Cannot map the input column, "%1!s!", and the cache column, "%2!s!", because one or more data type properties do not match.
Cannot locate database information in the article cache. Stop and restart SQL Server and the Log Reader Agent. If the problem ...
Cannot make the change because a snapshot is already generated. Set @force_invalidate_snapshot to 1 to force the change and ...
Cannot make the change because the article might be in a publication that has anonymous or client subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription ...
Cannot make the change because there are active subscriptions. Set @force_reinit_subscription to 1 to force the change and ...
Cannot map the input column, "%1!s!", and the cache column, "%2!s!", because one or more data type properties do not match. ...
Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the code pages do not match. Use the Cache ...
Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the length of the data types does not match. ...
Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the precision of the data types does not match. ...
Cannot map the input column, '{0}', to the destination column, '{1}', because the scale of the data types does not match. ...