transaction' failed because the incoming request was not a commit/rollback request. ...
- Attempt to set the data type properties on "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The error occurred while attempting to ...
- Attempt to translate the query failed because the entity referenced in the query is not associated with any relationship. ...
- Attempted inbound migration failed. Decrementation of the batch ID failed. Expected batch ID : %1!s!, Current batch ID : ...
- Attempted inbound migration failed. Insert failed to insert all the rows. Expected rows : %1!s!, Actual remote rows: %2!s!. ...
- Attempted Migration failed. Remote insert failed to insert all the rows. Expected rows : %1!s!, Actual remote rows inserted: ...
- Attempted overwrite of read-only property. A property value set during report item definition generation cannot be reset ...
- Attempted to make an inconsistent change to a schema. Possible causes: deleting a schema that is in use by a Domain-Provider ...
- Attempted to set property mapping to target unsupported object type. This error occurs when passing an unsupported object ...
- Attempted unlinking of the stretched table failed. If this table isn't dropped, please retry the operation of setting REMOTE_DATA_ARCHIVE ...
- Attempting an upgrade of SSIS from version "%1!s!" to version "%2!s!". The package is attempting to upgrade the runtime. ...
- Attempting to clean up Microsoft Azure VM '{0}' resulted in an error. Delete the Virtual Machine '{0}' to avoid any cost. ...
- Attempting to create an output with the name "%1!s!" for the XML table with the path "%2!s!" failed because the name is invalid. ...
- Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). ...
- Attempting to set the result column for the expression "%1!s!" on %2!s! failed with error code 3!8.8X!. The input or output ...
- Attempting to upgrade a Management Data Warehouse of newer version '%1!s!' with an older version '%2!s!'. Upgrade aborted. ...
- Attribute '%{dimattrname/}' of Dimension '%{dimname/}' was not found in CubeDimension '%{cubedimname/}'. In Tabular mode, ...
- Attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' of dimension '%{IMBITableId/}' has a RowNumberBinding, but the type of the attribute is not ...
- Attribute hierarchies in columns set to DAX Usage cannot be included in user defined hierarchies. The attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' ...
- Attribute hierarchies in columns set to DAX Usage cannot be ordered by any other column. The attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' ...
- Attribute names "{0}" and "{1}" are in conflict in the existing or new subscription view. Free-form attribute names cannot ...
- Attribute names in your entity contain reserved words. To run matching on this entity, either rename or delete the attributes. ...
- Attribute relationships do not exist between one or more levels in this hierarchy. The following levels do not have a direct ...
- Attribute relationships do not exist between one or more levels of this hierarchy. This may result in decreased query performance. ...
- Attribute {0} is an identifying attribute of these entities. These entities may become invalid if this attribute is not included. ...
- Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%1!s!' of type TEXT/NTEXT ...
- Attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field not supported on tags having element-centric field '%1' of type TEXT/NTEXT or ...
- Attribute: Track the entity data change by attribute value changes. Member: Track the entity data change by member revisions. ...
- AttributePermission object is not supported for Business Intelligence Semantic Model databases running on an Analysis Services ...
- Attributes of Binary type cannot be used in user defined hierarchies. The attribute '%{IMBIColumnId/}' in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}' ...
- Audit '%1!s!' failed to %2!s! . For more information, see the SQL Server error log. You can also query sys.dm_os_ring_buffers ...
- Audit '%1!s!' has been changed to ON_FAILURE=CONTINUE because the server was started by using the -m flag. because the server ...
- Authentication failed: Authority is not found for ClaimsToken integrated security (either valid Identity Provider or valid ...
- Authentication failed: Impersonation Level set to 'Anonymous' implies that Certificate would not be provided in the connection ...
- Auto close is enabled. Only databases with auto close disabled can be added to an availability group. To turn off auto close, ...
- Auto detect sensitivity for minimum support. Setting this value to 1.0 causes the algorithm to autodetect the smallest appropriate ...
- Autogrow of file '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' took %3!s! milliseconds. Consider using ALTER DATABASE to set a smaller FILEGROWTH ...
- Autogrow of file '%1!s!' in database '%2!s!' was cancelled by user or timed out after %3!s! milliseconds. Use ALTER DATABASE ...
- Automated backups for this availability group should occur on a secondary replica. If there is no secondary replica available, ...